Anybody for a quick hard raid run before maintenance?
At this point, I'm fine with a partial run as well.
Hopefully Iron Banner 2.0 has clash. Control is very annoying to play solo without a group.
Hopefully Iron Banner 2.0 has clash. Control is very annoying to play solo without a group.
yep!What about Perfect Balance for TLW? I'm going for that.
hehe, all three exotic hand cannons are pretty great in rumble. scout rifles can dominate too, VoC will clean up on any map with decent sightlines.That's why I don't really like Rumble; all it is, is shotties and fusion rifles.
don't need to convince me. I did the control bounty yesterday and it was excruciating. I really don't like it at all. At this point it's tough to even tolerate without a teamHopefully Iron Banner 2.0 has clash. Control is very annoying to play solo without a group.
I can help out for future flawless raidLike twist, I also would like to set up a group for tomorrow. This is a group for Normal raid which will also double as a flawless/flawless practice run. If any flawless vets wanna come help out with pointers and such, that would be amazing and you guys would get priority. Want to start at about 5.30 GMT / 12.30 EST
1. Me - 30 sunlock
2. Nomi - 30 titan
And clash isn't? It's even worse because there is no incentive to move around so most people end up camping the same positions vor and over. The worst game mode by far. Same issue in Skirmish vs Salvage. People don't need to move and so they don't. So boring.
I played Control with a full group yesterday. It went quite well.![]()
don't need to convince me. I did the control bounty yesterday and it was excruciating. I really don't like it at all. At this point it's tough to even tolerate without a teamBut IB will be control only i'm sure
Anybody for a quick hard raid run before maintenance?
At this point, I'm fine with a partial run as well.
I played Control with a full group yesterday. It went quite well.![]()
I can help out for future flawless raid2nd flawless raider but I can't make that time.
This reminds me, any PS4 Crucible-playing gaffers down for Iron Banner once it goes live? Would likely be playing each weeknight Eastern time.
Quote this post, and send a Friend Request to Rubenov25 and write "Iron Banner".
This. Much more fun with a group
I'll definitely be looking to put groups together frequently.This reminds me, any PS4 Crucible-playing gaffers down for Iron Banner once it goes live? Would likely be playing each weeknight Eastern time.
Quote this post, and send a Friend Request to Rubenov25 and write "Iron Banner".
This reminds me, any PS4 Crucible-playing gaffers down for Iron Banner once it goes live? Would likely be playing each weeknight Eastern time.
Quote this post, and send a Friend Request to Rubenov25 and write "Iron Banner".
That's why I don't really like Rumble; all it is, is shotties and fusion rifles.
I did Rumble last night. first time playing it in about a month. of the 5 matches this was my favorite:
Twilight (score) Gap
Also, what all did i miss this weekend? I saw Fig finally got a hawkmoon, and there was an atheon record kill time practice attempt. anything else noteworthy?
I'm a Guardian Lord now.
Welcome to the club!
I'd be down for GK/Atheon or just Atheon. I have a checkpoint at GK. I'm level 30.
.Soo, hard raid from GK checkpoint
1. Hzoltan969 (lvl 30 warlock)
2. Trakan
3. Grimlock33
Need 3 more!
I made a horrible mistake last night. I was helping out someone beat the weekly. Right near the end I died far away from my team and decided I was gonna leave and rejoin since no one was gonna revive me.
Apparently someone decided to make me leader while I wasn't looking. Oops. This is my Destiny post of shame.
In the market for a scout the A.1F3kd83kd3.14 worth the marks?
Haven't played the game all week... Time to knock everything out in one day
Isn't there supposed to be PSN maintenance at some point today?
5PM GMT. In 1 hour, I believe.
If you're logged in when maintenance hits you can keep playing.
Hello everyone! I started Destiny last week. Beat the game last night and I'm sitting at level 24. I read all of the guides and they are very helpful.
So at this point, do I basically just do Crucible and Vanguard dailies, and just rinse and repeat on playing crucible or the strike playlist? I'm at level 1 on a faction as well. I am little confused about what a weekly heroic strike is, and/or if that is different from playing the strike playlist. At 24, should I be doing the 22 playlist or the 24 playlist?
Also, I got one of those exotic bounty things. I think the next step is waiting for Xur? A ton got thrown at me the last 24 hours :/
Fuck XUR.
The only weekend I am away, he decided to sell The Last word.
5PM GMT. In 1 hour, I believe.
If you're logged in when maintenance hits you can keep playing.
fixed and added some stuff to help out.The weekly heroic strike is the only activity that guarantees you strange coins as a reward. You can scroll over the different difficulties to see how many each one gives you exactly. I think the first one (lvl 22) starts at 3, then 6 (lvl 26), and 9 for level 28. You want to gather strange coins for Xur, since that's the currency he takes for the exotics he sells.
You are basically on the quest for better loot/Gear right now, and praying to RNG while trying to get your light level up to be able to participate in the Nightfall and Raid.
Nightfall is a modified version of the weekly Heroic, which usually adds enemiems with shields, specific elemental extra damage, extra melee damage, etc...also if your whole fireteam dies during the Nightfall there is no restart from last checkpoint. Your whole team gets kicked to Orbit and you're forced to start from the beginning.
Nightfall rewards can include one of the following: Exotic weapon or gear, Legendary weapon or gear, random amount strange coins, random amount of ascendent materials.
You want to get your Guardian as ready as possible for the Raid. I recommend you to have atleast one maxed primary and be at level 26 to get started on it without worrying about being a liability. Raid will give you the opportunity to earn better weapons and gear.
As far as factions go, after level 3 and forward on any faction you get a Legendary reward. The content of that reward is extremely random and sometimes dissapointing but occasionally you get lucky with something useful, so you want to be ranking up a Faction. If you chose a certain Faction because of the gear or weapon they carry, something you want to note: Vanguard is the only faction that takes Vanguard marks. All other Factions take Crucible marks and would force you to play PVP.
Sorry if you knew some of this already. Trying to post quickly while at work![]()
ThanksGood to know.
If any of you see me playing feel free to hop in my game whenever. I'll be doing nightfall, weekly heroic, daily and some crucible.
PSN: Tstrider
The weekly heroic strike is the only activity that guarantees you strange coins as a reward. You can scroll over the different difficulties to see how many each one gives you exactly. I think the first one (level 18?) starts at 3, then 6, and 9 for level 28. You want to gather strange coins for Xur, since that's the currency he takes for the exotics he sells.
You are basically on the quest for better loot/Gear right now, and praying to RNG while trying to get your light level up to be able to participate in the Nightfall and Raid.
Nightfall is a modified version of the weekly Heroic, which usually adds enemiems with shields, specific elemental extra damage, extra melee damage, etc...also if your whole fireteam dies during the Nightfall there is no restart from last checkpoint. Your whole team gets kicked to Orbit and you're forced to start from the beginning.
Nightfall rewards can include one of the following: Exotic weapon or gear, Legendary weapon or gear, random amount strange coins, random amount of ascendent materials.
You want to get your Guardian as ready as possible for the Raid. I recommend you to have atleast one maxed primary and be at level 26 to get started on it without worrying about being a liability. Raid will give you the opportunity to earn better weapons and gear.
As far as factions go, after level 3 and forward on any faction you get a Legendary reward. The content of that reward is extremely random and sometimes dissapointing but occasionally you get lucky with something useful, so you want to be ranking up a Faction. If you chose a certain Faction because of the gear or weapon they carry, something you want to note: Vanguard is the only faction that takes Vanguard marks. All other Factions take Crucible marks and would force you to play PVP.
Sorry if you knew some of this already. Trying to post quickly while at work
Edit: Also I should note that the Weekly Heroic/Nightfall strike only nets you a reward once a week and gets reset every week on Tuesdays mornings. A different strike will be choosed after every reset. Raid rewards are also only allowed once a week and also reset on Tuesday mornings.
fixed and added some stuff to help out.
1. Hzoltan969 (lvl 30 warlock)
2. Trakan
3. Grimlock33
4. Cyberpunk-Psycho
Need 2 more!
Send PSN IDs pls, so I can inv
There is a new update? Just got kicked for it.
2.44 gigs.