Have room for one more if anyone wants to do the nightfall on PS4
PSN: joshcbrugby
I'm at the last part of the Nightfall.
Got 2 spots for anyone that wants to hop in and kill the fool.
edit: Will wait a few minutes before I start.
PSN is Zocano.
Have a Hard Raid group. We're starting at oracles. 3 30s and a 29. Could use 2 more, at least 1 30.
Post PSN and level if you want an invite.
Hard raid down-Fatebringer, Ass and Aspect of Glass lol. Can't be mad at RNG since no Vex still since it did bless me to reach 30. Gonna level up Fatebringer and see if it's any good.
Same here.God damnit. Everything going great in Nightfall, Zombie Apocalypse tearing shit up. Killed by a dreg because of light switch.
God damnit. Everything going great in Nightfall, Zombie Apocalypse tearing shit up. Killed by a dreg because of light switch.
i only use mine on gatekeepers and opening the gate itself
I'm too addicted to VoC its a problem
Finished the raid with 25 ass shards lol
It's my go to legendary primary.
Explosive rounds are outstanding in PvP for disrupting player's view and the Outlaw perk is invaluable.
Tempted to invest my shards into more Light on my L29 characters. If I could just take one more hit from a L30 Praetorian it would be worth it. I know the common wisdom is to not waste shards on non-raid/exotics but it might be worth it if it makes my Titan tougher. Just pisses me off my L29 Titan can't fight a Praetorian upclose (unless its blinded by my Helm of Light-14 lol)
I tried using explosive rounds on a hand cannon and a scout rifle in PvP, and it seems like the costs outweigh the benefits to me. I'm sure those on the receiving end were annoyed, but cutting my damage in half to them is a big deal for firefights. I ended up losing more than I would have liked, and switched back to a non-explosive round perk and instantly did better.
Maybe it's just me.
Todd would agree
Seriously ....FUCK....THIS...GAME.
8 VoC
5 Raid Chest
5 Raid Boots
4 Corrective Measure
3 Praedyths Revenge
3 Mythoclast
3 Found Verdict
Still not a single pair of Gloves or Helmet. This is not RNG, this next level trolling.
Wait you think having more light beyond 109 but less than 120 gives you more defense? Any evidence of that?
Fig my sister got exotic warlock helmet from nightfall on her hunter. If she got heart of praxic Fire I might not ever talk to her again.
Great - we've run something together before, I think... The final piece of the Thorn bounty?
8:30PM EST Normal VoG.
1) scarletham
2) hoodbury
3) spyder_ur
4) X-Frame
5) Fixed
6) a_javierp
Could use a few people for alt slots. I know that X-Frame is tentative.
Hard raid down-Fatebringer, Ass and Aspect of Glass lol. Can't be mad at RNG since no Vex still since it did bless me to reach 30. Gonna level up Fatebringer and see if it's any good.
We still on for this?
It's just a side effect, or the main effect depending on how you look at it. think about it, how did you get more light? upgraded defense on your armorWait you think having more light beyond 109 but less than 120 gives you more defense? Any evidence of that?
=p sure yeah if your up for it, ill be on
I'm ready whenever. Set time was 35 minutes from now no?
Wait you think having more light beyond 109 but less than 120 gives you more defense? Any evidence of that?
20 soon for Hunter. I can wear my good shit soon. Yay
20 soon for Hunter. I can wear my good shit soon. Yay
How'd you level yours? Mine is still level 9, the grind is too real.
You got some stuff saved in the vault?
Meh a few bad raids with mutral ransoms really leaves a nasty effect.
Just play PVP, better than grinding in missions.
Thanks man! It's more of the random friends of friends are constantly annoying with thier banter and not listening to the plan. Honesty it's prob the banter that drove me crazy lolAnything after a flawless would be tough - congrats on that, by the way!
I did level 5-20 on my Titan in about 4 days of casual (4-5 matches at a time) pvp. Just use bounties to your advantage.How'd you level yours? Mine is still level 9, the grind is too real.