Oh, so TLW - High Caliber Rounds or Perfect Balance?
Opinions...first exotic helm for usefulness in Raid...Insurmountable skullfort or helm of inmost light? Of course the saint one but I dont have that for my Titan once he hits 20
I got the Pocket Infinity bounty. I'm not at the last segment yet but just to be ready by the time the moment comes:
1. Do kills with the Vex Mythoclast count towards the tally? And,
2. Do I have to get the 200 kills in one try without wiping to orbit?
Oh, so TLW - High Caliber Rounds or Perfect Balance?
Thank you. That doesn't sound too bad then. If Bungie ever decides to give us another Solar burn it'll be rather easy then.1. yes
2. no
Thank you. That doesn't sound too bad then. If Bungie ever decides to give us another Solar burn it'll be rather easy then.
Psn didnt let me see the msg and I forgot to recheck! Up to 17 now. Gonna finish last story then pvp...
go gators
set their baseline record at 1:48 total, :30 of actual damageHow'd the Ghorn Atheon kill speed run go?
How'd the Ghorn Atheon kill speed run go?
Yeah, I figured as much. Messaging is especially awful on weekends. Thought about just joining but didn't want to bother you. Some people are weird about it. My bad. Watched Senna, btw. Thanks for the rec.
All day!
Any tips? :3
I have telemitries.
Yeah...There should be a relic training session one day...
Let me know if you guys still need to do this tomorrow. I will use my lvl30 and help you guys finish it.Anyone need Atheon on Normal, or want to help a pair of GAFers take him out? Need 4.
Join up on PS4: Ourobolus
I've been doing crucible most of the weekend and I've hardly seen another Last Word....really surprised. I'm wrecking people with it. I got my 2 highest scores ever back to back today once I unlocked everything.
There should be a relic training session one day...
Anyone up for flawless right now? PS4.
Have 2 people.
PSN Unknown837
Does anyone play PvP better as a lone wolf vs with your clan/group?
I am close to first if not first on my team each time I go alone. If I play with others I somehow end up at the bottom of the board with a .8 k/d or something even worse.
How does that happen?
fusion rifles have infested the crucible
On release day. FIFY
Need two people for normal Atheon if you're interested. This isn't a gaf group and they ain't the greatest, so I have no idea how long Atheon might take.
Edit: need 1 more now.
Do weeklies and Raid progress turn over on Monday at 1AM PST, or Tuesday at 1AM PST? I can never fucking remember...
It doesn't. But you can hip fire the thing Rambo style when four out of five missed shots return straight to the mag. I'm leveling mine all the way just to see what the DPS is like.Has anyone fully upgraded super good advice? It seems to kick a lot and am wondering if it gets any better. I really want to like this gun...
Just won a game in crucible, went 21-6 k/d, came top of the team.
My reward
Whoops sorry man. Missed that. But if anyone bails, I'll send you messageI can jump in if you still need 1 more. 30 titan w/ maxed everything. PSN is DrDrizzay101
eh, it was always shotguns and ars, then just ars, now mostly frs from what i've encountered