Looking for 4 others for Gatekeeper checkpoint on hard raid. Level 30s preferred, we will limit 29s to 3.
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Looking for 4 others for Gatekeeper checkpoint on hard raid. Level 30s preferred, we will limit 29s to 3.
looking for 2 for hard mode raid at gatekeepers right now. GT: Deathman1000
im down for it right now
I'm down for Atheon hard. L29 though. Maxed weapons + IB.Have two level 30s looking to clear Atheon, hard or normal. PSN: zewone
Or if 4 want to join us, we can start from GK on Hard.
I I wonder why there is an alternate path to the Templar? Was it just cut content that they left in... or did they want to give us two paths? And the VoG has strange caves in hard to get to locations that are just empty...
Is there a chest in the alternate path to the Templar? Someone told me there is video evidence of one, but I haven't found this video evidence... and I assume if there was then everyone would know about it.
Looking for fresh hard raid with good lvl 30s and 29 proportion if not all 30s.
Lvl 30 hunter. Psn gunawi
Any point keeping my 288/300 The Swarm when I've recently acquired Corrective Measure?
Could do with the Energy, and I don't see the point in having two Void legendaries?
For those that played IB last time; how realistic was obtaining gear? I have the Raid chest; the IB boots and gauntlets would be most welcome!
Thought I was out, just saw this! My bad, maybe next time.We have one more spot. What's you PSN again?
I had no idea. I will be testing this a sap!Has anyone tried using the Vision of Confluence in PvP with a Sunsinger in Radiance?
With Viking Funeral or whatever, any solar guns will automatically cause their targets to take DoT damage. Seems like they would pair well together.
It was a huge timesink. I played a lot of IB that week and only made it to rank 2 (so no armor). You basicly had to play every single day for hours on end if you wanted to make it to rank 3. They should've made the progression a bit easier now though with easier bounties, the rep boost and tokens on loss (instead of no gains at all). Hopefully that makes it a bit easier for the people who have a busier life schedule. We'll have to wait and see how much rep we need though. I imagine the lv30 gear is locked away at rank 5.
alright....It seems namikaze's group is full, so I'll go. Sent FR already...
Finally got the Pocket Infinity bounty on my Warlock.
Yes, there is an alternate path to the Templar - it is located just below the first chest.
You have to jump in the cave below the first chest and from there there is lots of jumping around to the Templar area. It looks great and it has been obviously built with purpose.
We couldn't find any chest there, but we were there only once, on the short time.
We heard a story how the chest spawns if no Praetorians or Harpies enter the circle altars in front of the VoG entrance, but we managed to protect all altars from entering, still haven't find any chests inside.
In our opinion, it is simply a wishful thinking about the chest, but we hope to be proven otherwise.
We have also explored the additional - extra - jumping stones that appears apparently when none dies prior the entering the VoG. We jumped all around but there was no chest, despite the fact there is an point with "halo" construction on one of the floating stones that looks exactly like the "5th chest area" for preventing the Templar in teleporting.
Time will tell, but so far we know only about the 5 chest.
They've said rank carries over this time, yes? But next time it resets. Soooooo, you'd imagine they're going to make it somewhat easier to obtain high end gear? It shouldn't be a hand out, but shouldn't require 8 hour sessions a day to get there! I didn't play IB at all, so all I can do is play as much as possible (whilst fitting in Dragon Age!).
LOL just saw this on reddit C.R.E.A.M. - Coins Rule Everything Around Me
Can anyone on GAF rap? I'll just leave this here if they can...
I'd still like to try the normal raid if anyone is planning to do it later and is okay with a first-timer. I'll just be pvping all night otherwise.
Hey Mu you sound check out Hawkian's Thursday night noob raid!
Putting in a plug for who taught me
I had no idea. I will be testing this a sap!
Started the match as a level 2. No double jump, no super, entry level AR and shotty.
Every kill was delicious
Was fun , dancing the raid all the way lolPretty quick run. Thanks for all who helped. Finally got my boots for 30 and a decent heavy (Corrective Measure).
Need four more for hard raid! Lvl 30s or 29s with experience, pls.
IB is concerning me a bit. Well the road to get level 30 gear specifically. I didn't play any IB last time so my rank won't carry over. I've been level 29 now for a month and I'm getting frustrated. If it's going to be a a huge time sink to get the gear, I'm out. They should make this a month long event.
I hit Rank 3 and it was like having a second job. If I put forty hours in, I wouldn't be surprised to hear it.
At gatekeepers on hard raid looking for 1 more
FR and join fireteam
Edit: 1 more needed
Enjoy it.Yay finally got Fatebringer!