And to contrast all the one hit kills is how long it takes to kill someone with a primary weapon which is what makes the PVP in this game so strange
Eh, in PvP, your "primary weapon" is more the weapon you plan to get the most kills with, then your complements to that rather than the way you treat Primary and Special weapons in PvE. I mean, a secondary weapon might be your "main" if you're playing a certain style. But generally, TTK with many primary weapons is extremely fast in Destiny anyway. TTK in general is fast in Destiny. But in contrast to something like Titanfall (I can't really comment on the newer CoDs) with fast TTK (compared to Halo), there are a ton of different loadouts you can run and still be effective and just as "broken" as whatever else you can think up, which is way way way more fun to me. I don't really see balance as everything being equally effective or ineffective when applied to the same task, so much as the concept that many different choices should be a viable path to victory, supporting different playstyles. I think if we were going to pick weapons that "everyone uses because it's the best" in Destiny it would be the Suros Regime but I personally don't ever use it on my Hunter, and don't consider it the best weapon. Pocket Infinity completely counters the Suros Regime imo unless they have the drop on you, and anyone who gets the drop on anyone else should be able to get a kill in Destiny. It also chews up Arc Blade and Sunsingers. But you have to reload essentially after every shot, really get into a rhythm with cover and make the blast count (I seriously can't imagine using it without perfect balance). And if someone gets in close while reloading that's it, the charge time is horrendous; Found Verdict kills me at extreme close range after a shot with PI is a frequent kind of death on that build. Most importantly to me, all the handcannons (well, Thorn's a bit tougher since this nerf) might not be one hit kills, but they're effective from many ranges and play well against most auto rifles including the regime. I love hand cannons in this game so, so much.
my only complain about the grenades is that as a Bladedancer Hunter, I feel like my Flux Grenade isn't sticking very well, it would sometimes seemingly bounce off enemy if throwing too close I think. and maybe the Solar grenades lasting a little too long, making it easy for people to lock down areas.
while we're on the subject of PVP, any suggestion for BD Hunter? I feel like I'm often at an disadvantage especially when in close combat. Titans got the shoulder charge and the slam and of course the bubble. Warlocks got the Energy drain melee and the extra shield thing and huge AOE stuff they can just walk in to melee you as well. I can invis but anyone with decent vision would still be able to spot me. only thing I can do for close up is ArcBlade, and that's assuming they dont one shot me with a shotgun...
well, don't ignore flux grenade AS an up close option. It feels mostly like the Halo 2 sticky grenade to me, i treat it just like that for the most part. It shouldn't ever bounce off an enemy- I'm not sure what you mean about solar though.
you're right anyway, close up hunters don't measure up to warlock melee or shoulder charge or even a defender once if they get a force barrier kill. you have to rely on your special weapon for one hit kills at close range, or certain primaries (TLW is a good example).
I like invisibility on BD, i use it a lot. But it's 0% for the visual cloaking part and 100% because it takes you off the radar, which can allow you to position to pull off a kill without them knowing where you are. perfect for snipers or people camping when you know exactly where they are. So Arc Blade, use stealth for this too (a lot of people consider Hungering Blade too good to pass up though), blink to avoid getting shotgunned, air dash a lot rather than just running/jumping, and watch your shield, and only a few things can get you... Golden Gun/Fist of Havoc/Nova Bomb, other Bladedancers, machine guns, Pocket Infinity, really really good multiple headshots with a hand cannon).