haha goddamn. looks like I need to make a post on hunters in PvE due to the crushing amount of wrong found on this page
No amount of Hawkian posts will undo the fact that Hunters are supposed to be nimble and quick and are neither. Using supers and stuff smartly is fine, I know how to get the most out of my hunter main and I stay alive more than my titan and warlock friends just out of strategy. Golden gun is great for oracles, blah blah. I am just talking about the base stats you assume with class characteristic. Like the big tanky looking class should not be the highest and fastest jumping, which it inarguable is. The Titan double jump moves you forward faster and gets you higher in straight vertical. I use Hunters just fine in getting shit done, but as a class they make no sense. They are neither a glass cannon, or a glass ninja(except in PvP), but when it comes to their build various in PvE, they are just glass. I am not saying Destiny has to follow all of the traditional class tropes, but I don't understand what the "Hunter" aspect of the Hunter class is other than being able to go invisible, which has really limited usefulness outside of cheesing and stealth medic. The most agile looking class implies it should be agile. Triple jump is neat, but the net height of the three is less than Titan's double and the distance you can travel with triple is shorter than Warlock float. Worst of all, you move forward slower with Hunter triple jumps than the other two classes.
PS - This is all PvE class talk. I don't give a shit about PvP. Maybe with a revised IB, class stats might mater more.