Bigmanny287 ps4Hard checkpoint at Gatekeepers. Anyone got 15 minutes to make it happen?
30 sunbro with maxed murder potential. Looking for 5...
I find farming works best. You not only get stuff to break down but you also get farming materials as well. Best of both worlds.What's the best way to get plasteel/wire/essence? Tiger strikes non-stop, chest from material farming or just farm glimmer and purchase greens from the vanguard?
Hard checkpoint at Gatekeepers. Anyone got 15 minutes to make it happen?
30 sunbro with maxed murder potential. Looking for 5...
Still looking? Hzoltan969 - lvl 30 warlock or lvl 29 titan
Yup still looking, but its looking like it may be a couple hours off now. I have an hour before Ive got something to do and its taking longer to get a group together than normal...Its before 7am so I should expect that.
I find farming works best. You not only get stuff to break down but you also get farming materials as well. Best of both worlds.
chest run on mars work well due to so many chests and there are always cabal raound.I find farming works best. You not only get stuff to break down but you also get farming materials as well. Best of both worlds.
Greeny hit deafmedal up today. We have had one since the other night and still have yet to do it.Hard checkpoint at Gatekeepers. Anyone got 15 minutes to make it happen?
30 sunbro with maxed murder potential. Looking for 5...
Hey guys, I apologize my window for putting this together isnt gonna work. Can we reschedule for between 10 and 11 AM?
What's the best way to get plasteel/wire/essence? Tiger strikes non-stop, chest from material farming or just farm glimmer and purchase greens from the vanguard?
Yup still looking, but its looking like it may be a couple hours off now. I have an hour before Ive got something to do and its taking longer to get a group together than normal...Its before 7am so I should expect that.
Greeny hit deafmedal up today. We have had one since the other night and still have yet to do it.
Same spot, at GK on HM.
Ok phenom. Ill add you both for a run between 10 and 11 am...
How often did this happen?The daily events on the moon are super bugged! Just did five events back to back, meanwile my teamy was doing events at the same time in a different zone.
Yup still looking, but its looking like it may be a couple hours off now. I have an hour before Ive got something to do and its taking longer to get a group together than normal...Its before 7am so I should expect that.
Still looking?
There's another one. Byron are you West or east coast?
East Coast, I can do it now but will be busy at 10-11am which might be the new time.
Yeah itll be in a couple hours cosmos. Same run I started with you Wednesday night.In 15 minutes I be tied up for a couple hours. Will still be posting on GAF, but not on ps4.
If you still need to finish for a character cosmos what time is good for you?
If now doesn't work then around 11:30am-12pm EST.
YES TIMURS LASH I feel so specialonly my 3rd one :/
I know it sucks! I just got praxis fire, gallarhorn, hawkmoon and vex from a green engram again!
Cool. So tentatively we have
1. Greeny
2. cosmos man
3. deafmedal?
Any people that posted earlier wanting to join available between 1130 and 12 eastern? Want to knock this down quickly...NFL Starts at 1 PM!
U still doing the banner? Just woke up. Need to finish getting my third character to level 3 today.
This will mark my first week not maxing my vanguard marks, I've pretty much stopped doing dailies, I have over 200 shards and energy that get replenished with the raid every week, just no motivation to do it.
i'm getting baboon'd out of the game every 10 minutes. anybody else got issues today?
No baboons here byt i watched dawn of the planets if apes this morning. Good movie 7/10
Exclusion Zone mission on Mars. Get to the first wave of Cabal enemies, which spawns 9 yellow health Cabals. Kill those and then suicide. If you are fast you can do 6 runs per 10 minutes, which gives you a little over 3k glimmer. In addition the Cabal will drop Resupply Codes faster than you use them so you will not actually be using up any resources. They also drop Network Cards, which redeem for 200 glimmer each at the Cryptarch.i need to farm glimmer gaf, what's the faster way?![]()
Any PS4 IB groups going on? I've keep being put on incompetent random teams and my patience is wearing thin. I've lost 4 in a row now.
PSN: phantom8324
If anyone is on with my account it's likely my son goofing off on his vita. If you guys invite him to raid I would have to lol.
Glimmer farming?
Earth patrol.
Start, pop black wax idol.
Turn slightly left head downstairs to that little shed.
Kill 3 yellow level 18 Hive.
Run back to stairs.
Run back to the Hive Room (TM).
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
I would love to but won't be home (at that time).He has a number of guys including a freshly minted 30 so I was trying to connect you. I'll be busy today but may sneak on this afternoon or tonight.
I really ought to try getting some sleep. This game is a cruel mistress
Thanks though and I accepted your FR! Maybe we can hook up at some point.
The dark beyond mission works well,did the super good advice under 15 minutes there.That's how I farmed to afford some of the IB gear. But it's not reliable. Sometimes the Hive will not respawn and you have to go off much farther.
I miss the days of farming the 8 yellow hive on the moon. That was just perfect.
Anyone looking to hard raid? Lvl 29 Warlock with a Gatekeeper checkpoint.
Ps4 gdt5016
1. Gdt