No problem, my engram ended up as a Shadow Price
Lucky, already have one, one of the best auto rifles in the game IMO
No problem, my engram ended up as a Shadow Price
...I feel like everyone does their weekly activities literally within 10 hours of them being up. I feel left out here sitting in the office. If anyone's interested, I'd be down for Nightfalls, Weeklies, and would love to raid tonight.
with the void burn, what all uses void before phogoth and besides that other ogre?
Nightfall Rewards: Ahamkara's Spine #2, Patience and Time #3, Suros #4.
New stuff plz.
with the void burn, what all uses void before phogoth and besides that other ogre?
Carried my noob ass in IB all week long...Lucky, already have one, one of the best auto rifles in the game IMO
Anyone else broke as a damn joke after the IB? I'm sitting on 240 glimmer after leveling my weapons and gear a bit.
Anyone else broke as a damn joke after the IB? I'm sitting on 240 glimmer after leveling my weapons and gear a bit.
Acolytes have void shooters, and as others have said, there's the Shrieker in the entrance room to Phogoth. Also, I guess there is the dropship in the Circle of Bones.
Seriously, how do I go 16-8 one match and then the next match go 4-15? My KDR over the last 20 games graph on looks like the jawline of a great white shark. It's just spikes and dips and spikes and dips.
I'm so inconsistent. The only thing consistent is me getting objectively correct medal, heh.
Last match of the IB for me and I got one more mote of light so I could reroll my Peruns Fire one last try and I did get the perks I wanted - Accelerated coils and Hip Fire, but it was Solar and I really wanted Arc. But I"ll take it. I really need more Arc weapons for PvE but those perks should be good for PvP which I mostly do anyway.
These stingy assholes from Dead Orbit have got until the new raid to give me one of their shaders (if superblack is indeed the new raid shader)
So what's on the agenda tonight, Destiny folk?
Am thinking to avoid my last Friday night of 3 Nightfalls and 2 weeklies all back to back I may run some tonight. Poor deafmedal - we were so sick of Septic Tank Prime and two-manned most of them...Hahalol of course he hogged the kills with Fatebringer
Nightfall, weeklies and hard raid is possible.
PSN: ColonelOCorn
3 level 29's, one of each class, with max leveled void weapons coming out of my ears. Bring on the Phogoth.(forever 29)Again
Rank 26 reward!
These stingy assholes from Dead Orbit have got until the new raid to give me one of their shaders (if superblack is indeed the new raid shader)
Then I can finally take off their shitty excuse for a cloak.
Forgot about the Acolytes... and might need to find myself a void rare sniper that can shoot through walls to avoid the shrieker if playing solo...
Also not sure if i should use void walker or play it safe with sunsinger. (always nice to be able to self revive when playing solo and something sneaks up on you.)
Defender titan is a given.
Gunslinger great for witches, blade dancer for stealth.
Corrective measure and void swarm will help too. but it might also be nice to roll with 2 others on this one, just to speed things up a bit.
Whoever designed how glide works should be fired.
First hard raid was a success. I got CM - one of two raid weapons I was missing. I actually got two of them to drop, lol. Just need the epilogue now to have all the raid drops.
I also got a Suros from the Gorgonn chest. I passed on it both times Xur had it for sale so pretty happy with that.
Thanks guys for the good group!
Jelly of you folks already doing the Nightfall for the week. I'll be at work for another 6 hours or so. (East coast, USA)
At least there's a burn and no Lightswitch this week although I have to say that Angry is my least favorite modifier now. Unflinching heroic mobs that have tons of hps and spam weapon fire (or wizard bolts) at you is not my idea of a good time.
I've also decided that this is the week that I want to do my first Vault of Glass run. After playing so much IB this last week and getting wrecked by Found Verdict, Vision of Confluence, Gjallerhorn, etc. I want in on those raid weapons.
And I need Ascendant Energies! Many, many Ascendant Energies. I have like 6 or 7 weapons that are all waiting on energy to max them out.
Scroll up schwag.there are some of us who are also stuck at work hehe
Cheese spot? Queue the safe room.
You can sit middle chamber side of the doorway and have a big enough gap to phogoths room to snipe him in safety, just takes a while that's all. I was using Ice breaker to regenerate my preydeths ammo.
I mean first for this weekHow did you get the Vex if you just did your first hard raid?
What do I need to do to get ready for my first raid? Currently level 26 and will be at level 27 shortly. I finally have enough coins and motes to get an exotic armor and exotic engram from Xur this weekend. I only have one legendary weapon though - a crappy Dr. Nope. I should be able to buy a Vanguard weapon in the next week - I'd like to get TDYK but I'm also considering the Swarm as it comes with Void damage. Do I need all legendary weapons to be effective in the raid?
Send me an invite if you still have room. Psn: Impulse_215Room for one more in Nightfall.
PSN: rayuma
Wizards do Arc damage, right? I imagine this Nightfall should be easy to solo then. I think I can rush my lv 24 buddy later this week.
Thanks a lot for the raid guys, was good fun and now one of my 3 characters (Hunter) is ready to hit level 30 after grabbing the gloves.Looking for hard raid..
1. Greenymac
2. TysonBane
3. Ocean
4. Darknyss
5. Kartik
I mean first for this week
I actually got my first Vex from the original Atheon cheese and a second one from doing it legit.
Ah. I see. I miss the cheese... so delicious yet they had to take it away![]()
Join me, I'm at the final boss.
Ps4 gdt5016
Rank 26 reward!
These stingy assholes from Dead Orbit have got until the new raid to give me one of their shaders (if superblack is indeed the new raid shader)
Then I can finally take off their shitty excuse for a cloak.
Whoever designed how glide works should be fired.
At this point your raid group will probably be stacked with 28's and above, so as long as you're a competent player, it won't really matter what you bring. With that being said, a good void weapon will help for the praetorians, and a maxed legendary primary will really help for the oracles.
You're gonna be at a disadvantage being 27, but with smart play and an experienced group, normal raid should be cake at this point.
What happened to cyborg? Just taking a break from destiny?
Probabilistically the more stuff you have from RNG then the less and less likely you are to get the rest from RNG and you are much much more likely to just keep getting repeats. Unfortunately that is the way the odds stack up. What are you missing?
Sucks our time zones don't align for this, need to find a regular raid crew for my time zone (gmt). Almost all of my previous regs have abandoned the game.
Glide is glorious.
I personally prefer the titan control jetpack but the sunlock control+speed glide is a close second.
Being able to cheese the hardest content should always be patched out asap. You shouldn't get access to the best raid gear if you can't earn it.
Anyone want to help me get through the nightfall? Can't gwt through those Arc shields while 4 knights are shooting at me.
PS4 KeRaSh
Either of you two still looking for people to join you?I just started the nightfall. If anyone wants to jump in feel free.
PSN: Tstrider