I don't know if Hawkmoon will ever show since it is PS Exclusive. Well, I guess it could in about a year?
I don't know if Hawkmoon will ever show since it is PS Exclusive. Well, I guess it could in about a year?
Yes. OvOHmmm. My point is that when people say a gun is good, they forget that there is skill required as well.
You're saying "and I'm a decent shot" where 'decent' means there's people better than you at shooting.
I'm saying 'decent' means you're better than average, so for most people who can't shoot as well as you, the results will be different.
So when someone uses the statement 'decent' they wouldn't use 'and' they would use 'but' because it's a less than average scenario to be higher than average. It's like when people say "I could care less". Yes you could care less, you should be saying "I couldn't care less".
Are there any guides for flawless runs? Sure I can run around and easily beat normal raid, but to minimize risk, I have no idea what to do let alone what a team should do so no one dies at each stage.
No idea how they 'buff' that weapon.I'm scared about the Thorn buff. Everyone is asking for a reload speed buff and increased magazine. I'm not sure we're considering exactly how good it will be with both of those weaknesses eliminated out of the box.
I don't know if Hawkmoon will ever show since it is PS Exclusive. Well, I guess it could in about a year?
I'm getting a lot of messages, but I can't read any of them. Thanks for the notifications PSN.
Raid messages? I'd be down for that.
No idea how they 'buff' that weapon.
I'm getting a lot of messages, but I can't read any of them. Thanks for the notifications PSN.
Raid messages? I'd be down for that.
No idea how they 'buff' that weapon.
0-2 , still looking for some help finishing off this weekly.
I'm almost home!
I don't think I can play that much longer. Scrubs bringing me down.
Looking to run HM GK/Atheon and have 2 spots open. We've got 2 30's and 2 29s right now.
Damn, I hate being the first to die in the heroic raid.
0-4 solo. Just need anybody to knock out a 28 weekly heroic, at the last boss. PS4: Mazre_
Take a break. I'll be on pretty late heh
Are there any guides for flawless runs? Sure I can run around and easily beat normal raid, but to minimize risk, I have no idea what to do let alone what a team should do so no one dies at each stage.
If we can do it quick.Anyone up for raid normal? got Atheon checkpoint. If interested add me ps4. Will be on in about 15 mins
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
I'm done. Gonna farm some helium filaments to relax.
Anyone up for raid normal? got Atheon checkpoint. If interested add me ps4. Will be on in about 15 mins
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Anyone up for raid normal? got Atheon checkpoint. If interested add me ps4. Will be on in about 15 mins
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Anyone up for raid normal? got Atheon checkpoint. If interested add me ps4. Will be on in about 15 mins
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
(jumps into your fire team and tries to run you over with sparrow)
I'm helpful!
(jumps into your fire team and tries to run you over with sparrow)
I'm helpful!
Anyone up for raid normal? got Atheon checkpoint. If interested add me ps4. Will be on in about 15 mins
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
sent FR
I'm pretty sure this has been talked about before but for those who use warlocks and have the voidfang vestments upgraded to where you spawn with grenades. If you switch a armor piece i.e. helmet/boots/gloves after using your grenades you respawn grenades after exiting the menu screen. I'm trying to level up my lucky raspberry (hunter) to see if this works also. I found this out the other day while completing the raid.
If we can do it quick.
About to eat.
How many you need?
I'm up for this. Atheon anyway
I can jump in. Psn Dontbrickmebro
I'll be there.I already have you.
PSN: Catfax
It is mathematically the best primary gun for killing oracles and minotaurs in the raid. It's beast.I'm one slot away from maxing it and I still think it's terrible.
Give me all of your helium filaments and I'll be good.
It is mathematically the best primary gun for killing oracles and minotaurs in the raid. It's beast.
It is? I have VOC and Epilogue maxed and I think Epilogue is terrible. I tried it on Oracles once and I thought VOC was better. Now that I have maxed Corrective....it doesn't really matter.
5 against 3 and I'm the only one on my team with a positive k/d ratio. Wtf? How can you be that bad?
Scout Rifles and especially Hand Cannons do reduced damage to oracles.It is? I have VOC and Epilogue maxed and I think Epilogue is terrible. I tried it on Oracles once and I thought VOC was better. Now that I have maxed Corrective....it doesn't really matter.
There's so many shitty players in PvP, and I always seem to be on the same team as them. The upside is that I always get the Enforcer bounty done pretty quick lol.
Scout Rifles and especially Hand Cannons do reduced damage to oracles.
Auto Rifles have no damage penalty.