U Wut M8?
They nerfed the spawn rate of the Hive majors in Cosmodrome :c
First time I noticed it. On different servers it seems to be working then. So many times farmed in AL.
Normal raid after reset anyone?
No they didn't. Did it yesterday and it still works. Go and face against the far end wall, wait 10 seconds and turn around. They pretty much always spawn. With a slight exception sometimes, but I think that has to do with the ship spawning outside.
U Wut M8?
They nerfed the spawn rate of the Hive majors in Cosmodrome :c
did this patch change the balance tuning on elites to make them even more unbearable solo? Been shooting this reaver captain for ages now;
Oh RNGesus, please give my Warlock boots, I don't want to be tempted doing Iron Banner with more than 1 character. :|
And a chest piece for my Hunter if you're feeling extra generous this week.
Going to be starting a normal raid when the refresh happens in 5 mins on PS4. Add RedViperN7 for invite.
From what I can tell, it's a linked spawn between the three hive majors and the shrek + a dreg + a vandal that spawns upstairs right outside the entrance. If the fallen are up, the hive majors will be downstairs as well. Means I always kill the fallen first to check, and seems to have held so far when I've been doing that bounty.
Last time, it was a classic 6 vs 6 control match, so I suppose it'll be the same here.How does Iron banner work? Is it one on one?
Last time, it was a classic 6 vs 6 control match, so I suppose it'll be the same here.
Yep, classic crucible with special rep, nothing more.Oh so basically it's just like the crucible.
Nice!And this weeks strike is.....
THE DEVIL'S LAIR (Sepiks Prime)
Weekly Heroic Modifiers: Heroic, Arc Burn
Nightfall Modifiers: Nightfall, Epic, Angry, Lightswitch, Arc Burn
First time the weekly heroic has ever had a burn.
Oh so basically it's just like the crucible.
Thanks for the fun raid tonight, guys! I still can't believe Rawr was running around in Level 26 pajamas. And dude ran faster through the Maze than anyone we've ever seen!!
10/10 would raid with you all again!! Peace
Glenn (ColonelOCorn)
Yeah nice playing with everyone, too bad the drops for everyone was meh. Lol the gorgon maze is not bad on normal, got the timing down pretty good after all those flawless attemptsYeah, that was a fun time, even though we all got crappy drops.That's also one of the fastest Raids I've ever done, I think we did it in 90 minutes, maybe less. Rawr hauled ASS through that Gorgon maze, that guy is a machine.
Ugh. I hate it when you're just on a roll in Crucible, but your team just feeds so much you still lose.
And this weeks strike is.....
THE DEVIL'S LAIR (Sepiks Prime)
Weekly Heroic Modifiers: Heroic, Arc Burn
Nightfall Modifiers: Nightfall, Epic, Angry, Lightswitch, Arc Burn
First time the weekly heroic has ever had a burn.
Last time it was exactly like the crucible lol. This time levels and damage/defense do matter. Within 3 levels of eachother you can be competitive. Outside of that the higher level player will appear like a major/ultra to you.
Sometimes it gets to the point I feel like they're intentionally getting themselves killed.
I see people running towards someone at full health just to melee them.
I don't get it.
It won't be for a year at least until it stops being a PS exclusive.Nice! Got great arc weapons.
Was so afraid it would be dust palace omg
Is the rewards and drops random as well. So basically winning just gives you more marks but even the worst player has a chance of getting something good?
And this weeks strike is.....
THE DEVIL'S LAIR (Sepiks Prime)
Weekly Heroic Modifiers: Heroic, Arc Burn
Nightfall Modifiers: Nightfall, Epic, Angry, Lightswitch, Arc Burn
First time the weekly heroic has ever had a burn.
Yep that was the plan.Are we still on for the 3 clears? Don't see drizz on
Nah, we had a void burn on a nexus weekly heroic once too I think. It has definitely happened before.
Where is my goddamn solar burn though?
2 weeks back to back otherwise they've had the same burns as the nightfall.
Should be a breeze. Same load out as last week is kinda boring though.
Nice! Got great arc weapons.
Was so afraid it would be dust palace omg
Sometimes it gets to the point I feel like they're intentionally getting themselves killed.
I see people running towards someone at full health just to melee them.
I don't get it.
Pretty much. Once you reach a certain rank (last time it was rank 2) you had a chance that iron banner weapons (a handcannon last time) would drop to you. The rest of the weapons and gear has to be purchased now. It's boots and leg this week. Dunno about the weapon but two you can definitely buy and the other two are random drops (4 in total if I have to believe Bungie's weekly update.
Sometimes it gets to the point I feel like they're intentionally getting themselves killed.
I see people running towards someone at full health just to melee them.
I don't get it.
Nah, we had a void burn on a nexus weekly heroic once too I think. It has definitely happened before.
Where is my goddamn solar burn though?
Yep that was the plan.
Edit: for legs it's rank 3 and for arms it's rank 4
Yeah, for having the expansion pass.
And shit. I got boots from the raid 4 hours ago.i need gloves for 30. And they are drops?
Shit. Shit. Shiiiiiit.