I'll join! PSN is btkadamsHad 2 no shows. Anyone care to join? Starting as soon as we're full.
I'll join! PSN is btkadamsHad 2 no shows. Anyone care to join? Starting as soon as we're full.
Who's up for one last raid in two hours before I'm hunting down Pagan Min's men in Far Cry, killing dragons in Dragon Age, and enslaving Pokemon in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire?
Who's up for one last raid in two hours before I'm hunting down Pagan Min's men in Far Cry, killing dragons in Dragon Age, and enslaving Pokemon in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire?
Who's up for one last raid in two hours before I'm hunting down Pagan Min's men in Far Cry, killing dragons in Dragon Age, and enslaving Pokemon in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire?
Send Bungie a letter asking for the Heart
Enclose all of your Gaf posts about the Heart
If it's hard raid sign me up.
Psn: ck716
Yeah, I forgot to mention it will be a hard raid run.If it's hard raid sign me up.
Psn: ck716
:OAww I would if the bloody raid gave you xp. Need my Hawkmoon upgraded, you see.![]()
Aww I would if the bloody raid gave you xp. Need my Hawkmoon upgraded, you see.![]()
Yeah, I forgot to mention it will be a hard raid run.
Had 2 no shows. Anyone care to join? Starting as soon as we're full.
I used to be like youNo way. That would me they win. I'll get it myself. Even if I have to wait years for xur to sell it.
Who's up for one last raid in two hours before I'm hunting down Pagan Min's men in Far Cry, killing dragons in Dragon Age, and enslaving Pokemon in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire?
Yeah, I forgot to mention it will be a hard raid run.
When the hell you got a Hawkmoon?
Link me to your reaction post!
Vault of Glass - Hard
Starting now
1) Kor_of_Memory
2) aMadTeaParty7
3) Ratsult2
4) Rubenov25
5) btkadams
This raid will be front to back. We will be doing minimal cheesing. (I.E. no hiding in the spirit bloom cave, no pushing the templar off the edge)
Can anyone give me hard raid gatekeeper checkpoint?
Just want the checkpoint.
Same here, or if anyone wants to do GK + Atheon
I'll be skipping it for now since I played the ps3 ver at launch and I don't have enough money on me to buy it along with the other three games.You forgot playing in traffic in your underwear with Trevor in GTA V.
at 5 est.Can I come nami? I'm level 30 as of 10 minutes ago. What time in est?
we need a 6th for hard raid, you interested?
When the hell you got a Hawkmoon?
Link me to your reaction post!
Did you try telemetry + ember caves?
Join ours if you're available now! PSN is btkadams. Need 1 more (with Kor_of_Memory)Can I come nami? I'm level 30 as of 10 minutes ago. What time in est?
Need 1 more to start, anyone please?
Is the only reliable way to get Legendary weapons by buying them? I'm a level 28 and over the course of the game I've gotten about five Legendary weapon engrams, tops, and about four of those turned into upgrade material.
My primary scout rifle is still a rare, and the only Exotic primary I have is one that I bought. I need to get better weapons but I don't know the best way to do so.
Is the only reliable way to get Legendary weapons by buying them? I'm a level 28 and over the course of the game I've gotten about five Legendary weapon engrams, tops, and about four of those turned into upgrade material.
My primary scout rifle is still a rare, and the only Exotic primary I have is one that I bought. I need to get better weapons but I don't know the best way to do so.
Being 29 for almost two months is starting to get to me, it's a bit frustrating some times i have to admit...
Anyways I was in a raid group earlier and we couldn't finish off atheon, so I have the HM CP for him.
If anyone wants to help or need him let me know. If we attempt it I think at least 3 lv 30's would be nice so theres more chances one gets teleported.
Let me know if anyone wants to have a go.
It was about a woman I have been friends with since we were 7. She no longer plays the game but the post was about a Crucible match that took place back in early september. Though thinking back, I remember playing with either you or Math and facing a team of teabaggers in Skirmish.:lol
Also, who was that post you made in the teabagging thread about? >_>
I didn't try ember caves, no. WIll do that later!
Is the only reliable way to get Legendary weapons by buying them? I'm a level 28 and over the course of the game I've gotten about five Legendary weapon engrams, tops, and about four of those turned into upgrade material.
My primary scout rifle is still a rare, and the only Exotic primary I have is one that I bought. I need to get better weapons but I don't know the best way to do so.
If you haven't found anyone I'd be happy to join.Need 1 more to start, anyone please?
I just notice Todd updated his avatar. That Heart of Praxic Fire is gonna keep eluding him, isn't it?
It was about a woman I have been friends with since we were 7. She no longer plays the game but the post was about a Crucible match that took place back in early september. Though thinking back, I remember playing with either you or Math and facing a team of teabaggers in Skirmish.
And lol! Congrats on the Hawkmoon. How you like it so far? I personally prefer it to any other hand cannons and since my Titan has Gjallarhorn, I don't need to worry about it taking an exotic spot for my Hunter.
Until Xur sells it to him and his life no longer has a purpose
...it's what happened to me after I bought TLW
I just notice Todd updated his avatar. That Heart of Praxic Fire is gonna keep eluding him, isn't it?
The only difference is that TLW sucks. Heart both looks cool and is powerful and not a waste of erotic slot
The heart is so good.... I'm gonna enjoy it for you too Todd!
Who would like help with literally anything in the game? First come first serve, whether it be hard raid or farming Helium, count me in.
PSN: Temidien
A week or two back I remembered reading that Grimoire Cards had also some effects in-game...I didn't really believe it but since a few days ago I started getting 2 of a material like Spin Metal or Relic Iron out of chests like 80-90% of the time. Also I sometimes get 2 mats from the raw thing where you can pick it from but Inowhere near consistent like with chests. So wow I'm actually suprised I thought it was BS but this makes farming SO much quicker.
Also I believe you gain bonuses like this:
Rank 1: 1000 kills on a planet
Rank 2: 2500 kills on a planet
Rank 3: 5000 kills on a planet
So this is the confusing part because I sure as hell reached WAY above 5k kills on earth and moon like last month ago if I had to guess lol
Edit: waaait hold up...didn't bungie say they wanted to make farming somehwat less tedious? maybe that's what they did with the last patch? make chests give you 2 mats most of the time?
She really hates teabaggers. She usually don't go in hard like she did with the teabaggers. She prefers to just laid back and play but man she really let them have it. I wished I recorded that match then. The team and I didn't do shit. We basically just told her their locations while she went at it. It was the most fun I had in a MP match. We were all laughing while she's murdering the other team.Ah, okay. Glad she got her own back.
I loooove it. Really wish I had more time to upgrade it before Iron Banner starts, but I'll try my best! I won't be too sad about having to use Fatebringer, since I love that too. Hawkmoon definitely feels different, but I barely have it upgraded yet. Can't wait to unlock the unique perk.
Why you want HoPF? You're already 30. It's time to let it go, Todd. Just tell yourself you don't need it and maybe then RNGesus will be less of a dick and give you one. Trus me, it works.The only difference is that TLW sucks. Heart both looks cool and is powerful and not a waste of erotic slot
I was enjoying mine for him once then one drunken night, I dismantled it by accident. Never got a second one since then.The heart is so good.... I'm gonna enjoy it for you too Todd!
I wish I was at home right now. I need to bang out two weekly strikes and a normal raid with my 26 Warlock.
She really hates teabaggers. She usually don't go in hard like she did with the teabaggers. She prefers to just laid back and play but man she really let them have it. I wished I recorded that match then. The team and I didn't do shit. We basically just told her their locations while she went at it. It was the most fun I had in a MP match. We were all laughing while she's murdering the other team.
As for Hawkmoon, it straights up murders people with its later upgrades.
How do you get the "earn the maximum weekly crucible score " trophy? You have to get the 100 crucible marks?
Message me when you're free and I'd be happy to jump in if I'm available.
what other strikes got additional major/ultra spawns?
I've got hard gatekeeper checkpoint. I don't want to run atm, but it's yours if you want it. PSN The_Reckoning
Yeah, I forgot to mention it will be a hard raid run.
When the hell you got a Hawkmoon?
Link me to your reaction post!