My ps4 fell. Shit better work!
Edit: IT'S ALIVE! Hahahaha!
lol you lucky bastard
My ps4 fell. Shit better work!
Edit: IT'S ALIVE! Hahahaha!
sometimes I skip straight to it actuallyIt is a good Plan, I frequently resort to it.
I blame my foot. I accidentally dragged it by the power cable as I reached for the USB stick for my gold headset.Holy shit dude
Because sniping in this game is a joke?
You get basically no reticle shake while being shot, the aim assist is practically like GTA's, and on a lot of upgrades make it so there's zero recoil. My Praedyth's revenge is pathetically easy to get kills with.
So when people are trying to play the game to test your reactions and hand eye coordination against other people doing the same, it's really annoying having to get taken out of the action when somebody resorts to sniping.
In plenty of other games sniping takes a lot of skill...this isn't one of them.
I'm not sure you understand the distance I'm talking about.
And, no, I didn't ask you why.
Sometimes it gets to the point I feel like they're intentionally getting themselves killed.
I see people running towards someone at full health just to melee them.
I don't get it.
RNGesus - why have you forsaken me???
Nightfall reward = shards
Normal Raid reward = energy
Shit! Far Cry 4 was in there! Holy fuck! I didn't even play the game yet. Shit better be intact. I didn't bought the damn warranty for it.
Shit! Far Cry 4 was in there! Holy fuck! I didn't even play the game yet. Shit better be intact. I didn't bought the damn warranty for it.
I just did. It's safe. Thank the old gods and the new.Eject!
My ps4 fell. Shit better work!
Edit: IT'S ALIVE! Hahahaha!
When you said "I don't get it" I thought you'd want to know the reason.
As for distance, I'd say 4-5 control point circles seems reasonable for these types of players, running at someone's front in an empty hallway.
I learned of this area just this morning.Oops. Forgot to run to cheese area
I learned of this area just this morning.
I don't know what kind of mayches you're getting in but in mine maybe 25% or less of the matches I'm in does anyone use snipers at all.
No wonder these OT's move so quickly, LiK just posts on GAF while playing to communicate with the fireteam instead of using a mic.![]()
Looking for two people for Nightfall/Heroic.
PSN: El_Bombastico.
Looking for two people for Nightfall/Heroic.
PSN: El_Bombastico.
I blame my foot. I accidentally dragged it by the power cable as I reached for the USB stick for my gold headset.
I'll help out PSN CamoKid42
I'm in. Kadey1up.
Dammerung FR5 fucking slays. I've seen the fusion light. Is there a fusion rifle with a better charge rate?
I'm in. Ashley_US.Looking for about 3 for hard raid about 615 eastern....Add Greenymac or quote this post with your ID.
I'm in. Ashley_US.
Looking for about 3 for hard raid about 615 eastern....Add Greenymac or quote this post with your ID.
Well i don't know what happened but I guess I'm riding solo anyone wanna join in on a nightfall.
Mattiator85 psn
Do you get iron banner rep just by playing matches in iron banner? Or do you need to do the bounties?
I'm level 30 and my friend is 29 with max weapons. We're down. PSN is Trakan and zewone.
Cool, just waiting on others. That makes 3. If we cant get 3 more in a timely fashion Ill scratch it for another time cause I dont have all night!