Yeah we already figured out that if you play straight on hard the game sometimes picks both loot drops from the hard loot pool.
I'm 29 but no raid gloves nor boots.
Still doing normal.
I'm definitely going to start playing through on normal, then hard. Last time I got two helmets at Atheon, so I figure my chance of getting a chest piece on hard must be really low. Maybe it's just coincidence, but I'd figure I'd kick myself if I got two PR's and zero VoC's running on hard. No reason to not run normal real quick just in case it matters.
i'm on my third found verdict... how in the fuck am i supposed to reach lvl 30 if the game simply doesn't want to give me the fucking gear needed?!
From now on I'm just gonna be doing the HM raid personally. Theres no need to do normal once you hit 29 imho.
Yeah, I just do hard anyway because it's more efficient. If the weight of the drops was actually figured out, I might consider doing normal first. I don't think it works like that though unfortunately.
The gunsmith is selling rare fusion rifles - for another 2hrs 20mins.
I've noticed, guys, that I can kill A-dog on normal get some stuff and kill him on hard and still get three things. Normally when I just do hard first, he drops only three things.
With 3 characters I just can't find the time to do 6 raids a week. All I want from the raid at this point is just the vex now.
Timepiece only drops from gatekeepers.
It's the only raid weapon which I think shouldn't be one. That is mostly because pulse rifles suck dick and have no place in this game but also because the weapon itself is so bad. It's the equivalent of an assault rifle with high rate of fire and super low impact. Except that because it's not an AR the rate of fire is lower. It's just bad.
Praetorian foil on the other hand drops from Templar and is one of the best fusion rifles in the game. High impact and good perks on it.
got that weapon twice this week on the same raid, after oracles and after templar.
What are the odds of that shit happening?
I've noticed, guys, that I can kill A-dog on normal get some stuff and kill him on hard and still get three things. Normally when I just do hard first, he drops only three things.
All these TLW users getting acquainted with my thorn...YALL GON LEARN TODAY!
Hmmmm Interdasting.
On an other note, guys, where the hell do i get a rare sparrow? Obviously i'm not gonna get timebreaker because i want it and RNG hates me so where else?
I'm still rocking the green one from questing and it's slow as shit.
Warlock is finally 30!![]()
Now just need raid gear for my Titan.
Awesome raid team last night.
1. bobinko66 (me lvl 28 sunsinger)
2. chippy13 (lvl29 gunslinger)
3. jefflewis201 (lvl28 striker)
4. spyder_ur (lvl 28 titan)
5. Berried_treasurE (lvl 28 titan)
6. Robdraggoo
Definitely made that the best time I've had in destiny yet. Anytime you guys want to do another I'm in.
Nice... Have you got max Gjallerhorn? I believe bogue needs more for the team
I do. I could have done it on my 30 Hunter anyway, but I have to get off for a bit, sorry. Would love to break the record.
Yup - that was a real good time (I'm Spyder). Easily my most productive in terms of gear, too. Raid boots, Found Verdict, and at the end, the Horn! Finally.
Warlock is finally 30!![]()
Now just need raid gear for my Titan.
It'll cost you 175 marks from the crucible or vanguard vendors.
TLW has nothing on Thorn when it comes to PvP. Earn you get comfortable with Thorn and use it the way it wants you to it's a total walkover.
Grats! Warlocks are better than Hunters, Welcome to the Warlock Master Race
Thank you, I'll Check em out!
Awesome, let's see if we can get two more. Maxed GH+30+PS4.
1.) Boguester
2.) Astro
3.) Steroyd
4.) Lollipop
Obviously people who replied earlier should have first dibs but let's see if we can even get enough people.
Grats! Warlocks are better than Hunters, Welcome to the Warlock Master Race
Thank you, I'll Check em out!
Nope but I'm going to. Just really enjoying the multi tool at the moment. Plus I really want to find out what difference the hair trigger perk makes.
i'm on my third found verdict... how in the fuck am i supposed to reach lvl 30 if the game simply doesn't want to give me the fucking gear needed?!
Any fresh hard raids starting soon on PS4? Anyone interestd in joining one?
I have two right now ready to do it. Myself (level 30 hunter) and a friend (level 29 hunter, only needing shards to hit 30).
My psn name is the same as here.
List so far:
I can't believe I don't have Gjallarhorn yet. I've seen people get that from a damn chest multiple times![]()
Ill join psn pansargryning 29 sunbro
Too bad on the flawless run, on such a stupid part twice as well. Thanks for joining anyway!
If anyone else is looking to do a flawless run, I'd be happy to join up.
Fucking hell I need 3 strange coins to get the Last Word, the absolute last Destiny trinket I'm interested about. Even solo'd the weekly for this, after over a week of not playing the game. This is the endgame for me.
Do blue engrams still have a chance of dropping strange coins? And of course it's just my luck that the stupid ass Cryptarch is not selling any blue engrams right now. I guess I'll do some public events or some shit.
1.WHOAguitarninja (30 hunter)
2. Danno333(29 hunter)
3.Pansargryning(29 sunbro)
Can probably take 1 more 29. Rest should be 30.
PS4 Hard Atheon Kill: record attempt as soon as we get 1 more
6 Lv30s + 6 maxed GHs + 6 Illuminated WoL + Time's Vengeance
1.) Boguester
2.) Astro
3.) Steroyd
4.) Lollipop
5.) Greenymac
Obviously people who replied earlier should have first dibs but let's see if we can even get enough people.