Oh come on, man... bladedancing those supplicants is money. MONEY BABY.
Now you have me all curious as to how effective Razor's Edge is on them.
Leveling an alt is the worst! It's easy to see how reviewers got such a bad first impression of this game if you focus on the story missions. You really do just go to the same places over and over and take a different turn here and there if you do things "in order". I didn't do things in order on my main character (I knew better since the alpha/ beta), and didn't even finish the story until the last mission happened to be a daily. I was probably level 25.
as far as order, going through with my Titan doing ONLY the main/"Laurel Wreath" missions, it at least goes pretty quick. I'm leaving the remaining side missions for leveling subclasses/weapons after beating the "story". trying to play through every single mission in order a second time would be excruciating to be sure
as far as the 1-20 leveling process itself, I've actually enjoyed it on all three characters :X Did a combination of story missions, bounties, strikes, patrol beacon/mat runs, and Crucible, keep mixing it up frequently. I like feeling of unlocking a new class ability and the UI effect when you level up :3
I didn't rush any of them or try to get to 20 in one night or anything like that though. Just a few levels a day
edit: cutscenes must be skippable
BDancers can... cloak... which helps for grabbing the GKeeper relics... I guess... or something... Alright, they suck in the raid. But to be fair, Striker and Void Walker are pretty craptastic in the raid relative to their other subclass.
yeah they are the best for soloing a gatekeeper portal with stealth, and you can dance past the jumping puzzle if your super is up. I switch subclasses after the Templar and then back to gunslinger at Atheon. I like it