Nvm just beat gatekeepers. Fucking shards
Full atm, and struggling with gate keepers as were all 29.
Anyone down for Tiger Strikes??? Gonna wait 5 min in orbit for a reply...
I'm game; just give me some time to change characters
Anyone down for Tiger Strikes??? Gonna wait 5 min in orbit for a reply...
Ok so Atheon speed record, we have the checkpoint on multiple characters.
Zakalwe (astropoff)
Boguester (DrDrizzay101)
And potentially:
Any other takers? Level 30, max Gjallarhorn, Titan if possible (we won't be picky if you don't have a Titan maxed).
Let us know here or in game.
Experienced Bladedancers, is Blink Strike as good of a melee ability as I think it is? Is it worth building my Hunter around it (Intellect + Strength)?
I'm a total Hunter newb and coming from a Titan who loves to be up close and in the action.
Also, what is the best grenade for PvP?
Blink Strike is great but never build completely around it with Strength- if you want it on low cooldown just use Fast Twitch.Experienced Bladedancers, is Blink Strike as good of a melee ability as I think it is? Is it worth building my Hunter around it (Intellect + Strength)?
I'm a total Hunter newb and coming from a Titan who loves to be up close and in the action.
Also, what is the best grenade for PvP?
Blink Strike is great but never build completely around it with Strength- if you want it on low cooldown just use Fast Twitch.
edit: damn it. at least you're a pso fan.
I don't have Lucky Raspberry and always use Flux grenades. but I would switch to arcbolt with it equipped.
Ill be around later to try. My titan just hit 25 and I need to do strikes to nab a chest and get raid ready. 3 Characters is like having a job....
Couldn't agree more. Did 3 weeklies last night, 2 Nightfalls, one raid..
Does anyone have an advice for the Raid on Hard?
We've nearly dragged our group up to atleast 29. Many of us have lots of fully upgraded weapons. Soon we will have a 30. A few slackers but we will keep at it.
How much of a jump is it? Is it feasible to atleast make it past the Templar relatively easily? Even if we were to get the Orcale and Templar rewards, that's still two more rewards a week.
my condolences, let's all learn a valuable lesson from this seasonAnd a gators fan.![]()
So let's say you have every exotic and legendary weapon and you never play crucible and are level 30.
What 3 weapons would be the best to use?
I never play Crucible but want to try Iron Banner next week.
My Vision of Confluence is at 288/300 attack so it's almost ready for me to use it in the Raid. Question about perks: stability or field scout?
My Vision of Confluence is at 288/300 attack so it's almost ready for me to use it in the Raid. Question about perks: stability or field scout?
There is no setup that works for all maps. There is no best.
My setup will be:
Primary: Suros Regime / The Last Word
Secondary: Found Verdict / Praedyth's Revenge
Heavy: Jolder's Hammer
All 300 of course.
Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking for a setup. But what's Jolders Hammer?
So went 16-0 in crucible last night and it said "...Prevailed Unbroken" and "...found a Legendary Engram" immediately after.
Not the first time I've gone through a match without dying, nor the highest number of kills I've completed a match with and had no deaths. But it is the first time I've seen it say I prevailed unbroken. And also the first time I got a legendary engram in a long time. I do not know when they added the prevailed unbroken to the kill feed, but I know there has been an unbroken medal forever.
I know it could be coincidence, but I was convinced I received the engram because I went without a death and maybe over a certain amount of kills. I was also convinced it was a very special legendary engram I got, and called that it would turn into an exotic. Lo and behold, it turned into a Plan C.
I use field scout. VoC is stable enough for me without the extra stability perk. But I think that most of the time too.
Perfect, thanks. I want to be ready for hard raid next reset now that I'm level 30. Atheon's Epilogue and Ice Breaker already at 300, working on Vision of Confluence and Corrective Measure now.FS, imo. It's already very stable.
Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking for a setup. But what's Jolders Hammer?
Quick google search says
Iron Banner Machine Gun.
You get a Mark of the Unbroken for scoring 7+ kills and having 0 deaths when the match ends
I've never been rewarded when I earnt one.
Vault of Glass - Hard
3pm Eastern (roughly 4 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory
2) aMadTeaParty7
3) Ratsult2
Look for 3 to help with the hard raid. Currently I'm the only level 30, but everyone on the list so far has all weapons at 300. I personally have a 300 Epilogue, Icebreaker, Corrective Measure that I use for the raid.
This raid will be front to back. We will be doing minimal cheesing. (I.E. no hiding in the spirit bloom cave, no pushing the templar off the edge)
Interesting, I didn't do the last Iron Banner. So what would be a good heavy replacement?
Vault of Glass - Hard
3pm Eastern (roughly 4 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory
2) aMadTeaParty7
3) Ratsult2
Look for 3 to help with the hard raid. Currently I'm the only level 30, but everyone on the list so far has all weapons at 300. I personally have a 300 Epilogue, Icebreaker, Corrective Measure that I use for the raid.
This raid will be front to back. We will be doing minimal cheesing. (I.E. no hiding in the spirit bloom cave, no pushing the templar off the edge)
Interesting, I didn't do the last Iron Banner. So what would be a good heavy replacement?
What is the difference between "minimal cheese"
and "no cheese"? I am finished raiding for this week.
I know of the mark of the unbroken. But did it always announce it in the kill feed at the end of the game? I remember there used to be a mark of the unbroken bounty that popped up in the beta/alpha at least. Don't think I've seen that bounty in the full game though.
Depends on your style:So let's say you have every exotic and legendary weapon and you never play crucible and are level 30.
What 3 weapons would be the best to use?
I never play Crucible but want to try Iron Banner next week.
Depends on your style:
Run and gun? Suros
Range/sniper? Patience and Time
Up close and personal? Found Verdict
Armamentarium and double nades too.![]()
You get a Mark of the Unbroken for scoring 7+ kills and having 0 deaths when the match ends
I've never been rewarded when I earnt one.
There is not a single scenario where a patience and time will be more useful than praedyth's revenge. Just as these dumb fucks using ice breaker in crucible. I just laugh at them.
Trophies I still need to be guardian lord:
Assist Capture 50 points on control
Reach weekly crucible marks cap
Get 25 heavy weapon PvP kills
Discover 50 dead ghosts
Do a raid with your clan
Flawless raider
Level a complete hunter subclass
Not sure if I care enough to intentionally work at getting the platinum.
I have both but hey cloaking is a good deal. Some may like that but I know Praedyth is rock solid and stable. P&T is too though..
The cloaking is useful until you realize that the red light still shows while scoped. It's so easy to make out a person using it that they might as well not be cloaked at all.
I thought it was 15+
Edit: just checked and it is indeed 15
Heavy MG that you could buy last IB. Best legendary machine gun in the game although something like The Swarm would work too. Even better if you have one with Field scout.
Regarding prevailed unbroken. This is only triggered once you finish a game with no deaths and a minimum of 15 kills.
As long as you meet the requirements it does, yes.
That bounty may have been removed, would have promoted far too much hiding/camping.
Anyone up for taking down Xyor to finish up this Thorn bounty? It's been a long road and I'd love to close the book on it!
PSN: Temidien
So let's say you have every exotic and legendary weapon and you never play crucible and are level 30.
What 3 weapons would be the best to use?
I never play Crucible but want to try Iron Banner next week.