Smiles and Cries
wtf is this 2.44 GB update guys? what does it do?
LOLwtf is this 2.44 GB update guys? what does it do?
Seems much smoother on PS4, I really think the update did something to the visuals.
wtf is this 2.44 GB update guys? what does it do?
We are 3 3os.
GT defendthecasual
Hmm 29 sunslinger maxed atheon and icebreaker. Good enough?For PS4 I have the Atheon hard checkpoint, I have 3 (including me) and we need 3 more to join us, please be level 29-30.
PSN: Leonidas2123
Anyone need to still get their strange coins before the reset, friend and join. Psn same as gaf.
3 more spots for oracle hm checkpoint
PSN LanZero_97
I'll go. PSN is neoaku3 more spots for oracle hm checkpoint
PSN LanZero_97
PSN GibbShift, just sent you a FR. Still got room? Just need to get my gear to my Hunter. High 29.3 more spots for oracle hm checkpoint
PSN LanZero_97
It looks different on XBO too, but the framerate is chugging at parts. Maybe I need a hard reboot after the patch.... please be it.
These puny walls contain me not.
Where is this?
Inside the main chamber of seraphim vault, I believe I may well be the first person to have broke in.
PSN: GibbShift, you still got room? High 29 with AE and IB maxed.Atheon HM!
Any level 30s or 29s with maxed weaps want to do atheon HM before the reset? Need 2 more.
I need a new Scout Rifle GAF. Should I choose Promixa Centauri II A.1F19X-RYL?
Took three tries. Destroyed Atheon... Got the helm for my 30 warlock. Unnecessary but options are nice.
Mine have intellect lolAaaannndddd the boots have discipline.
There's always twist.
Atheon HM!
Any level 30s or 29s with maxed weaps want to do atheon HM before the reset? Need 2 more.
Mrchowderclam on ps4
Mine have intellect lol
Guys did Bungie upped the difficulty of the weekly challenges in this week patch?
I did the Nightfall solo with my 3 characters with no problem at all. Did the weekly heroic solo with 2 of then but forgot about the third. All of this before the patch.
Decided to do the weekly for the third one now before the reset, grabbed the same guns I used with the 2 other characters (Vision of Confluence and a fully upgraded Ice Breaker). All my guys are at lvl. 28.
I felt like the Weekly Heroic was way harder after the patch. Pretorians took more shots to go down as did the Hydras. Not to mention that they fixed the spot you could go under that platform when fighting the Archon Priest.
I don't mind they fixing spots were you could cheese the game I could still take out the Archon legit at lvl. 28, but I'm not sure I approve making the game more difficult.
Maybe it was just my impression considering I haven't been playing Destiny as much as I was some time ago. I still intend to always do the Nightfalls and the Weekly Heroic with all my characters but I'm not feeling like doing bounties or daily challenges anymore...maybe I'm getting tired of the game.
At least I'm happy you can finally buy different shaders at the vendor!
Thanks for having me! I had a blast.Thanks for the HM runs tonight guys.
I have 329 Discpline with these boots on. It's too much. I've maxed it out long ago.
Mine have intellect lol
372 before upgrades.I have 329 Discpline with these boots on. It's too much. I've maxed it out long ago.
Did they actually fix the Thorn "bug" promptly or am I still going to have to wait 2 months for it?
I don't think this is working as intended. I'm working on a new character and just did the moon strike. We had far and away more simultaneous enemies than I've ever seen doing that strike before. At the end, when we got wiped, it was five Wizards, six Knights (all on the ground) and a shitload of thralls and other dudes running around. I've never seen anything like it.Patch Notes said:Difficulty will scale less for 3-player Fireteams, making Strikes less deadly for them.
Am I crazy or did they screw up the frame rate? XBO here and it seems so much more choppy now. BUNGIE WTF?
Anyone need to still get their strange coins before the reset, friend and join. Psn same as gaf.