Finally!!! Space Bus. RNG rewarded a top player, is this real life?
Na man. It's just fantasy
Finally!!! Space Bus. RNG rewarded a top player, is this real life?
What is the best way on farming glimmer nowadays?
Cosmodrome is faster when the hives don't disappear.Guys best way to farm glimmer is first Mars mission exclusion zone on heroic. Open the door and kill 6 yellow duded and some other scum die and repeat. With resuplly codes that's like 10k glimmer in 20 minutes.
Finally!!! Space Bus. RNG rewarded a top player, is this real life?
I tried to do that with the Black Wax Idol on but I only got like 140 from round. And sometimes they disappear for minutes... Well time to go back to Earth.
Kinda pissed that it was only gloves and boots sold with IB.
Now loads of people are gonna be 30 but am I?
No am I fuck./
That's the problem of playing with randoms. The last two people usually do fuck all in game.0.13 k/d? jesus
Kinda pissed that it was only gloves and boots sold with IB.
Now loads of people are gonna be 30 but am I?
No am I fuck.
I've got 5 pairs of boots and 3 pairs of raid gloves.
All I want is a fucking chest or helmet (preferably the raid helmet) but no. That's too much to ask for aint it :/
I finally leveled up my Icebreaker and Corrective Measure. I had been putting it off for weeks now.
Hive raid I are ready!
That's the problem of playing with randoms. The last two people usually do fuck all in game.
I am up for it. PSN - Kartik21. Titan 29 WoL.Hello Guardians!
Once again our beloved Tuesday reset is nearly upon us! I am looking for brave some brave souls to come join me in defeating Atheon at the Vault of Glass in Hard Mode.
I will be taking 3 levels 30's and two level 29's. If you are interested please quote this post with your psn, class, and level. I will add to you the list
Details Below!
Where: Vault of Glass - Hard Mode
When: Tuesday, November 25th
Time: 3:30PM (15:30) EST | 12:30PM PST | 2:30PM (14:30) CST | 8:30PM (20:30) GMT
1. noomi85- hunter - level 30
True.probably AFK, why bother doing anything when you can get the ship and weapon rewards just as easy without effort!
Seen that raid footage on gameinformer was pretty cool. I can't wait to go in blind again!
I'd be up for this. Lvl 29 Hunter.Hello Guardians!
Once again our beloved Tuesday reset is nearly upon us! I am looking for brave some brave souls to come join me in defeating Atheon at the Vault of Glass in Hard Mode.
I will be taking 3 levels 30's and two level 29's. If you are interested please quote this post with your psn, class, and level. I will add to you the list
Details Below!
Where: Vault of Glass - Hard Mode
When: Tuesday, November 25th
Time: 3:30PM (15:30) EST | 12:30PM PST | 2:30PM (14:30) CST | 8:30PM (20:30) GMT
1. noomi85 - hunter - level 30
2. Kartik21 - Titan - level 29
Need 1 more 29 and 3 more 30's
What: PS4 IB "Fond Farewell"
When: Tonight, ~11pm - Midnight EST until reset
1.) Boguester
2,) iRAWR
What: 3x3x3x0
Love the Invective bar the painstaking reload speed of it. Nice video.This IB is so much fun. We won because of this. Love the Titan super and Invective :3 haha.
The last guy was lagging hardcore btw.
One thing Iron Banner has taught me is that I'm just not so good at PvP. I'm not going to complain about the PvP problems that everyone mentions (like how lag makes laggers more invincible than non laggers). I can wreck the VoG hard and all other PvE content in Destiny easily. But I don't ever really play PvP in shooters, and in Destiny my k/d ratio is usually embarrassing. I do really try though. I don't have that quick perfect aiming reflex, and I often get flanked, and I don't have a good sense for finding where my enemies are before they take me out. I've decided today that I'm probably just never going to finish the Invective exotic bounty.
One thing Iron Banner has taught me is that I'm just not so good at PvP. I'm not going to complain about the PvP problems that everyone mentions (like how lag makes laggers more invincible than non laggers). I can wreck the VoG hard and all other PvE content in Destiny easily. But I don't ever really play PvP in shooters, and in Destiny my k/d ratio is usually embarrassing. I do really try though. I don't have that quick perfect aiming reflex, and I often get flanked, and I don't have a good sense for finding where my enemies are before they take me out. I've decided today that I'm probably just never going to finish the Invective exotic bounty.
+25 Kills+assists in Crucible.I got the Invective, but I forgot what PvP bounty you have to do?
One thing Iron Banner has taught me is that I'm just not so good at PvP. I'm not going to complain about the PvP problems that everyone mentions (like how lag makes laggers more invincible than non laggers). I can wreck the VoG hard and all other PvE content in Destiny easily. But I don't ever really play PvP in shooters, and in Destiny my k/d ratio is usually embarrassing. I do really try though. I don't have that quick perfect aiming reflex, and I often get flanked, and I don't have a good sense for finding where my enemies are before they take me out. I've decided today that I'm probably just never going to finish the Invective exotic bounty.
Hello Guardians!
Once again our beloved Tuesday reset is nearly upon us! I am looking for brave some brave souls to come join me in defeating Atheon at the Vault of Glass in Hard Mode.
I will be taking 3 levels 30's and two level 29's. If you are interested please quote this post with your psn, class, and level. I will add to you the list
Details Below!
Where: Vault of Glass - Hard Mode
When: Tuesday, November 25th
Time: 3:30PM (15:30) EST | 12:30PM PST | 2:30PM (14:30) CST | 8:30PM (20:30) GMT
1. noomi85 - hunter - level 30
2. Kartik21 - titan - level 29
3. Ikkarus - hunter - level 29
Filled up on 29's, need 3 more 30's![]()
You know that, thanks to you, either the PSN or Bungie's servers will be down the entire day, now?Just asked for a day off on December 9th. Why not? Haha.
Hey! Nice Hunter IB gloves cosplay!
I've decided today that I'm probably just never going to finish the Invective exotic bounty.
Hello Guardians!
Once again our beloved Tuesday reset is nearly upon us! I am looking for some brave souls to come join me in defeating Atheon at the Vault of Glass in Hard Mode.
I will be taking 3 levels 30's and two level 29's. If you are interested please quote this post with your psn, class, and level. I will add to you the list
Details Below!
Where: Vault of Glass - Hard Mode
When: Tuesday, November 25th
Time: 3:30PM (15:30) EST | 12:30PM PST | 2:30PM (14:30) CST | 8:30PM (20:30) GMT
1. noomi85 - hunter - level 30
2. Kartik21 - titan - level 29
3. Ikkarus - hunter - level 29
4. Rubenov25 - warlock - level 30
Filled up on 29's, need 2 more 30's![]()
Found a Doc who was willing to give me a smaller cast.
lol, now that's dedication![]()
What is the best way on farming glimmer nowadays?
Hello Guardians!
Once again our beloved Tuesday reset is nearly upon us! I am looking for some brave souls to come join me in defeating Atheon at the Vault of Glass in Hard Mode.
I will be taking 3 levels 30's and two level 29's. If you are interested please quote this post with your psn, class, and level. I will add to you the list
Details Below!
Where: Vault of Glass - Hard Mode
When: Tuesday, November 25th
Time: 3:30PM (15:30) EST | 12:30PM PST | 2:30PM (14:30) CST | 8:30PM (20:30) GMT
1. noomi85 - hunter - level 30
2. Kartik21 - titan - level 29
3. Ikkarus - hunter - level 29
4. Rubenov25 - warlock - level 30
5. Outlaw_Omega - hunter - level 30
Filled up on 29's, need 1 more 30Would love a level 30 titan to come help out.
You know that, thanks to you, either the PSN or Bungie's servers will be down the entire day, now?
Or both...
Hey! Nice Hunter IB gloves cosplay!
*thumbs up*
I assume the Dark Below Vidoc is ancient but I didn't see it mentioned. Some good stuff in there.
We are a team of 4-5 guys who are going to try the Vault of Glass today at 17:00 (GMT +1) and we need 1-2 guys. Anyone interested? Only one of us have tried the raid before so you don't have to be good. Most of us are level 28.
You can also send me a friend invite on PSN. My PSN name is nevernuder.
Yeah the VEX should be the go to OP weapon. Its the hardest to come by, you cant buy it. Find it so strange and sad that they nerfed it so much that a gun you can buy is stronger.
But think of all those cheesers who have it...
IB wont last forever, and i need rank 4
I am looking to run it with one of my alts on normal, I'd be happy to guide you guys through it. I've done numerous hard completions, so no worries there.
Problem is I won't be on until 19:00 / 19:30 GMT +1. I'll add you (PSN is TearsOfBlood) when I get on and if you still need someone by then, just shoot me a message. Otherwise, good luck!
Don't be silly. You can easily complete that bounty with a few matches of a kd > 1 (even 1.1 is fine) as long as you get kills and loads of assists. Pick up a shot gun, stick to tight corridors and make hay
I'm below average in PvP but the Invective bounty is doable. Just dont try to think about it too much and combine it with some other Crucible bounties.
i can see myself in how you describe your PvP self and i can assure you that the invective bounty is easy as pie...
Thorn bounty on the other hand... i can see myself doing it only with a void primary, which at this rate i'll never own
Thanks everyone! The Thorn bounty is finished for me. I've got Thorn. But for some reason Invective has been stuck in my inventory for a long while. It was one of the first exotic bounties that I got, and I have finished all the other exotic bounties so far. I really don't think about it that much when I PvP (and I don't PvP very much except for this week during Iron Banner I played a bunch yesterday and today). Invective bounty just hasn't been easy for me.... I guess I would just need to find a good place to camp and use shotguns is what you are saying... Thanks again!