Hezen vengeance any good? (I aint got gjallahorn)
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Hezen vengeance any good? (I aint got gjallahorn)
Hezen vengeance any good? (I aint got gjallahorn)
Hezen vengeance any good? (I aint got gjallahorn)
The moment I got your FR the boss died![]()
Hezen vengeance any good? (I aint got gjallahorn)
So is the Nightfall a walk in the park solo with Atheon's Epilogue, Praedyth's Revenge and a Void LMG / Truth?
I just realized the Shrieker does Void dmg...LOL
yeah always nice knocking these out when the reset happens. In 2 weeks we will be getting new loot! And cyborg will be alive thenIt was bound to happen eventually but I finally managed to do 3 hard raids, 3 NFs, and 3 Weeklies without getting a single new item. 2nd TLW, 3rd Mask of the Third Man... and ass for days.
Shout out to the normal raid crew for another quick week (3 hard raids + 3 NFs in ~3.5 hrs ain't bad). Too bad cyborg is apparently dead....
I just realized the Shrieker does Void dmg...LOL
Soloing nightfall is so hard after the recent patch. Anyone wanna do a nightfall run? No mic ATM though. Psn : ausroachman
Oh, wow, I completely forgot about that.
haha, better notice that red spot on your radar before it starts firingit does vanish in a moment on its own so no need to destroy it.
It was bound to happen eventually but I finally managed to do 3 hard raids, 3 NFs, and 3 Weeklies without getting a single new item. 2nd TLW, 3rd Mask of the Third Man... and ass for days.
Shout out to the normal raid crew for another quick week (3 hard raids + 3 NFs in ~3.5 hrs ain't bad). Too bad cyborg is apparently dead....
Soloing nightfall is so hard after the recent patch. Anyone wanna do a nightfall run? No mic ATM though. Psn : ausroachman
Not a bad week from RNGesus endowed me with 2 Hard Lights (one from Nightfall and 1 from the Raid) and a THUNDERLORD FUCK YES!!
I guess that narrows down what Xur is going to sell this week. ¬_¬
Now I'm only missing Vex Mythoclast, Hawkmoon and Red Death... 2 of which is 100% RNG based. :/
We need 3 guys or hard Atheon. Anyone want to join? You could get an exotic, who knows.
PSN: Wretched_Walrus
We need 3 guys or hard Atheon. Anyone want to join? You could get an exotic, who knows.
PSN: Wretched_Walrus
Sigh, 2 more attempts with Nightfall to get Hawkmoon.
Also did Bungie talk about how old exotic weapons will remain relevant once we get new exotics from the DLC?
Sigh, 2 more attempts with Nightfall to get Hawkmoon.
Also did Bungie talk about how old exotic weapons will remain relevant once we get new exotics from the DLC?
PSN: Darryl_M_R. level 29 hunter
Anyone want to do hard mode raid need three got 3 30s
Gonna start deleting people I added for Destiny. Need to clear out guys I rarely or never played with.
Anyone want to do hard mode raid need three got 3 30s
Gonna start deleting people I added for Destiny. Need to clear out guys I rarely or never played with.
OK finishing up nf maybe 15 minIm in l30 lock already in your fl
Joined up room for 1 more!