Still have a spot? I'm a 30 warlock
I want a hug too.*virtual hug*
Whats the best place to farm glimmer these days?
Yeah one last spot, you make six.
Gonna start soon just finishing up dinner. Looking to start around 8:10.
Whats the best place to farm glimmer these days?
Mars - Exclusion Zone Story Mission. Set to Heroic difficulty.
Provides a gang of cabal majors to kill. Have consumables ready.
The fetishization of Hawkmoon is so weird to me.
I rocked it a bunch in Iron Banner but much much much prefer Suros, Visions, Shadow Price.
Mostly Auto Rifles.
I'd love a good Pulse Rifle but they're all butt.
Okay so that's 4 of us? 5? Don't know who seb is.
1. gdt5016
2. D-psipher
3. Darryl_M_R
4. Mindlog
How many 30's we got?
Has it always indicated that when someone was on the moon in your friends roster it specifically noted "earths moon"? If not I think we might be hitting a jovian moon soon.
I want a hug too.
Put away the knife before you hug me though.![]()
Looking forward to it. Do you mind us having a party chat instead of depending on Destiny's firesquad chat
Walked into my sisters room and she was playing the raid. Saw my friend with her who bought a ps4 for Destiny at the end of September. He was playing an alt with praxic fire. I just got pissed off and walked out of the room.
Walked into my sisters room and she was playing the raid. Saw my friend with her who bought a ps4 for Destiny at the end of September. He was playing an alt with praxic fire. I just got pissed off and walked out of the room.
Yea, the Hawkmoon has recoil to the point that it blocks your sights. I regret saying TLW sucks earlier in the thread. It's my favorite weapon now even when it doesn't register hip fire shots sometimes.
I just ADS and aim below center mass and let the recoil do the rest = dead player.
Fine, but I still want a hug.But it's attached to my hand....
lolWalked into my sisters room and she was playing the raid. Saw my friend with her who bought a ps4 for Destiny at the end of September. He was playing an alt with praxic fire. I just got pissed off and walked out of the room.
Yea, the Hawkmoon has recoil to the point that it blocks your sights. I regret saying TLW sucks earlier in the thread. It's my favorite weapon now even when it doesn't register hip fire shots sometimes.
I just ADS and aim below center mass and let the recoil do the rest = dead player.
I love TLW but I noticed quite a few times the "gun jam" bug. Very very annoying. Other than that though of the weps I have TLW is one of my favorites. That and Suros Regime.
lvl 30 Hunter here.
Mad about destiny? Or mad that your friend is trying to be all Destiny buddy buddy with your sister?
Cause the latter might lead to... actually just chalk it up to loosing a Destiny raid member to your sister.
You and my dad think alike. I assure you both that he's not trying to do that lol. He's not even in the same state as us anymore.
I'm down.
Probably Seb as well.
I started to think that way after having my daughter, she is only 19 months but once you have a daughter boys are the enemy.
The Thirst it is real. I never thought it was until I was a father of a girl.
Looking to run my second char through NF. Was able to get a gaf group earlier. Anyone else down on ps4?
PSN: ryhian
did you see Boguester's post? join on him and I'll join you guys in ~5mins
Boguester: just sent you a FR
Sweet. Thanks
NF gave me purple Engram that turned into 2 energy![]()
i actually rather like that.Destiny |OT11| It goes up to 11!
i actually rather like that.
I need to run Nightfall. FR sent.Looking to run my second char through NF. Was able to get a gaf group earlier. Anyone else down on ps4?
PSN: ryhian
Kinda fits the theme I'm going for with the new ot too.I agree, really really wicked awesome.
I think I will watch Spinal Tap tonight during the Nightfall and Weekly runs.
Kinda fits the theme I'm going for with the new ot too.
Sweet. Thanks
Can you put a Special list of XboxOne Players in the new OT, We are Unicorns.
All Destiny Gaf XboxOne players should have the tag "Chose Poorly"
Okay, need to run the nightfall/weekly. PSN: Mupodpsn