Rubenov filled up and started raiding a while ago I think.
Yes. Boots and gloves for all characters.
A surprising amount of people these days lack any sort of initiativeYou folks could start your own raid almost with all the responses to Rubenov's hour plus old post.
I asked in the raid thread but this seems more active. How long does the hard raid take? I've done the normal raid 3 times now but never attempted the hard one. I'm level 29 so I should be doing the hard one, right?
Anyone for weekly and/or nightfall?
29 hunter, PSN scarletham.
I asked in the raid thread but this seems more active. How long does the hard raid take? I've done the normal raid 3 times now but never attempted the hard one. I'm level 29 so I should be doing the hard one, right?
You can't revive in Hard raid?29 is still tough for the hard raid especially if your whole team is 29. You can be one shot by hobgoblins at 29, and hard raid has no revives. Every enemy is level 30.
It can be done with all 29s but it's much harder. You absolutely need maxxed 300 attack weapons.
An experienced crew can do the hard raid in an hour or so. An inexperienced hard raid crew of 29s can take many hours or end up giving up and rage quitting even...
29 is still tough for the hard raid especially if your whole team is 29. You can be one shot by hobgoblins at 29, and hard raid has no revives. Every enemy is level 30.
It can be done with all 29s but it's much harder. You absolutely need maxxed 300 attack weapons.
An experienced crew can do the hard raid in an hour or so. An inexperienced hard raid crew of 29s can take many hours or end up giving up and rage quitting even...
I need so many materials for upgrades but just can't stand going in mindless circles looking for it. IIRC bungie is going to make it easier to get materials in a future update. Have they said anything else about how that will work?
Yes you need a mix of 29s and 30s. Especially confluxes.
I'm not the best PvP player out there, I average 1.0 K/D usually on Control. I hope I can find an Iron Banner Sherpa to let me join their team. Hopefully being level 30 and having top weapons will let me play IB without being at an ugly disadvantageI'm thinking I'll run with Suros Regime/Hawkmoon + Found Verdict/Praedyth's Revenge + Corrective Measure.
What load outs will you guys be running with?
Red Death/Some Dinky Ass Rare Fusion Rifle/Unfriendly GiantI'm not the best PvP player out there, I average 1.0 K/D usually on Control. I hope I can find an Iron Banner Sherpa to let me join their team. Hopefully being level 30 and having top weapons will let me play IB without being at an ugly disadvantageI'm thinking I'll run with Suros Regime/Hawkmoon + Found Verdict/Praedyth's Revenge + Corrective Measure.
What load outs will you guys be running with?
Anyone starting a hard raid on ps4? I'm a 29 sunbro
Being 29 for almost two months is starting to get to me, it's a bit frustrating some times i have to admit...
Anyways I was in a raid group earlier and we couldn't finish off atheon, so I have the HM CP for him.
If anyone wants to help or need him let me know. If we attempt it I think at least 3 lv 30's would be nice so theres more chances one gets teleported.
Let me know if anyone wants to have a go.
Vault of Glass - Hard
3pm Eastern (roughly 2 hours from now)
1) Kor_of_Memory
2) aMadTeaParty7
3) Ratsult2
4) Rubenov25
5) Hyunsai
6) Cosmos_Man
Look for 3 to help with the hard raid. Currently I'm the only level 30, but everyone on the list so far has all weapons at 300. I personally have a 300 Epilogue, Icebreaker, Corrective Measure that I use for the raid.
This raid will be front to back. We will be doing minimal cheesing. (I.E. no hiding in the spirit bloom cave, no pushing the templar off the edge)
I'm not the best PvP player out there, I average 1.0 K/D usually on Control. I hope I can find an Iron Banner Sherpa to let me join their team. Hopefully being level 30 and having top weapons will let me play IB without being at an ugly disadvantageI'm thinking I'll run with Suros Regime/Hawkmoon + Found Verdict/Praedyth's Revenge + Corrective Measure.
What load outs will you guys be running with?
I'm not the best PvP player out there, I average 1.0 K/D usually on Control. I hope I can find an Iron Banner Sherpa to let me join their team. Hopefully being level 30 and having top weapons will let me play IB without being at an ugly disadvantageI'm thinking I'll run with Suros Regime/Hawkmoon + Found Verdict/Praedyth's Revenge + Corrective Measure.
What load outs will you guys be running with?
Bumping, anyone for weekly and/or nightfall?Anyone?
That would be the corrective measure.
I'm not the best PvP player out there, I average 1.0 K/D usually on Control. I hope I can find an Iron Banner Sherpa to let me join their team. Hopefully being level 30 and having top weapons will let me play IB without being at an ugly disadvantageI'm thinking I'll run with Suros Regime/Hawkmoon + Found Verdict/Praedyth's Revenge + Corrective Measure.
What load outs will you guys be running with?
Want to join our fresh hard raid? Otherwise we can start at Atheon.
It's gotten much better
this game continues to have just insane lag. watch as i pump a guy full of led with no change to his health only to have him die 3-5 sec later
It's gotten much better
Right after launch, the damage wouldn't even have registered
I've actually seen what happened with that Titan beforelike this (same player, fucking laggy titan)
today is the worst i've seen since launch. after that match i actually played the weekly heroic and someone joined my game and the AI was warping all over the place. may be on my end i suppose...
I am looking for folks. Posted above.
Add me!
I've actually seen what happened with that Titan before
He was actually in the middle of disconnecting from the game
You can tell because of the crouch-walk(I'm being serious)
I wouldn't mind, but I have a paper due tomorrow (it's done but I need to revise it) and don't want to spend too much time raiding.
So i just wanted to finish this have a last chance at atheon and go back to it.
Max your primary at leastGAF, last night I made it to LVL 26. What kind of things should I consider before trying to get into a group for the Raid? I don't want to rush in with a group and find out that I'm carrying the wrong equipment or something and make it a miserable experience for everyone.
Try level up to 27, or preferably 28. That would make thw raid a much more enjoyable experience for you.GAF, last night I made it to LVL 26. What kind of things should I consider before trying to get into a group for the Raid? I don't want to rush in with a group and find out that I'm carrying the wrong equipment or something and make it a miserable experience for everyone.
It's been 22 long hard levels im still struggling
Grinding got me buggin, but I spawned alive on arrival
I won't make claims of being the best but I feel like I do well enough in PvP. (typically first/second on my team) I should be playing the heck out of some Iron Banner, so feel free to add me if you'd like!
PS4 PSN EinFurDieDamen
Probable Loadout:
Found Verdict
Swarm (possibly Thunderlord if I feel like changing to a legendary primary and playing dirty)
Get to lvl 27, ideally 28.GAF, last night I made it to LVL 26. What kind of things should I consider before trying to get into a group for the Raid? I don't want to rush in with a group and find out that I'm carrying the wrong equipment or something and make it a miserable experience for everyone.
I'll have to leave around 5:30 PM East due to IRL stuff, so feel free to replace me if you want.Need 1 more.