We'll see how many people are interested. If we don't start around now though I have to wait a couple of hours.I'd be up for it. My Warlock needs that helmet.
Snap. more people.
We'll see how many people are interested. If we don't start around now though I have to wait a couple of hours.I'd be up for it. My Warlock needs that helmet.
Your hoping for Praxic Fire, I'm hoping for The Last Word. We aren't getting what we want.Xur better have sunbro armor tomorrow. Atleast have the chest engram so I can take a lottery ticket chance. Although I had 2 chances before and still lost.
We'll see how many people are interested. If we don't start around now though I have to wait a couple of hours.
Snap. more people.
I'm about to buy a legendary machine gun, and I got two options...
Vanguard Guardmaster's The Swarm
Dead Orbit's Deviant Gravity-A
...which one would be a better choice?
Do you have a youtube on hand for the loop at Buried City? I usually do Scablands.
Xur better have sunbro armor tomorrow. Atleast have the chest engram so I can take a lottery ticket chance. Although I had 2 chances before and still lost.
ASAPWhen are you thinking? I can't yet but I'm trying to get into a group tonight.
The Swarm IMO.
I'm about to buy a legendary machine gun, and I got two options...
Vanguard Quartermaster's The Swarm
Dead Orbit's Deviant Gravity-A
...which one would be a better choice?
Shit, I got owned by so many HCs....I need one
Buy one.
I'm using an un-upgraded Lord High Fixer atm.
Legendary engram turned into a Bad See Down. Meh, I already had one.
Perks: Full Auto, Glass Half Full
Not bad.
Everything is coming uproseswell since I switched to Thorn. Crazy fun gun for me.
I even got a Hazard Pay medal! Doesn't have anything to do with Thorn, but I never thought I would get that one. Threw my void seeker outside A on Rusted Lands and Hazard Pay popped up.
Anyone interested in Hard Mode soon?
I have both and prefer deviant gravity. They're great heavy machine guns
Party invite sent. Set to open join.Add me psn babyghost853
On my wayParty invite sent. Set to open join.
Me too. PSN: Kydd-BlaZeI'm down, PSN is CrimzonSamurai
Swarm. I got a solar and arc one. And corrective measures for vid there basically the sameI'm about to buy a legendary machine gun, and I got two options...
Vanguard Quartermaster's The Swarm
Dead Orbit's Deviant Gravity-A
...which one would be a better choice?
Rangefinder and Third Eye. The two upgrade tree columns are: TrueSigh IS/SureShot IS/QuickDraw IS and Lightweight/Single Point Sling/Skip Rounds.For PvE, the Vendor version of TDYK is pretty superlative among legendaries. What perks does yours have?
funny, your TDYK is like the vendor TDYK and vendor Lord High Fixer had a baby. It'll be solid all around, but no Send It is a shame for sure. Skip Rounds could be an interesting thing to play around with, I have no experience with it.Rangefinder and Third Eye. The two upgrade tree columns are: TrueSigh IS/SureShot IS/QuickDraw IS and Lightweight/Single Point Sling/Skip Rounds.
Once I'm done upgrading Vision of Confluence, I'll prioritize Hawkmoon and TDYK so I can rock Hand Cannons in PvE. That impact is just so sweet.
It's been pretty stagnant event wise, when are we gonna get another Iron Banner or Queen's Wrath? Right about now would of felt just right to keep people from leaving.
Xur will sell something unexpected tomorrow.
I haven't a clue.
Red Death
Bought one of those, sharded it. Bleh.
Who to believe? =/ I kinda prefer The Swarm's perks, but I wonder which one is better in action?
I just want it for my collection.
your light is stronger than this, guardian. show them!Dear Hawkian,
Pls nerf thread speed. Too OP, I'm getting rek'ed.
Ok lol one spot left for the raid gatekeeper checkpoint. Normal. Bunch of experience, lvl 29 hunter.
Ps4 gdt5016. Jump in to my party and we'll bang this out.
Seems like Iron Banner is coming back next week.
word?It was the perfect setting to give the new Iron Banner a dance. Standing at left is Tyson Green. Weeks ago, he made some promises for how we intended to buff Iron Banner. With a package that you’ll install on Monday, we’ll be making a bid to keep them. As always, you’ll be the Judge. To wield that gavel, you’re gonna need to gear up.
edit: Gauntlets and Boots from IB for 30 gear. Damnit, I'll still need the raid chest. Oh well, at least I don't mind how the raid hunter chest looks, and hopefully I can replace the awful raid gauntlets.
Next week, well also let slip something weve been keeping a secret.
Did you acquire a Destiny collectors edition that included an Expansion Pass? Did you acquire an Expansion Pass separately since then? If you have, weve got a special surprise for you.
Who to believe? =/ I kinda prefer The Swarm's perks, but I wonder which one is better in action?