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Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended

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So, I tried Iron Banner yesterday. I'm not a PVP player (I never play competitive shooters), so - as expected - I really sucked at it. Didn't really feel the level differences either, as a lvl 29 with maxed weapons I kept losing firefights to lvl 27s. I tried a few weapons (AR, SR, HC), neither of them really clicked. :(

First of all, thanks for the GAF team for putting up with my total incompetence. :)
Second: Do you guys have any tips on how to improve? Is it just practice, learning the maps etc. or is there something more to it?

All of that helps, but as another terrible PvP player, you're in for an uphill battle if playing with other Gaffers. When in a party, you get matched with other parties which are mostly either pro or fast reaction time dude bros that play together a lot. A pick up GAF group most likely won't be as coordinated as either group and if you aren't a very solid player you'll personally get wrekt (is that how the kids say it?).

I was at the bottom of the team every game that I played last night when in a team. There was even one game where I was in the middle the whole time, but then dropped to the bottom in the last 30 seconds. When I play solo I'm a middle to top player, but never when in a team.

That said, it's more fun in a team as long as they don't mind you weighing them down. Just make sure you play with some patient people.
So, I tried Iron Banner yesterday. I'm not a PVP player (I never play competitive shooters), so - as expected - I really sucked at it. Didn't really feel the level differences either, as a lvl 29 with maxed weapons I kept losing firefights to lvl 27s. I tried a few weapons (AR, SR, HC), neither of them really clicked. :(

First of all, thanks for the GAF team for putting up with my total incompetence. :)
Second: Do you guys have any tips on how to improve? Is it just practice, learning the maps etc. or is there something more to it?

Knowing the maps is definitely key. The more you play the better you'll get at anticipating where and how people are gonna attack you. Some players can be very predictable and are easy to beat.

Also, probably the most important thing, know when to pick your battles. Don't just go running in. If you're outnumbered, wait for backup. Unless you have your super don't bother.

Always, always be keeping an eye on your radar. People camp and they're only a tiny blip. They probably have a shotgun. If you don't, just stay away or try to get around them.

Memorise the heavy ammo spawns and get to them as soon as they're called out. If a group on the opposing team are taking one, this is a great time to use your super.

Practice your shooting in PvE. Find a gun you're comfortable with, and make sure you're getting headshots at least 90% of the time. Hip fire can come in handy if you're taken by surprise and don't have a close range weapon because you can move faster.

In the end, you just need to practice. Destiny is the first online shooter I've ever played. During the beta I sucked, but I kept playing. And here I am. :)

Deku Tree

When does the Crota's End Raid unlock? Is it the week after the Expansion Pack launches like the Vault of Glass? I heard it from a GAF'er I was raiding with tonight. Which by the way, was great. Gonna start coming here to fill in the blanks. Also, I'm fighting with watching the intro CG for Crota's End. I want to go in blind but it's always right there on the front page. Is a little taste too much?


Which is good news for me considering I'll be on a cruise that week. Yay!

That interview is old. Urk made a post in this thread a few days ago saying Crota's end was going to probably be unlocked right away.


Likely won't have a delayed start this time around.


So, I tried Iron Banner yesterday. I'm not a PVP player (I never play competitive shooters), so - as expected - I really sucked at it. Didn't really feel the level differences either, as a lvl 29 with maxed weapons I kept losing firefights to lvl 27s. I tried a few weapons (AR, SR, HC), neither of them really clicked. :(

First of all, thanks for the GAF team for putting up with my total incompetence. :)
Second: Do you guys have any tips on how to improve? Is it just practice, learning the maps etc. or is there something more to it?
I'm just like you.
Played IB sessions of 2 to 3 hours everyday, and I find I'm slowly improving, learning the maps and the common little tricks and camp points.
I found I started doing way better when I started paying attention to cap points, instead of just following everyone in my team and rush on them. I started protecting our points, and trying to revert the spawns when we are in bad situation. Still lost on a few maps, though, I really learn them slooowly....


Re-rolled my Timur's Lash and got:

Zen Moment
Luck in the Chamber
Field Scout
Send It
Flared Magwell

Good ones to keep? Seem so to me. Luck in the Chamber will be more common with only 7 shots unless I go Field Scout, and Zen Moment fixes it's weakness or lack of stability, which isn't much of an issue since it's like Thorn.
Lets form a Weekly Hard Mode Raid Group!

It's become really difficult to complete 3 raids a week having 3 characters (30 Titan, 29 Warlock and 29 Hunter) mainly due to finding groups. I have a group that runs it once a week but it has been difficult for my other 2 characters (29s).

Is anyone here having the same issue and would like to form a weekly group to run the raid on 2 or more characters?

I would be willing to use my 30 Titan for the 3rd round if needed.


We can start discussing possible days of the week and times. The only time that won't work for me are Tuesdays after 9pm EST (weekly nightfall/weekly x3 group) and Wednesdays after 10pm EST (weekly raid group).

Reply here or send me a PM.

1. Cosmos_Man (me)

Time : TBD
I am really enjoying this new iron banner. I am currently halfway through level 3 and if I wasn't away this weekend I would hit 5 and buy everything. As it is I will have to settle with 4.

I've found it challenging to kill level 30 (I am 28) and you can definitely notice the difference against lower ranks.

There was a level 20 on the other team last night and at one point when I wasn't paying enough attention (he was camping), he shot me point blank with a shotgun. Twice. And I only noticed he was there after the second shot lol.


Byron I'm sorry we got our wires crossed last night. :(

Team deaf, I started watching Blacklist on Netflix and fell asleep.


Long week of too many 1 am nights.

Going to try to IB to get boots as it seems the raid isn't cooperating. Yuck. :(


I fucking love objective gametypes and played an absurd amount of it in Halo, Quake, everything on any platform. All you have to do is follow some base rules, and all you have to do after that point is improve your gunfighting skill.

Here are some of my notes and some philosophy that have led to success in these gametypes

Quick guide to optimizing play in Iron Banner or Control

prematch: decide which two points you will try to hold for the match. This will be different for each map, but decide! You should only try to hold two of them.

Everyone cap the first point. EVERYONE. That's 75x6 = 450 points to start off the match with. Don't worry about the other team getting their first control point.. you're not going to stop them, this is by design. They're probably also capping it with like 2 players, so even if they get two points off the bat, they'll have less starter points than you do.

Roll to your second desired point as a team. Take that point.

You receive a bonus to kills for each point held. So Control isn't pure objective, but you definitely get bonus for playing to the objectives.

Keep your two points and do not attempt to capture the third. Why?

- The spawn system of Destiny will reliably spawn the team near their single held point. Held control points weight nearby spawns to the team that owns them. Letting the other team keep their point will reliably spawn them near that point as long as you stay away from that point. This makes their approaches predictable.

- You have two points to their one, so your kills have more bonus points than theirs.

If your entire team owns A and B on Twilight Gap and you're all on A and nobody is on B, you can safely assume the enemy is about to take B. Patrol between your points to keep them from being taken. Patrolling ALSO deweights the spawns on the side of your map for the enemy and weights them to your team, which will keep you together. Stay aware of your team's positioning.

If you try to take the third point, you will cause the spawn system to try to spawn the enemy in safe spots, which will be anywhere on the map nobody is standing or looking, meaning they could end up near one of your owned points and get an easy cap.

Use your radar to help callouts to your team. Example from when we were playing on Twilight Gap last night:

Holding A and B. I stood near A and watched my radar. If I saw the pie slice ahead of me light up, I knew they were coming high from C to A, if from the side, I knew they were coming from heavy ammo spawn. If I saw no ping on my radar I called out to my team that they were between C and B, since my radar was clean that's the only place they could be.

Use callouts. Do callouts. Say which points they are between is faster than trying to name the specific spot they are in. If you say "coming to B from A" then everyone knows to turn and face that direction.

Try to coordinate picking up Heavy ammo. Get near the box and have someone activate it and more people can get heavy ammo at once.

Once you own a point, do not stand in the point to defend it. Stand around it. You only need to be in it to capture it, otherwise you are a sitting duck. Let the other team be sitting ducks when they try to take it.

At least one teammate should be a Defender Titan on your team. Domes are great for Control. I personally roll the Weapons of Light dome with orb generation for damage taken, since this will help my teammates push enemies out and super them up. Call out your dome since friendly and enemy domes look the same.

Philosophy/psychology time:

Even though the announcer calls out incoming ammo drops and such, call them out in voice chat when they drop. Some people may have their game audio down, but it also helps to 'poke' teammates into noticing that it's there if they've got tunnel vision. When you're on a groove it's easy for people to start filtering out important information, so doing callouts keeps everyone informed and on the task at hand.
Lets form a Weekly Hard Mode Raid Group! Is anyone here having the same issue and would like to form a weekly group to run the raid on 2 or more characters?

I would be willing to use my 30 Titan for the 3rd round if needed.


We can start discussing possible days of the week and times. The only time that won't work for me are Tuesdays after 9pm EST (weekly nightfall/weekly x3 group) and Wednesdays after 10pm EST (weekly raid group).

Reply here or send me a PM.

1. Cosmos_Man (me)

Time : TBD

I've got 2 warlocks that share gear to hit level 30. I plan on working on a 3rd pretty soon (not a lock) so having a group to roll with would be nice. My work schedule is a little different than most...work 24hrs off 48hrs. So maybe I can run as an alt or something. I've got plenty of Normal Raid experience and have done everything on hard multiple times except GK. Somehow I never get to run GK lol. PSN is grimlock33.
I've got 2 warlocks that share gear to hit level 30. I plan on working on a 3rd pretty soon (not a lock) so having a group to roll with would be nice. My work schedule is a little different than most...work 24hrs off 48hrs. So maybe I can run as an alt or something. I've got plenty of Normal Raid experience and have done everything on hard multiple times except GK. Somehow I never get to run GK lol. PSN is grimlock33.

Suggest a time that may work if you can. Unless your days off are different every week?
Byron I'm sorry we got our wires crossed lay night. :(

Team deaf, I started watching Blacklist on Netflix and fell asleep.


Long week of too many 1 am nights.

Going to try to IB to get boots as it seems the raid isn't cooperating. Yuck. :(

No worries! Let me know if any groups form over the weekend.
Suggest a time that may work if you can. Unless your days off are different every week?

Yeah it rotates based on the 24 on 48 off schedule. Came into work yesterday morning at 9am cst and going home at 9am cst this morning. So I'll be off today and Sunday back into work Monday morning and get off Tuesday morning...rinse and repeat.


Has the public event time changed, particularly the Earth events?

I've been out for a couple of weeks and events just aren't happening as they used to (mothyards on the hour and at :30; divide at about :15 and :45)

I was hoping to farm marks :-(


Lets form a Weekly Hard Mode Raid Group!

It's become really difficult to complete 3 raids a week having 3 characters (30 Titan, 29 Warlock and 29 Hunter) mainly due to finding groups. I have a group that runs it once a week but it has been difficult for my other 2 characters (29s).

Is anyone here having the same issue and would like to form a weekly group to run the raid on 2 or more characters?

I would be willing to use my 30 Titan for the 3rd round if needed.


We can start discussing possible days of the week and times. The only time that won't work for me are Tuesdays after 9pm EST (weekly nightfall/weekly x3 group) and Wednesdays after 10pm EST (weekly raid group).

Reply here or send me a PM.

1. Cosmos_Man (me)

Time : TBD

I'm down. I have 2 Lvl 30 Hunter. However I'm GMT+1 and can only do raids around EST 4PM - 8PM (can do even later if weekends). So if we could not get the time to sync then just put me as a backup.
psn: gunawi


Has the public event time changed, particularly the Earth events?

I've been out for a couple of weeks and events just aren't happening as they used to (mothyards on the hour and at :30; divide at about :15 and :45)

I was hoping to farm marks :-(

Yeah they changed. I haven't bothered with them since this happened... they were supposed to increase in frequency 10% - 15%, but don't know if they're following any sort of pattern now.


Fig, how long did it take you to get to rank 4 on your titan? Like how many matches do you think? I assume you used the 1 mote of light buff. Plus that would be stronger today.


Yup 28 normal crota raid then 32 for heroic IMO.

EDIT: Rubenov do you check PSN messages? You in for Wed 9pm est hard raid with the usual thurs group?

lf you guys need another count me in please, I've raided with you guys s before. Noomi85 - 30 - hunter
Fig, how long did it take you to get to rank 4 on your titan? Like how many matches do you think? I assume you used the 1 mote of light buff. Plus that would be stronger today.

Um, well it was 2 days' worth of playing for about 10 hours total maybe. However many matches can fit into that amount of time. As well as completing all the bounties. Already had the emblem and shader too.
Bullfucking shit.

True. It doesn't spawn you near your own zones, it spawns you where the other team aren't. So if the enemy team are surrounding your zones and you die, you'll probably end up by theirs.
Anyone planning on running GK and/or Atheon this weekend? Normal, Hard, whatever? Level 30 Warlock with maxed weapons. Still looking for VoC. :(
What's everyone's best re-rolls on their IB gear?

Moving house atm and all I can think about is Crucible. Thanks Bungie.

About 30 motes got me a Jolder's Hammer with field scout, rangefinder & crowd control.

Wanted to be arc but I guess I'll stick with the fire version.


I'd like to give it a shot this morning. Lvl 29 hunter with maxed VoC, Ice Breaker, and Hezen Vengeance. I have seven normal clears but this would be my first run on hard

Cool so we have 2, we preferably want more 30's though so it's easier.

Anyone else interested in a HM run? (some 30's and warlocks:) )

1. Hunter 30
2. Hunter 29


Anyone planning on running GK and/or Atheon this weekend? Normal, Hard, whatever? Level 30 Warlock with maxed weapons. Still looking for VoC. :(

I am. Tonight if I can get my warlock to 29, I should be able to.

When I get there I'll start putting a group together.
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