I'm down if you still have an open spot man.
PSN: hydruxxo
Cømet;139979344 said:Sorry man, just added you but someone's bud jumped in :/ Will help you later on.
I'm on the generator in the nightfall Mattiator85
Add me
Deej stinking it up, says he's better when twitch is not on, too much pressure.
anyone?Which one should I keep, GAF?
Also, is Hard Light any good? Just got it.
Deej is streaming with Reddit http://www.twitch.tv/bungie
All good! If a spot opens up just shoot me an invite, I'll be on
any IB groups going?
lol deej jumped out of the map
on rusted lands
What did he say?DeeJ had a nice shout out to GAF a bit ago. Would be nice if one of the GAF teams ran into them and got the emblem.
Shard them bothanyone?
Anybody want to jump in on Atheon hard CP? Could do with some level 30s to it complete.
DeeJ had a nice shout out to GAF a bit ago. Would be nice if one of the GAF teams ran into them and got the emblem.
The public events changes is bumming me out. It feels like they are way less frequent than they used to be.
Really sucks.
What did he say?
Zoba my group needs one and we're smarting from a blind watch loss, join us
So I was playing the Daily and someone that I added from reddit for the raid a while back joined me near the beginning. I'm ok with people joining me as long as it isn't near the end. So we get to the end and someone else joins me literally a couple of minutes before the end of the mission. So I go to kick him but I accidentally kick the guy who originally was with me. He then goes on to send me multiple missions how I'm an asshole and that's he reporting me to get banned lol even though I explained it was an accident. It wasn't like I kicked him before we beat Atheon...
Lesson: Don't play with people from reddit.
Pretty cool out of 4 mentions. There are a TON of people on GAF playing, IB in particular.Just mentioned all of the great communities that have sprung up around the game since he is playing with redditers. Reddit, B.net Fourms, GAF, and one other that I can't remember.
You kick people for just happening to join at the end? Guess I really just don't care if someone on my FL did this, but I can see the viewpoint of them just getting the reward for your time/work.
Pretty cool out of 4 mentions. There are a TON of people on GAF playing, IB in particular.
I actually don't want Luck in the Chamber on Timur's Lash, want field scout and it's wrong to pair with that...
i posted a little bit ago, I hope i don't forget something good, but: explosive rounds, outlaw, mulligan, field scout... some combo of those..
So I was playing the Daily and someone that I added from reddit for the raid a while back joined me near the beginning. I'm ok with people joining me as long as it isn't near the end. So we get to the end and someone else joins me literally a couple of minutes before the end of the mission. So I go to kick him but I accidentally kick the guy who originally was with me. He then goes on to send me multiple messages how I'm an asshole and that's he reporting me to get banned lol even though I explained it was an accident. It wasn't like I kicked him before we beat Atheon...
Lesson: Don't play with people from reddit.
You kick people for just happening to join at the end? Guess I really just don't care if someone on my FL did this, but I can see the viewpoint of them just getting the reward for your time/work.
Or.... Maybe think about setting your fireteam to invite only if you don't want people jumping in.
I wish one of the good players on the Bungie team were doing the stream. Would be fun to watch how they play PvP.
Yeah. That's werid; I'd have been annoyed even if I was the guy that joined late.
When: 11pm CST Saturday
Where: Venus
1. Me (30 Warlock)
2. Axoman (29 Warlock)
I don't see what's weird about not liking that someone joined when you're on the last few enemies and then getting the reward. It wasn't someone from here or personally that I knew. Just a random dude I did a raid with on Reddit/LFG.