lol...Yes 'C' then fight for 'B'.
Anyone doing normal/hard raid?
New Dark Below stuff looks great. I now need to get the flawless raid out the way before it launches. Going to be weird playing stuff where I have no idea what is going to happen. Can't wait.
I wonder what is the rarest weapon? Use to to be the Vex is that still the case? Ghorn? Pocket Infinity?
The dark below is exactly what I need, any word if the raid is out straight away or will it be like last time?
Seriously stoked though, NEW STUFF FINALLY!
The dark below is exactly what I need, any word if the raid is out straight away or will it be like last time?
Seriously stoked though, NEW STUFF FINALLY!
At the moment, probably this one.I wonder what is the rarest weapon? Use to to be the Vex is that still the case? Ghorn? Pocket Infinity?
I imagine you can get flawless on the new Crota's End raid too, since it doesn't specify which raid. Might be easier on the new one without glitches.
Who am I kidding lol.
Looking to form an Iron Banner group for PS4
PSN Kopyasu
1.) Geneijin
Sure.I've got me and a friend looking to start IB now.
Wow, why did you play so many strikes?
Rarest weapon in terms of drops, I'd have to nominate Praetorian Foil, played ALOT of raids and the first time I saw it drop for anyone was when it dropped for me a couple of weeks back.
If anyone is looking for PS4 IB, we've got a fire team of 5 30's right now. PSN is DrDrizzay101.
So guys... Exotic patch tomorrow? Or are we gonna add another week to the counter without exotic buff news?![]()
Vex returning to it's former glory? Good times.
eh no, not going to happen, well maybe in PVE but not PVP sadly. Was fun killing everyone so easily in PVP, it wasnt even a competition.
Not so fun for the people being killed....
eh no, not going to happen, well maybe in PVE but not PVP sadly. Was fun killing everyone so easily in PVP, it wasnt even a competition.
no but I was enjoying myself![]()
They said they were looking for a base damage value that works in both PvE and PvP. They just need to slightly put it above Suros (it should be better than a gun Xur fucking sold). Make it a 27 body shot and 39/40 headshot and it works. Even then I will still wreck people on most maps with TLW but I'd rather use the Vex again. Pretty tired of the Suros. It's so bad that these last IB matches I even used the Mida Multi Tool.
I'd rather have Mythoclast being the go-to OP exotic primary in PvP than Suros. Mythoclast actually deserves since it's supposed to be the strongest/rarest gun in the game (about 5% of the games population completed the hard raid and not all of them would have the Vex).
The problem is that making a PVE gun better than any other guns in PVP is not really good design.I'd rather have Mythoclast being the go-to OP exotic primary in PvP than Suros. Mythoclast actually deserves since it's supposed to be the strongest/rarest gun in the game (about 5% of the games population completed the hard raid and not all of them would have the Vex).
The problem is that making a PVE gun better than any other guns in PVP is not really good design.
But then again, Bungie have no one to blame but themselves for not making a distinction on weapon stats between PVE and PVP...
I'm not sure sadly.What's the IB buff % today?
Shared stats between PvE and PvP was the dumbest design choice ever. Even if the Vex just gets a damage buff for PvE, as soon as Iron Banner rolls around it will easily be the best gun. Still, even with the damage boost the Mythoclast will probably be overshadowed by the new exotics which by the looks of it have an even greater base damage. Unless they plan on giving you the option to upgrade your current exotics, which I think they do for armor, but not sure about the weapons.
this is something I also was wondering about.
Shouldnt they just bring ALL exotics up to the new light lvl 32?
would be horrible to see these exotic weapons and armor become useless.
I also heard that the new Raid will not be up on day one, is that true? and WHY did they choose to do that? seems weird
Kinda pissed that it was only gloves and boots sold with IB.
Now loads of people are gonna be 30 but am I?
No am I fuck.
I've got 5 pairs of boots and 3 pairs of raid gloves.
All I want is a fucking chest or helmet (preferably the raid helmet) but no. That's too much to ask for aint it :/
Datamining showed up an exotic weapon armor core which is thought to be a way to upgrade our current exotic armor. Not sure about weapons though.
That was the plan first, but I think Urk mentioned here they were gonna open it up immediately. Not a 100% sure on that, nor is it a real confirmation, but here is hoping. Artificially making people wait after buying the DLC is silly. I could understand on the release, but most of the Destiny population is atleast lv28 now, atleast the raiders are.
I feel like my Suros is getting outgunned by everything right now for some reason. Hopefully it's just me as usual.
What is the best way on farming glimmer nowadays?
thanks, yeah it sounds crazy. Why should we have to wait for something like that? unless its story based and you need to complete a few bounties strikes etc before you can get into the raid?
What is the best way on farming glimmer nowadays?
I would say Patrol cosmodrone, take left, go down the stairs and kill the hive majors in the room down there, then go back to the stairs and go back and kill em again, rinse and repeat