Need 1 for Atheon normal raid. Msg psn: seeseven70
Still open?
Need 1 for Atheon normal raid. Msg psn: seeseven70
I know. They still would never do it.We are talking basic mats like Spirit Blooms.
Sorry Nug, I would up finding someone on my friends list and forgot about this post. My bad!Still open?
I know. They still would never do it.
Need 30s for hard mode gatekeeper checkpoint. Save us. Psn Mayle.
Ahh. Thanks. Didn't realize heroic dailies had Angry modifiers. No wonder that was so annoyingly tough. Made me whip out the Ballerhorn and clean house (was trying to level another heavy so I had it tucked away). Sweet revenge.That's the "angry" modifier. Enemies don't flinch when shot. I've been busy trying to level an alt, so I've missed the daily a few days this week, but I would have skipped today either way. Angry and Cabal just equals no fun. I'll deal with it for the 9 coins, or nightfall, but not for a couple of shards.
Ahh. Thanks. Didn't realize heroic dailies had Angry modifiers. No wonder that was so annoyingly tough. Made me whip out the Ballerhorn and clean house (was trying to level another heavy so I had it tucked away). Sweet revenge.That's the "angry" modifier. Enemies don't flinch when shot. I've been busy trying to level an alt, so I've missed the daily a few days this week, but I would have skipped today either way. Angry and Cabal just equals no fun. I'll deal with it for the 9 coins, or nightfall, but not for a couple of shards.
How many more you need?
Just 2.
It's finally that time. My friends and I are looking to do our first full normal raid tonight at around 9pm EST. The 3 of us are all level 28 and up and have little experience with the raid. (I'm the only one to have done some sections)
We are looking for 1 more player to join us and try and knock one out. Preferably players with some patience and a good attitude. Experience not required (which may lead to some headaches lol)
PSN bobinko66
Let me know on this board if you are interested as I will check this up until tonight. Send off a friend request and we can have some fun.
1. bobinko66 (me lvl 28 sunsinger)
2. chippy13 (lvl29 gunslinger)
3. jefflewis201 (lvl28 striker)
4. spyder_ur (lvl 28 titan)
5. Berried_treasurE (lvl 28 titan)
Thanks to everyone for the finish of normal raid. No items but it was the best time I've had in Destiny. Glad we didn't cheese anything as I now feel comfortable in all roles. Can't wait for next week.
Not a 30 but can helpNeed 30s for hard mode gatekeeper checkpoint. Save us. Psn Mayle.
Bigmanny287 Lvl29 with max weaponsdoing a 30 raid hard, need 1 29 or 1 30
PSN: gr1mj0w
Last call before we practice with five people!Anybody on PS4 interested in doing a flawless run? Need one more.
PSN Kopyasu
Just 2.
Not a 30 but can help
I think I'll have to chicken out man, not wanna be the guy to leave mid atheon fight later on but I don't have time on my hands right now but good luck, I'm sure you'll find some people.
Anybody on PS4 interested in doing a flawless run? Need one more.
PSN Kopyasu
FINALLY GOT TO 20!!! Well, 25 actually haha. Had a bunch of hunter gear saved up.
I'm happy I finally got to 30 last night(20 mins ago).
At Atheon on hard. Any level 30s out there? Need four. Reply with PSN ID.
Let me know if you need one more.Anybody on PS4 interested in doing a flawless run? Need one more.
PSN Kopyasu
Full now. Thanks for the replies.
I'm happy I finally got to 30 last night(20 mins ago).
I got hella invites as I was getting offline. I do like dealing decent damage in the hard raid though...and not getting bopped hard by pretorians.
Anyways, GAF...what I do now that I'm at 30? More raids? Collect Exotics, chill with the homies?
New flawless glitch:
Oracles in the portals spawn in the opposite order.
Thanks Atheon.
New flawless glitch:
Oracles in the portals spawn in the opposite order.
Thanks Atheon.
At Atheon on hard. Any level 30s out there? Need four. Reply with PSN ID.