Should I buy the Devil You Know from Vanguard? Looks like a really cool HC, but I wonder if I'll ever use.
VERY good handcannon, however, I was fortunate to get Timur's Lash from RNGesus, and that has replaced TDYK as my purple HC of choice now.
Should I buy the Devil You Know from Vanguard? Looks like a really cool HC, but I wonder if I'll ever use.
Assists count for the Thorn bounty as well. Every assist will get you 5 points, same as a kill.
Is that new? Never got points for assists when I did the Thorn bounty. I know that they count for the Invective bounty.
OMFG, best news today. Let's do it, Zoba.
I'm pretty sure they always have. Otherwise I probably never would have finished that bounty.
Don't get your hopes up - not trying to contradict Hoodbury, but I'm pretty sure assists do not count.
Huh...well now I'm very confused.
Assists count for the Thorn bounty as well. Every assist will get you 5 points, same as a kill.
OMFG, best news today. Let's do it, Zoba.
I bought The Devil You Know because I maxed Vanguard rep again. Its pretty decent and the fast reload perk is good.
Best legendary hand cannon after Fatebringer, IMO.
My rep is maxed too, but I am hesitant because they said there will be a store for rep exchange so I am trying to save. Though, I'll probably buy it after work.
Assists count for the Thorn bounty as well. Every assist will get you 5 points, same as a kill.
A few commenters on Reddit have reported no points for assists.
I don't remember assists counting when I did the Thorn bounty.
How does that work though? You just hit them with a void weapon and let someone else kill them? Could've sworn this didn't work when I was doing the bounty.
Edit: are you sure you aren't thinking of the invective bounty?
My dreams are dashed....
Lik you're plenty good enough to get the Thorn Bounty done anyway in just a few matches. It really doesn't take that long. 5 points per kill and -2 per death isn't a big deal. You'll be done in no time.
Every death just pisses me off more cuz of the penalty to Bounty. I guess I'm better at PVP now than when I first tried the Bounty a few weeks ago. Holy shit, I've had this bounty for way too long.
Are you playing tonight? Let's team up.
Are you playing tonight? Let's team up.
The Thorn bounty kind of ruined PvP for me while I was working on it. Like you said, every death pissed me off even more, because nothing is worse than seeing your progress get erased by a Bladedancer, etc.
Bungie should stop those pvp bounties where you can lose progress...The Thorn bounty kind of ruined PvP for me while I was working on it. Like you said, every death pissed me off even more, because nothing is worse than seeing your progress get erased by a Bladedancer, etc.
Crossposting from other thread:
Looking for 4 people for a normal raid on ps4 tonight.
I am in. PSN - Kartik21.Crossposting from other thread:
Looking for 4 people for a normal raid on ps4 tonight.
I'd echo this - a lot of people are only now getting into 28/29 and only just *starting* to pulling the rug out on them will not be welcome!
I've only managed to Raid twice and was really lucky to get a chest drop....but I'm not even that excited about it because there's a real risk it's going to be worthless in 3 weeks time (which will be about 15 hours of game time).
I really really hope they can get a nice cross-over going between the two raids i.e. being able to do the 28 (maybe 30!?) "normal" new raid will give an easier way to get level 30 armour to go back and do the old hard raid....and doing that one will somehow make it easier to do hard mode on the new raid.
I Hope my weekly Raid team doesn't mind hitting Crotas Raid blind. I'd like to give it a run without knowing what to expect. Having to figure out the mechanics and what not sounds like a challenge I'm definitely up for.
Dragging scrubs to victory in the Iron Banner.
I Hope my weekly Raid team doesn't mind hitting Crotas Raid blind. I'd like to give it a run without knowing what to expect. Having to figure out the mechanics and what not sounds like a challenge I'm definitely up for.
I never got to experience VoG that way.
What you say, Deku and Madgame?![]()
Def go in blind if you can. VoG first time through was an amazing experience not knowing what was coming up next. Probably the most fun I had gaming all year. Hoping the first time through Crota's End is similar.
I'm gonna laugh if we do the exact same thing except with different textures.
hax?! Man you can drag this scrub (me) to victory anytime!!! I know I hit 26 kills yesterday but no way was it 13.5 K/D from what I recall.
You used Sniper rifle?
I'm gonna laugh if we do the exact same thing except with different textures.
so far this is what we know for sure: you will drop straight into the hellmouth from above, into a dark pit and have to form a circle, facing out as you defend yourself and your friends from an onslaught of thrall in the darkness
then you'll continue up a narrow path dimly lit into the unknown
Is your current raid group all getting the expansion? I need to find a new regular weekly group :/
I'll join too and bring a friend!Crossposting from other thread:
Looking for 4 people for a normal raid on ps4 tonight.
My dreams are dashed....
The thorn bounty should not be too bad all you need is a few good game going. Having a solid team does help. Rock your void gear and hang back and defend a control point. Making a mad dash for the heavy ammo drop. That worked wonders for me when i was doing the bounty. I also had my warlock with void on which made things earier.
By the way, I'm still interested in forming a regular raid group (primarily the HM raid, but my alt is now ready for the normal one). Friday/Saturday night, Central European Time.
edit: Probably wasn't the smartest idea to post this at this time (1am) when most Europeans are asleep.
This is awesome!
Please for the love of god no relics or relic type items...