Better test your Gjallarhorns/Icebreakers, guys.
Sony rubbing off on them too, very confused by the thorn DoT now. it's still an effective weapon but it's definitely a nerf. I don't get it.
not even close nor do I have raid boots. please don't get your hopes up for 30 by the next raid, heh
mm, very confused by the thorn DoT now. it's still an effective weapon but it's definitely a nerf. I don't get it.
not even close nor do I have raid boots. please don't get your hopes up for 30 by the next raid, heh
Why do you keep that sticker on your Xbox? ^^;
I do okay with it. But use whatever you like. You don't need to use a gun you don't like.
Level it up to get the Perfect Balance perk. Remember it can auto fire (ie hold the trigger). Only use it on close quarters maps like Twighlight Gap. Profit.
Eh? What did they do to it?
In the category of "Why?": The new icon for the Sunbreaker gauntlets looks like a 5-year old drew it. And I guess you need to cut off at least one of your fingers on each hand to wear it.
Better test your Gjallarhorns/Icebreakers, guys.
Dawww... I was so stoked to get Thunderdevil the other night at random.
Now every tom dick and harry is going to have it. Just a bunch of steel blue camo wearing assholes loitering in the Tower.
All the nerfs seem to be happening around PVP. I don't see why they would nerf PVE weapons...but who knows what Bungie is even thinking anymore.
Start firing more slowly. Don't hold down the trigger. Go for headshots. The auto fire should only be at extremely close distance with full confidence in you getting the jump on the other player. At least until you get better with it.
Once you get the hang of those precision shots at a slow pace, you can comfortably increase how fast you can fire confidently... results are great.
The thing is, I wasn't getting run over in PvP by anyone with Thorn. Seriously baffled why it got a nerf, but the auto-rifle-on-rails Suros didn't.
honestly the random ass blue one I was using last night was a terror. Maybe because the charge rate was fast? I'll definitely be looking more closely at the rare-quality fusion rifles I find from now on. Pretty sure I've dismantled some of these before and now I want one.
Reduced the damage on the DoT, I think.
Rumor has it that the dead ghosts are no longer falling through the world on spawn.
Is it dumb that I'm actually excited about this?
This means I should break 2500 for grimoire.
I'm done fuck the last word I cannot stand it, every single game I played with it I went utterly negative. TDYK I was going 2:1 to 3:1, I've tried scoping in, I've tried firing from the hip, no matter what I do I can't hit anyone with it...
Was Iron Banner supposed to start today?
First of all, you're not one of those people :-/ I understand you're ostensibly not complaining on your own behalf here, but it sounds like you're saying YOU can't participate.
Secondly, it's those players I have in mind when I vehemently oppose blind matchmaking for the game's advanced activities, even though I'd never use it myself anyway.
Yeah I seriously question the guys play testing this stuff or how they're collecting information. Is there even a section on Bnet were we could request/upvote for certain fixes or additions for Destiny?
Guerilla did this for Killzone and it worked great that way.
So the platform is closed off for Aksor Priest. That's fine, the ledge I found was more effective anyway.
So the platform is closed off for Aksor Priest. That's fine, the ledge I found was more effective anyway.
Let everyone have everything!! Why does only you having it make you enjoy the game more?
Rarity is a fallacy.
Don't play with my heart. I still need RAS-2 ghost and the one on Mars. Plus a few glitched cards (locations, motes of light, siege dancers?, and the fallen house of wolves maybe.
It is so odd that the majority of balance "fixes" are PvP focused. I wonder if they are getting worried about player activity in PvP or have worrying analytics there because PvE has been all but abandoned. PvP certainly needs some tweaks, but PvE is an essential part of the game that is getting serious neglect and player angst.
that would be better to blind matchmaking but a grouping board is still just the best solution, it allows for whatever criteria are needed at the will of the group starter.A middleground here is matchmaking for 3 person fireteams for the Raid. You have to put together your own group of 3, that way you know some people and they know you, then you get matched with another group.
Matchmaking should always, be optional though for the high level content.
I'll be honest, if it wasn't for I doubt I'd get to raid very much. This thread is already on OT10, and a lot of that is matchmaking posts. It'd be a factor of 10 higher if you had to do all matchmaking and couldn't rely on LFG sites.
Yeah, for PVP since everything is scaled really only the charge rate matters when looking at fusion rifles. I posted earlier about how I was able to finish the PVP portion of the Thorn bounty by swapping to a low level but fast charge rate fusion rifle in place of the fully upgraded one I was using previously.
Dawww... I was so stoked to get Thunderdevil the other night at random.
Now every tom dick and harry is going to have it. Just a bunch of steel blue camo wearing assholes loitering in the Tower.
Great patch. The + symbols no longer appearing on retrieved vaulted gear is my favourite part. :3
I am in (pause and restart for faster results).
Upgrade marks still there
Here are the shaders
Jester Apogee
Aurora Blur
Provincial Royal
1832-7496-64703388 (ha)
This is funny timing they released the patch. I didn't think they were ever going to bring out Iron Banner due to poor communication on their part.
So last night I uninstalled Destiny. I like the game a lot but there are a lot of things I don't like but won't get into.
However, if Iron Banner is really available soon and I can hit L30 then coo. Not promising if the game will remain installed however.
I was really frustrated with the hard raid. Have yet to beat Atheon legit. I feel this is not right because I play hard and level up all my guns to max (including Ballarhorn). Ultimately, I will still probably not hang on much longer due to the raid lockouts. I have much more fun in Normal but I feel forced into their ridiculous hard mode.
Looking forward to playing new games very soon and reducing my Destiny playtime a bit. But if Iron Banner 2.0 is out then I'd be interested in trying that. Then probably take a step back and reaccess the state of the game
Improved patch installation process