Anyone want to bust out a quick normal raid? Just need four more people, want to try and get it started as soon as possible.
PSN: MiidSoss
Quoting myself for the new page.
Anyone want to bust out a quick normal raid? Just need four more people, want to try and get it started as soon as possible.
PSN: MiidSoss
9pm Est. Sorry. I'll edit my post too.
Yeah Dead Orbit has been playing me like a fiddle. I got a sweet Void Dead Orbit Fusion from the NF, but nothing from D.O. themselves.
I'm at the point where a nice black shader would do.
can you reach level 30 without doing VOG?
I hate the fact that there are no meeting places in the Tower to assemble a FireTeam for a VOG or lack of matchmaking for this.
3 times now in the span of 5 ranks Dead Orbit has given me a Venation III. Seriously?
Even the Cryptarch has done a better job. Yesterday Dead Orbit gave me an energy and shard, immediately after Rahool turned a blue engram into a Deviant-A Gravity machine gun. Wtf?
can you reach level 30 without doing VOG?
I hate the fact that there are no meeting places in the Tower to assemble a FireTeam for a VOG or lack of matchmaking for this.
Did I struck a nerve?you shut your whore mouth
Quoting myself for the new page.
If you guys are looking to get the hard raid out the way nowish, I am down.
Level 30 Sunbro Warlock.
PSN: MandrakeUK
PSN: GhostFaceDon, if you still need one.
29 Titan with maxed AE / final boss. Still need one? PSN:cjarrett3Added you 5 mins ago. Just waiting for you to accept and ill invite to chat party
I'm looking to run a quick normal raid with mostly experienced players around 9:00pm est or possibly a little bit before then (some new players is also OK). I'll be rolling with my 27 Titan with lots of maxed weapons. Last week my Titan basically almost didn't die through the raid other than controlled wipes, I've got lots of raid clears on both normal and hard. Please reply to this message in this topic if your interested. I'll check on it a few times between now and then.
... i cant wait to get The Last Word, cause apparently you're taking all of my hawkmoons.Oh fucking hell! Just got another Hawkmoon from a legendary engram I got from leveling Rahool.
Did I struck a nerve?
I'll be here, wiping my tears away with my Hawkmoon. Afterwards, I'll be juggling the ass energy I got from dismantling my other two Hawkmoons.
I'm taking everyone's Hawkmoon at this point.... i cant wait to get The Last Word, cause apparently you're taking all of my hawkmoons.
Added you 5 mins ago. Just waiting for you to accept and ill invite to chat party
That's okay, I'll be here, cuddling my fourth Hawkmoon.That's fine, I'll just be here twirling a Last Word on each hand.
You can get it in both normal and hard.
Good news! See my frantic edits!
Any idea roughly how long it takes to fully upgrade raid gear? I have all the materials needed and will be doing the bounties etc. Also is there anything in particular that levels this stuff quick? Might play some crucible if that helps.
Just need two more for a quick normal raid if anyone is interested.
PSN: MiidSoss
I got two if you're willing to add us.
PSN: MiidSoss
Finally :
Now 3 more exotics weapons before completion : Red Death, Mida, Last Word
That's okay, I'll be here, cuddling my fourth Hawkmoon.
Do you still need more? I would like to join on my alt 27 Hunter if that is ok. I have max weapons.
Too late. Can you revive me?Don't hurt yourself.
Too late. Can you revive me?
Sure, go ahead and add me
sorry, i got in BruceLeeRoy's group.
I'd say it's around 100k experience points to fully level a piece of raid armour. It is considerably faster than leveling exotic weapons as story missions count towards armour.
Oh fucking hell! Just got another Hawkmoon from a legendary engram I got from leveling Rahool.
Fig is mean, guys. So mean.
Fig is mean, guys. So mean.