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Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended

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The Cryptarch's Bane
While that's a feature I'd love to see implemented, with how Destiny has gone so far, I never see them doing it.
I don't really know what you mean, but it would be a good eventual addition. two months is not really that far into life cycle. I know I don't share the majority view of Bungie's plans for this game.
Plus I doubt they'd want people to rock 4 pieces of exotic gear cosmetically.
Exotics shouldn't be able to be transmuted, they're special (most of them look damn good anyway).
Except if either of you looked at the thread you'd seen plenty of people actually discussing the problems with game and saying they enjoy aspects of it, it's not just all bashing. But hey, I guess you can bury your heads in the sand if you want.
I read every page... of course it's not to say you can't pick a post at random and have a chance to see a good analysis that might be valuable to someone making a purchasing decision.

The issue is more that the average post is just- as is understandable based on the thread topic of course- a one or two line post with someone's feelings toward the game ("good" or "bad", "fun" or "boring") and then their personal actions regarding it ("returned it," "still play it every day", "regret it but bought digitally", "played to endgame and quit til DLC", "got bored and quit for other games").

There's nothing wrong with posts like that. A forum is for expressing opinions above all else.

I'm just not sure about the value of a discussion of that nature? Like, other than satisfying one's curiosity about a different cross-section of GAF- those that didn't follow or seek this game's threads after the jump to community.

If nothing else I can just tell you that, after experiencing many threads like it in my time as a gamer, my days of participating in such a discussion are over- even if I feel like I might be able to contribute. :-/ Here's an excerpt to sum up why:
Am I not allowed to think a game is shit while also actively playing it?
I just can't relate. Makes it impossible to gain any traction.


It's not a smart ass comment as that's what you're doing. Those people want to openly talk about the issues with the game, some may be too dramatic about it, ok fair do's. But saying that it's a black and white discussion and because it's up to OT10 that it must be a great game is stupid. There's a lot to talk about Destiny, both what it gets right and wrong.
You post a lot, I was surprised you didn't make the wall of shame in fact, but I haven't seen a single example of you discussing "what it gets right". Every post is either negative to the point of hyperbol or overzealously bashing a user who disagrees with you.
Except if either of you looked at the thread you'd seen plenty of people actually discussing the problems with game and saying they enjoy aspects of it, it's not just all bashing. But hey, I guess you can bury your heads in the sand if you want.

You from that other thread.

Damn, people aren't allowed to share opinions in a Destiny opinion thread without the Destiny defense force popping in. So sad.

How exactly is that conducive to discussion. You just attacked people who are on the other side of the fence.


Neo Member
I tried it last night and got 10 out of 500. I think it may be a while until I unlock the Thorn.

In anticipation of the bounty I fully leveled Atheon's Epilogue and Praedyth's Revenge, put some XP into Corrective Measure (dat stability bump), picked up Truth from Xur (without the lock-on ability unlocked, it's kinda useless right now), and brought a blue void shotty out of retirement, so void damage weps haven't been an issue for me. That being said, these aren't weapons I would typically bring into PVP (Praedyth being an exception, it's reload time and magazine are great), so I still get frustrated easily.

All this planning was actually fun, I'm glad I picked up the bounty.


It's not a smart ass comment as that's what you're doing. Those people want to openly talk about the issues with the game, some may be too dramatic about it, ok fair do's. But saying that it's a black and white discussion and because it's up to OT10 that it must be a great game is stupid. There's a lot to talk about Destiny, both what it gets right and wrong.
I agree that there are a lot to talk about Destiny, but I haven't seen anything in this particular topic we are talking about that was not pure "game sucks, disappointment-ton" in the first pages, followed by a few "game does things good, but lacks content", which is something we are all saying since what, the second week after the game's release?
I think it's still way too soon to do any kind of interesting post-mortem discussion about the game. Feelings are still too much on one side or the other of the fence.

Also, I've never said that it was a great game because we are at OT10.
I've said that for all the shits the game gets, the fact that we are already at OT10 must means that it also does a lot of things right.


You haven't been using a Faction class item yet, right? Getting to Vanguard Rank 2, and then 3 for weapons, isn't quite as bad as it seems- do a few daily bounties every day and especially the "6 patrol missions on whatever planet" (patrols get you rep while doing them, especially "kill the target") missions. The daily story mission and Weekly Heroic strikes (you can do the level 22 one, at the least) get you chunks of rep too. if you can get to 25, I'd be happy to even carry you through the Nightfall today sometime which is worth 500 rep. Are you doing Crucible too? You could buy your first armor piece from there if you hit rank 2 with them first.

You can only equip one exotic armor piece at a time. So you'll want to buy your first legendary armor piece for a slot you can't fill with an exotic. There are multiple viable Warlock exotic pieces though- just about all of them are viable. For now, just worry about your light progression.

When you have the Marks, the Vanguard and Crucible hand cannons, The Devil You Know and Lord High Fixer, are both superb.

I'm crucible-ing like a fiend. It's where I got a lot of my existing gear. So it's best to buy the rank 2 items rather than hoard marks for rank 3? Also I could be 25 right now if I got two more ascendant energy, or leveled up the new blue chestpiece I found.

Resets for weekly stuff are on tuesday right? So I'll need to get the weekly heroic done tonight. Don't have tons of time on workout days but shouldn't be hard. Not expecting a free ride for the nightfall but, uh, 500 rep is a lot.


You post a lot, I was surprised you didn't make the wall of shame in fact, but I haven't seen a single example of you discussing "what it gets right". Every post is either negative to the point of hyperbol or overzealously bashing a user who disagrees with you.

Guess you need to do more snooping in my post history then? Find me some hyperbole as well.

You from that other thread.

How exactly is that conducive to discussion. You just attacked people who are on the other side of the fence.
I've posted my opinion early in the thread, that was simply calling out the defense league who turned up.


What's the consensus on raiding at level 26? I just got my Titan alt there and am wondering if it's worth it to try to get him through tonight before the reset. I have upgraded weapons, including VoC.


What's the consensus on raiding at level 26? I just got my Titan alt there and am wondering if it's worth it to try to get him through tonight before the reset. I have upgraded weapons, including VoC.

Fully upgraded weapons will help but you're gonna feel very weak. With a solid team they can carry you through it.


What's the consensus on raiding at level 26? I just got my Titan alt there and am wondering if it's worth it to try to get him through tonight before the reset. I have upgraded weapons, including VoC.

Play like you're made of glass, and you may make it out of the vault.
Guess you need to do more snooping in my post history then? Find me some hyperbole as well.

I've posted my opinion early in the thread, that was simply calling out the defense league who turned up.

What makes them a defense league? Because they share an opposing opinion from you? Do you not get how demeaning that is, and how unhelpful that is to a conversation?

What if I just assumed you must be a Halo fanboy, and your are butt hurt over Bungie leaving. What if I just labeled you as part of the Halo defense force, and hand waived anything you say?

It's just such an asinine thing to say is all.

Deku Tree

What's the consensus on raiding at level 26? I just got my Titan alt there and am wondering if it's worth it to try to get him through tonight before the reset. I have upgraded weapons, including VoC.

In the final room the enemies are level 28. That means their damage to you is increased a lot and your damage to them is decreased a lot. With a solid team it is difficult but do-able.
haha wow! that's pretty awesome. always good to have a group of friends with the ballerhorn, it's definitely a big help to the raid group. one guy in our raid group has had it forever and it's awesome. he got it AGAIN during a nightfall with us :p

I have my new character ready for the Nightfall tonight. Maybe I can get the Horn of Plenty to drop for me finally. Then maybe I can get some folks together for a last-minute hard raid. Or at least I can finish off the Atheon hard checkpoint on my now-29 Hunter.

... then it all starts over again tomorrow.


The Cryptarch's Bane
But saying that it's a black and white discussion and because it's up to OT10 that it must be a great game is stupid. There's a lot to talk about Destiny, both what it gets right and wrong.
you know, I really did try my best to explain how these facts- Destiny was the fastest game to ever hit OT10 on GAF, the second franchise ever to do so, still has a record number of active users per thread compared to other popular games, has a variable post rate with intensive spikes putting it over 1ppm- relate to the opinions expressed about it, the things people claim when discussing it.

Do they translate into it being the best, or second best or third best game ever? Hell no. Of course not. It's way, way more complicated than that.

But I'm pretty much willing to go out on a limb and say that yes: that OT number up there two months out from launch is indicative of the fact that it's a great game. No more and no less. A great, flawed, addictive, frustrating, repetitive, unique, content-starved, gorgeous, fantastic-sounding, stingy, cryptic, hilarious, balls-out fun game. More importantly, there's nothing like it. It's popular for a reason.

When you tell me I'm "burying my head in the sand" or pipe up about the "Destiny defense force" (deja vu there btw), you're being exactly as reductionist as you mean to accuse "the other side" of being. The idea that anyone who notes "hey, an apparent consensus of 'Destiny sucks' doesn't really match up with the forum's habits in total" is telling people not to share their opinions is just a fallacy.
I'm crucible-ing like a fiend. It's where I got a lot of my existing gear. So it's best to buy the rank 2 items rather than hoard marks for rank 3? Also I could be 25 right now if I got two more ascendant energy, or leveled up the new blue chestpiece I found.

Resets for weekly stuff are on tuesday right? So I'll need to get the weekly heroic done tonight. Don't have tons of time on workout days but shouldn't be hard. Not expecting a free ride for the nightfall but, uh, 500 rep is a lot.
The armor you can buy at rank 2 will raise your light- replace your Blue pieces with purples as soon as possible! Get a crucible chest for 65 marks, it's absolutely worth it.

And yeah, reset is tomorrow. I'm offering the free ride, no one took me up on the scheduled Friday night ones ;) PSN id is Hawkian if you want to add me when you get the chance.
Can I just go on record here about how freaking much I love salvage and control? I played clash for a little bit last night for the first time in a while and realized why I don't stray over there very much. There is no map flow.

Objective based maps are superior.



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I've posted my opinion early in the thread, that was simply calling out the defense league who turned up.

You're calling out people who turned up to argue the other side of the discussion? Alright.

I know full well how much of a "defense force" GAF has for nearly anything, but that term gets used far, far too often here. If you argue a different position on ANYTHING, you get people posting "omg the defense force is here". It's one of the more annoying trends on GAF over the years.


What makes them a defense league? Because they share an opposing opinion from you? Do you not get how demeaning that is, and how unhelpful that is to a conversation?

What if I just assumed you must be a Halo fanboy, and your are butt hurt over Bungie leaving. What if I just labeled you as part of the Halo defense force, and hand waived anything you say?

It's just such an asinine thing to say is all.

Basically I was calling out one person, should have just quoted them really to avoid confusion. There's clearly one dude in there pissed that people are saying it sucks.

Sorry everyone for the misuse of Defense Force, I should have said lone defender. I'll return to just ragging on shit that I hate in this game.


Can I just go on record here about how freaking much I love salvage and control? I played clash for a little bit last night for the first time in a while and realized why I don't stray over there very much. There is no map flow.

Objective based maps are superior.

I really wish Salvage was always available...


I don't really know what you mean, but it would be a good eventual addition. two months is not really that far into life cycle. I know I don't share the majority view of Bungie's plans for this game.

It doesn't really have anything to do with Bungie's plans. With how they've handled actual bug fixes, how they've prioritized things that should be on the low end of the list and ignored things that should be on the high end, it's obvious it's not coming anytime soon. With how many bugs still need to be fixed and other simple things that need tuning like buffing exotics and how long it's taken them to do it, transmutation is at the bottom of their list. Even if they really want to do it, there's so much to do before hand that I don't see it happening. Maybe in Destiny 2.

That being said if I'm wrong I'd be ecstatic. I have a blue titan helmet waiting in the vault.


I'd just like to say that Bad Juju is actually an interesting weapon, and no where as disgustingly underpowered as everyone says it is.


Fully upgraded weapons will help but you're gonna feel very weak. With a solid team they can carry you through it.

Play like you're made of glass, and you may make it out of the vault.

In the final room the enemies are level 28. That means their damage to you is increased a lot and your damage to them is decreased a lot. With a solid team it is difficult but do-able.

Yeah, maybe I'll hang until I get my Titan to 27. That should be tomorrow when I can grab some more crucible marks.
I'm starting to play more crucible, after not touching the stuff since the first week. I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying it. Nice change of pace. I've been jumping on with a buddy after we do the daily and vanguard bounties, so I don't know if I'd have as much fun solo. For as terrible as I used to be at Halo, I'm actually doing pretty solid. Lead one match in points, in which I went crazy with machine gun kills to win a match we were down big. I'm consistently finishing 2nd or 3rd.


I'd just like to say that Bad Juju is actually an interesting weapon, and no where as disgustingly underpowered as everyone says it is.

I believe it's useable in PvE in situations where you can kill enemies within the clip limit, but for more powerful enemies and PvE it's not so hot.


I'd just like to say that Bad Juju is actually an interesting weapon, and no where as disgustingly underpowered as everyone says it is.

I'll be honest here, I HATED the bad juju, once I unlocked string of curses it became 100 times better. I still think it needs a buff though.

Deku Tree

Yeah, maybe I'll hang until I get my Titan to 27. That should be tomorrow when I can grab some more crucible marks.

Other side is if you have a team that knows the strategies and wants to try, then you can likely make it to the final room today at level 26 and you'll get a lot of shards and energies and maybe luckily other stuff and then tomorrow is the reset (Tuesday 4 or 5am est) so you can get all the loot again and you'll gain some experience on the first part of the raid.


Can someone explain the double grenade perk on Armamentarium? Do you spawn with two, or can your grenade cooldown actually restock two for you after long enough?

Either way, it's a great piece of armor. More special and Heavy ammo is incredible.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Can I just go on record here about how freaking much I love salvage and control? I played clash for a little bit last night for the first time in a while and realized why I don't stray over there very much. There is no map flow.

Objective based maps are superior.
Hahaha wow, Salvage is my favorite mode and Control is my least favorite mode.

I'm surprised to hear "no map flow" as a claim about Clash, although god if that isn't the truth on First Light. It is more subtle than the objective maps, I will definitely concede that, but chasing special ammo spawns to a defensible area with access to the heavy ammo spawn has been pretty compelling to me. There are maps that I cannot tolerate whatsoever in Control that I really enjoy in Clash and Rumble.

Salvage is great though because it has the benefits of Control (drives the action explicitly, without the need to communicate to be effective), without the bad parts (5 kills from a fist of havoc on B xD), and remains playable with randoms (Skirmish just doesn't work for me with pugs, they never seem to want to stick together).

I did have this completely bizarre Salvage match though.
The guy didn't want anything to DO with the salvage relics. Any time one spawned, he would run as fast as possible to the other side of the map and crouch and stay perfectly still. After going up and trying to claim/hold/retake the point alone and getting wrecked, I'd go by where he was and see him still just sitting there. He never even got close to helping out in any way let along rezzing me. It felt like he was on the other team. o_O
Can someone explain the double grenade perk on Armamentarium? Do you spawn with two, or can your grenade cooldown actually restock two for you after long enough?

Either way, it's a great piece of armor. More special and Heavy ammo is incredible.
It'll restock back up to two; if you have the Gunslinger skill Gambler's Dagger you can see how it works.


Guess you need to do more snooping in my post history then? Find me some hyperbole as well. .

Never seen you post anything positive. You post every day and every one I've seen is a complaint or you fighting with someone else.

Not sure what you're enjoying about Destiny because I've never seen you express it.

If I disliked a game enough that the majority of my posts about it were negative. I'd quit.

What are the reasons you keep playing? You must enjoy aspects of the game.


I believe it's useable in PvE in situations where you can kill enemies within the clip limit, but for more powerful enemies and PvE it's not so hot.

Yup you're right. I think I'm gonna try PvP once I unlock the stability perk. I think it might work for me, I'm a pulse rifle player.


Never seen you post anything positive. You post every day and every one I've seen is a complaint or you fighting with someone else.

Not sure what you're enjoying about Destiny because I've never seen you express it.

If I disliked a game enough that the majority if my posts about it were negative. I'd quit.

What are the reasons you keep playing? You must enjoy aspects of the game.

Guess we're different people then 0_o

Well the gunplay and combat is fantastic, Bungie at it's finest obviously. The graphics, environments and level design is great along with the music, just overall the presentation of the game is top notch. And the game is amazingly addicting even though it's generally a slog of doing bounties, dailies and weeklies now which is getting stale. But there are just so many glaringly bad design choices that should never have made it into the game and it annoys me every time I play it.

Deku Tree

hey deej why do your patches take so fucking long to come out

god damn

Hopefully slow to come out patches mean they got some QC testing and they don't introduce new bugs... I am ok waiting a bit... We now have good strategies to overcome most of the hard Atheon bugs so unless your doing flawless it's very frustrating sometimes but do-able.


best way to play salvage is to always let the other team capture the relic, then go in with your team, flank and cleanup then dismantle the relic. you get WAY more points for dismantling relics than you do for capturing/defending them.


Other side is if you have a team that knows the strategies and wants to try, then you can likely make it to the final room today at level 26 and you'll get a lot of shards and energies and maybe luckily other stuff and then tomorrow is the reset (Tuesday 4 or 5am est) so you can get all the loot again and you'll gain some experience on the first part of the raid.

Yeah, maybe I'll try. Hate hurting my team though. I've done the raid once on my main warlock. I was actually already 29 though, so I think I was pretty effective and only died once or twice from actual enemies.
I did have this completely bizarre Salvage match though.

The guy didn't want anything to DO with the salvage relics. Any time one spawned, he would run as fast as possible to the other side of the map and crouch and stay perfectly still. After going up and trying to claim/hold/retake the point alone and getting wrecked, I'd go by where he was and see him still just sitting there. He never even got close to helping out in any way let along rezzing me. It felt like he was on the other team. o_O

This sounds like someone trying to get to the top of their personal leaderboard for longest life in a game.


Can I just go on record here about how freaking much I love salvage and control? I played clash for a little bit last night for the first time in a while and realized why I don't stray over there very much. There is no map flow.

Objective based maps are superior.

What website are you looking at your stats at?


I definitely like control better than clash so far. Haven't had a chance to try salvage yet - will do so when it shows up as a bounty.
best way to play salvage is to always let the other team capture the relic, then go in with your team, flank and cleanup then dismantle the relic. you get WAY more points for dismantling relics than you do for capturing/defending them.

Hey, why don't you tell everyone how we clean up in Salvage? Oh, you already did? Perfect.

You're the one who probably Bungie about Loot Closet 2.0.


The Cryptarch's Bane
This sounds like someone trying to get to the top of their personal leaderboard for longest life in a game.
Look at his k/d though! no way that strategy worked. He got pasted constantly. It was truly bizarre.

Is that a record that bungie.net actually keeps btw, longest life?

edit: ahhh grats GutZ. i'll add you.

you guys are crazy!


Anyone down for raid/nightfall/weekly tomorrow around 1pm EST?

Level 30 Titan and Level 29 Hunter

Add me!

I would be - have the day off for the holiday. 29 Warlock and 26 (27 tomorrow probably) Titan and would love to raid.

not near my PS4 now but PSN: spyder_ur
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