Another week, another raid, another ass pie with chatterwhite frosting, this is beyond ridiculous, RNG my ass, it has to be something else going on here, because the guys who are already 30 always get one or two pieces of raid armor and some weapons, the guys who have none or still need some (like me, i need the fucking gauntlets), will never get it and get shards instead, sigh, maybe i could have more luck with my alts (nope).
In other news, did one Nightfall and one weekly, the Nightall was really quick, but the weekly...what a pain in the ass, my haul, coins, some engram and even another legendary sniper, this one i´ll keep because it is from FWC and i love the colors, it has good perks too, but now i need to clean the vault and shard duplicates, fucking stupid 20 item limit...way too short, anyway, two Nightfalls to go.
More things, yesterday i had an intensive upgrade grinding sesion for my Thorn (telemetry + 6 bounties + public event across my 3 chars + woken the hive) and learned the Mark of The Devourer and almost all damage upgrades, my god, this gun is really fun now, but i must say that playing Gunslinger with Chain of Woe/Gunslinger Trance, and some gauntlets with H.C. speed reload perk is a must imho, that or maybe a Defender with Warmachine, it has to be a build for that gun, because if not, that atrocious reload speed ruins everything. I really like the gun tho, i am even thinking of doing the bounty again with my two alts (i have the bounty already with both) to have one Thorn for each character lol