Any experienced level 29/30 players want to go through the gatekeeper and possibly even Atheon on hard nowish?
I have the checkpoint and would like to try get the loot on my level 29 hunter alt.
I have maxed fate bringer, vision, ice breaker, corrective measure, truth etc etc.
Let me know bros.
PSN: MandrakeUK
I couldn't resist.
Fusion rifles are always popular in Crucible and all, but holy shit, I'm like the only one in every match I've played today who wasn't using one.
Any experienced level 29/30 players want to go through the gatekeeper and possibly even Atheon on hard nowish?
I have the checkpoint and would like to try get the loot on my level 29 hunter alt.
I have maxed fate bringer, vision, ice breaker, corrective measure, truth etc etc.
Let me know bros.
PSN: MandrakeUK
When i did flawless last week it wasn't so bad. Hard mode is broken though for sure, i'd consider it alpha level.
You probably had a lucky run.
Flawless is definitely the most bugged part of the raid by a long, long way.
I wish we knew when. Some of us were planning our first hard mode legit raid tonight and we don't want to be booted or not be able to play.
I'll help out
Sent. Two GAFers ready
What's the giant ass update for?
I could look it up myself, but lazy.
Patches also being timed exclusives confirmed
The new destiny updates brings new stuff to the database! This includes 35 new Activities, mostly related to the upcoming DLC. 7 new Activity Types and around 230 new items!
New Activities
Activities include new story missions, strikes, raids, crucible playlists, etc.
The Timekeeper
The Dark Below
Thieves' Den
Dead Sectors
Executor's Challenge
Ritual of Sacrifice
Exodus Blue
Hardcore Skirmish
Hardcore Rumble
First Light
Hardcore Salvage
Fist of Crota
Widow's Court
The Grand Arena
Black Shield
Doubles Skirmish
Eternal War
Iron Banner
Inferno Control
Eternal War
Ancient Relics
Blind Watch
Inferno Clash
New Activity Types
Inferno Control PVP_DOM_HARDCORE
Inferno Skirmish PVP_3V3_HARDCORE
New Exotic Items
Scout Rifle
347 Vesta Dynasty - A Reef scout hunts for years, fighting piracy and ancient traps, to crack one cache and claim the weapons within.
Sweet Business - Chching! Chching! Chching! Chching!
Lord of Wolves - By this right alone I rule.
Auto Rifle
Necrochasm - "Cursebringer" Precision kills with this weapon frequently trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion.
Sniper Rifle
No Land Beyond - "The Master" Increased precision damage. Kills briefly increase damage against next target.
Rocket Launcher
Dragon's Breath - "Pyromancer" Rounds fired from this weapon leave a Solar Flare upon detonation.
ATS/8 ARACHNID - Advanced tactical sensorium. Induced hallucinations integrate broad-spectrum targeting data.
The Glasshouse - Everything is luminous.
The Ram - ...PRAISE ME...
Obisidian Mind - Power from the ash.
Eternal Warrior - Absolute, unflinching resolve.
ExoTac Angel Hunter - Built from a Golden Age combat pilot sensorium, it orients the brain during sharp maneuvers.
Starfire Protocol - 13.4 billion years ago, the first stars kindled out of darkness, seeding the future of all life.
Purifier Robes - "Fire is the breaking of bonds. Fire is freedom. We must be swift and thorough in our liberation..."
Claws of Ahamkara - Look at all this life, oh bearer mine. There is so much left to burn...
Ruin Wings - In the Garden grows a tree of silver wings. The leaves are ruin, the bark disaster. Of the seeds we do not speak.
Don't Touch Me - Amputated from a creature that stumbled out of a Vex gate. A vestigial defensive reflex still remains.
Nothing Manacles - The equations balance thus: you are diminished, and I am exalted. You are broken, and I am made strong.
ACD/0 Feedback Fence - The Active Contact Defense system uses warsat hull materials to store a retaliatory charge.
Ikaheka's Hooks - Ah, no matter; the wound is not so deep...
Mk. 44 Stand Asides - Pardon me. Coming through.
Radiant Dance Machine - Built for swift movement, they provide unexpected and decisive social benefits.
Unremarkable Bones - Surely the Warlocks cling to these fossils for a reason. What could it be, oh bearer mine?
Peregrine Greaves - Victory from on high.
Crux of Crota - Their god is now our power.
Fine I'll look it up myself.
Wow what an update. Jebus 0_0
I didnt say it wasn't broken, just that normal isn't as bad as hard mode.
Fusion rifles are always popular in Crucible and all, but holy shit, I'm like the only one in every match I've played today who wasn't using one.
To be fair, I was in that run and was steering everyone away from the glitches as much as possible. It took many frustrating runs to figure out details about so many glitches and how to counteract them. It doesn't seem bad when all the kinks were already worked out. Hard mode can have some really glitchy detain shields but otherwise isn't more broken than normal. Flawless has the most unique glitches.
after using one last night I have no idea why I was wasting my time with other guns.
It's also exposing some crazy lag issues. I shoot people and they fall dead a full second or two later after running around for a bit. Maybe this is why people kept surviving 4-5 handcannon headshots.
New exotics look pretty cool visually, but a lot of them have REALLY shitty abilities.
New exotics look pretty cool visually, but a lot of them have REALLY shitty abilities.
It's just as bad. I think you notice more on hard cause you are playing it for a longer time. More attempts at atheon means more chance for glitches to appear. And it's only when you're trying flawless that you really notice all the messed up things about the raid. For example the audio cutting out during confluxes. I never cared much but when you're trying to not die it's really irritating when you don't know something is shooting at you until your shield breaks.
Edit** also for me it seems like the audio glitch during confluxes is worse on normal than hard
Disagree. There are some things sure that are "WTF?", but the extra bounty space and reworked pvp maps (if good) will be huge for me. I hated Blind Watch more than Bastion and The moon combined.
It seems only The Glasshouse helmet out of all the new Titan exotics will be of any use to my Titan. I'll collect and upgrade them all, but Helm of Inmost Light, Saint-14 and The Glasshouse will be the ones I use on a regular basis.
Dragon's breath >>> gjallahorn
Is this today's patch, or are you talking about the expansion? PEACE.Destiny Update adds 35 Activities, 7 Activity types, 230 Items!
The items are linked in the Reddit post.
No a disaster, 5 more bounty slots for the same old bounties and I don't play PvP. Another update that is useless for PvE exclusive players.
For me it will all come down to balancing Int, Discp and on certain build Str.New exotics look pretty cool visually, but a lot of them have REALLY shitty abilities.
Destiny Update adds 35 Activities, 7 Activity types, 230 Items!
The items are linked in the Reddit post.
Yeah Doc here was a real help, game even only teleported him as he was the most familiar with what to do in that situation. but in say normal if you encounter a praetorian that damage doesn't calculate correctly you have a much better chance of surviving.
New exotics look pretty cool visually, but a lot of them have REALLY shitty abilities.
No a disaster, 5 more bounty slots for the same old bounties and I don't play PvP. Another update that is useless for PvE exclusive players, along with a bunch of unintentional nerfs. No raid fixes, etc.