If you don't have a full team of new guys I'd be down to join. Still gotta learn how to use that relicThursdays at 8:15PM EST. This one is Thanksgiving! I'm rescheduling it til 9PM to give some more people a chance to make it after their festivities (I'll be just finishing up family dinner at 8 myself). Typically, I post the signups (along with info about the other weekly stuff I do) on Wednesday mornings. But if you can make it this week, I'll give you a spot nowIf not, stay tuned for future runs!
Suros is insanely good. It get's a lot of flak because people say it doesn't take much "skill" to use the gun. That's partially true, its a very forgiving weapon in unskilled hands. You need to be extremely careful when it's in the hands of a skilled player, because it's a beast. Chaining together triple, even quad kills with the Suros is pretty damn easy with 100% stability if you have the aiming down. Shots for days. And that AR nerf that bungie did a while ago because ARs "were too effective at range" did practially nothing to Suros' effectiveness at high range.
Yup, and if Bungie decides to nerf it again, I had Scout Rifles and HCs to switch to.
If you don't have a full team of new guys I'd be down to join. Still gotta learn how to use that relic![]()
lol poor sony
a sweet car you can't pull out of the garage
ugh. can't wait for Parity Day 2015.
You're gonna have some drunk raiders
Hahaha. It's gonna be PC if possible, PS4 if not. Getting a Wii U in the not too distant future, but it's not likely I'll be getting an XboneDamn, I am half tempted to rush out get a freaking PS4 and be raid ready just for this one particular run. Drunken TurkeyGaf raid for the win.
Next time a massive game like Destiny comes out I will have to ask myself... What would Hawkian get it on... then do that. I am missing out on all the fun.
TDYK has been my go-to for PVP for a while now since IB started and Thorn was nerfed. 3HKO on headshots from even long range and the range is crazy good with Send it. I've out-sniped snipers with the thing. Thorn would be my ideal choice for ranged maps still. I still like Suros a lot and I should use it more than I do, its a great piece of kit, good for short, medium and long range situations. TDYK gets a bit rough when they're right up in your face.
But there was no 4th player to get the quad kill on :[
Thursdays at 8:15PM EST. This one is Thanksgiving! I'm rescheduling it til 9PM to give some more people a chance to make it after their festivities (I'll be just finishing up family dinner at 8 myself). Typically, I post the signups (along with info about the other weekly stuff I do) on Wednesday mornings. But if you can make it this week, I'll give you a spot nowIf not, stay tuned for future runs!
Need two 30's for VoG hard, fresh. Starting as soon as full. Let me know your psn and I'll invite
Shit, I love suros for when I just wanna turn my brain off and aim in a direction and get kills. The gun is some simpleton shit....I love it.Haters gonna hate. Suros is a great gun. I can't wait for Vex to get buffed again so people can go back to hating that gun more.
Thank youuuu. putting it in this OP just for funsies too.
Zocano accept my fr we are starting now
Shit, I love suros for when I just wanna turn my brain off and aim in a direction and get kills. The gun is some simpleton shit....I love it.
Though hawkmoon is now my gun of choice when I decide I want to put some thought into my playing.
Need two 30's for VoG hard, fresh. Starting as soon as full. Let me know your psn and I'll invite
So are all of you done with crucible now that IB is over... or shall we get together a team for tonight?
IB was nice because it was much easier to find a team to play with, usually everyone just looks for groups to raid![]()
So are all of you done with crucible now that IB is over... or shall we get together a team for tonight?
IB was nice because it was much easier to find a team to play with, usually everyone just looks for groups to raid![]()
Anyone doing hard raid fresh or from oracles? Lv 30 titan ready to go if you have room.
PSN is greyblade.
Have plenty of room. Just need 4 more people lol
Setting up a fresh normal raid (PS4) at 4:00 PM CST (16:00) tonight. Have two so far:
1. Level 30 Warlock Sunsinger
2. Level 30 Hunter Gunslinger
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open
6. Open
My PSN: ShinigamiFrost
I should be on around 3:30 to start setting up. Just toss me a friend request and I'll add you. You can quote the list and add yourself if you want.![]()
I'm cool with that. It may not be a preferred method, but destinylfg.net hasn't let down if people on GAF aren't looking.
Amen. Mine is 16. Having that "oh what class do we need?" capability for our group is gonna be sooo good.One day Hawkbro, one day, I will be able to bring my Titan instead of Lock if you guys so choose and I can spread that weapons of light for us to really crap on Aetheon and Templar...and whatever fools dare challenge us in Crota's End! I just got him to 15 last night. My baby Titan is now ready to siege Mars! Also the Venus strikes but might do Mars missions first. Soon he'll be a grown man, soon! I have all kinds of goodies for you in the vault on that glorious day my young Titan, we'll pretend it's your Bar Mitzvah when you hit 20!
Oh you don't have to be 27! Who told you you had to be 27? I hope I didn't say you had to be 27.I doubt I'll be able to get to 27 by Thursday, so probably next week. After what I read, I really want to play my first raid with you!
Thank you. Maybe... maybe one day. I just don't know if my nerves can take it. Sometimes I fall off things.Sweet. let me know if you ever want to try a flawless run, or 3. Happy to help.
Amen. Mine is 16. Having that "oh what class do we need?" capability for our group is gonna be sooo good.
Oh you don't have to be 27! Who told you you had to be 27? I hope I didn't say you had to be 27.
It'll be harder for you toward the end when there are level 28 enemies, but perfectly doable. Think you can make it?
Thank you. Maybe... maybe one day. I just don't know if my nerves can take it. Sometimes I fall off things.
Oh you don't have to be 27! Who told you you had to be 27? I hope I didn't say you had to be 27.
It'll be harder for you toward the end when there are level 28 enemies, but perfectly doable. Think you can make it?
I got 5 coins out of my first Nightfall. My two teammates got exotics.
So are all of you done with crucible now that IB is over... or shall we get together a team for tonight?
IB was nice because it was much easier to find a team to play with, usually everyone just looks for groups to raid![]()
Welcome to the club, bro. It's best to just accept it and then on the very rare occasion where your luck changes and you get something worthwhile it'll be that much better....and then Xur will sell whatever weapon you get that very same weekend.
Have plenty of room. Just need 4 more people lol
I got 5 coins out of my first Nightfall. My two teammates got exotics.
Psn gunawiAdd me. PSN: Hzoltan969
You're gonna have some drunk raiders
Amen. Mine is 16. Having that "oh what class do we need?" capability for our group is gonna be sooo good.
Oh you don't have to be 27! Who told you you had to be 27? I hope I didn't say you had to be 27.
It'll be harder for you toward the end when there are level 28 enemies, but perfectly doable. Think you can make it?
Thank you. Maybe... maybe one day. I just don't know if my nerves can take it. Sometimes I fall off things.
Every time my group does the raid there is always one person that has never done the relic. They are told to leave it the hell alone, without fail they get teleported and pick it up immediately. Its like the game knows you have never touched it and somehow puts you in a situation to get it no matter what.
Fun times had by all.
Only complaint I have about it is that at least one wipe is imminent but that's ok.
I do the weekly, nightfall, and the raid but otherwise besides those all I do is crucible and yet I still suck at it :/
Sure!I just like to be as helpful as possibe. Most recommended 27. Regardless, I think next Thursday would be best for me. I hope there is still a spot for me!
Uh oh, yep! Sorry :<Oh no...I just realized. You are probably PS4, right?
I am an absolutely wreck during the jump puzzle still.