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Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended

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If you have some time to play over the next day and a half, I'd probably just play as you normally would with a focus on completing easily done bounties. Do the daily mission. You should get there. Just in case you didn't know, you can check how close you are to another mote by hovering over your level.

I'm not sure what is the best way to actually farm motes, if you even can. I'd also say the Tiger Strike playlist. It seems whenever I run 4-5 of those I end up with 12 or so engrams. When I decode all of those, there's almost always a mote of light in there.

I forgot about the Tiger strike playlist. That may work since I'm in the market for a piece of Legendary Warlock gear and/or Vanguard marks as well. I do know about seeing the XP progress in game, but I can't find it on the website. I'd love to come up with a game plan while at work, so I don't have to flip between all of the characters when I get home to see which is closest.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I forgot about the Tiger strike playlist. That may work since I'm in the market for a piece of Legendary Warlock gear and/or Vanguard marks as well. I do know about seeing the XP progress in game, but I can't find it on the website. I'd love to come up with a game plan while at work, so I don't have to flip between all of the characters when I get home to see which is closest.
Yeah, this is your best bet-

1. Collect bounties on your main that you might be able to do while doing Tiger Strikes.
2. Do Tiger Strikes on your main and put every engram in your vault
3. When your vault's full, take them out on the character you need the Sapphwire/Plasteel/Hadronic and decrypt them
4. Put any acquired motes into the vault
5. Repeat until you hit the number of motes you need

You can also complete all of the easy bounties for the day on each 20+ character for a chance to roll over on XP and get an extra mote.


Not Wario
I didn't hop on board Destiny until this month really. I didn't even have enough strange coins to get anything from Zur till last week, and everyone said the stuff he had then was crap so I held off. Looks like he's got some decent stuff this week.

I know everyone is complaining about the Armamentarium again, but I don't have a single exotic piece of armor on my titan and my legendaries are only on my boots and gauntlets, so I'm thinking of picking it up. Handcannons are my favorite weapon in the game, though, so TLW is also tempting, but there's no way I'll have enough for both this weekend. I have a venation III right now and invective in my exotic weapon slot, so the choice seems clear even if I like TLW more. I just wanted to put the question out there first and see what you guys thought: TLW or arma?

Deku Tree

Things I still want in Destiny that I don't yet have. Nov. 14 edition

Praetorian foil
Vex mytho
Athens epilogue (got on Wed.)

2nd raid boots warlock
2nd raid helm warlock (got on Thursday.)
Heart of the Praxic Fire

Titan Raid boots.
Titan Raid chest.
Titan Raid gauntlets.
Titan Raid helm. (Titan has no raid gear.)
helm of saint 14 (got on Tuesday.)


Bought The Last Word from Xur today, did Nightfall with my alt and would you know it, it gave me The Last Word. Fuck you RNG.


Xur selling LastWord huh? I have a couple friends that'll be happy to hear that. My favorite gun in the game by far.

I haven't played Destiny since before this weekly reset though. It feels kinda weird to be honest :/
Everything Xur is selling this week is good.
Man. Okay.

First of all, four Ballerhorns killing Atheon in 17 seconds is not a thing that happened. We're getting that from the time the group starts shooting at him, until his death animation. This annoys the shit out of me because every time I see this mentioned it's in conjunction with OMG Bungie is gonna nerf Gjallarhorn OMG broken OMG cheese. Let's take a look at the video, eh? It is plainly, incontrovertibly obvious that they have Time's Vengeance going on while killing him in that video. Unless I am meant to believe that the fight started, they were teleported, grabbed the relic and killed all the Oracles in the 3 seconds before Time's Vengeance kicks in that we are shown, they didn't kill Atheon in 17 seconds. Maybe you see this as a minor point but it does get on my nerves a little bit, because the video is titled "World Record Speed Kill (17seconds)" -_- We just ignore the time since the fight began that came before that 17 seconds?

Second, they're 5 level 30s and one 29, and the 2 people without Gjallarhorns are also shooting at the boss. They just fucking wreck him. They aren't even using Weapons of Light; crazily faster kill times are possible than this. There's nothing wrong with that. They're all max or near max level. They have maxed weapons. They get Time's Vengeance successfully. They are playing the game. The idea that this is somehow comparable to the things Bungie has shown a desire to fix, such as a single player being able to throw grenades at the final boss and cause him to fall off a ledge, going from full health to 0 health instantly and awarding people who didn't even participate in the fucking fight with some of the rarest loot in the game, is absolutely baffling to me.

I'm glad you said it. I keep meaning to mention this, but every time it comes up I'm posting on my phone and just can't manage to word it correctly. Also, if you watch how he wrecks the supplicants before lighting up Atheon, you can just tell that it's a very well executed encounter. No one is hiding in the bubble, they are spread out, taking care of supplicants while firing off a shit ton of Heavy ammo. They probably blew through the portal phase without using heavies at all to conserve ammo for Atheon.


Xur selling LastWord huh? I have a couple friends that'll be happy to hear that. My favorite gun in the game by far.

I haven't played Destiny since before this weekly reset though. It feels kinda weird to be honest :/

I heard MCC MM is broken atm. Play more Crucible with me.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I didn't hop on board Destiny until this month really. I didn't even have enough strange coins to get anything from Zur till last week, and everyone said the stuff he had then was crap so I held off. Looks like he's got some decent stuff this week.

I know everyone is complaining about the Armamentarium again, but I don't have a single exotic piece of armor on my titan and my legendaries are only on my boots and gauntlets, so I'm thinking of picking it up. Handcannons are my favorite weapon in the game, though, so TLW is also tempting, but there's no way I'll have enough for both this weekend. I have a venation III right now and invective in my exotic weapon slot, so the choice seems clear even if I like TLW more. I just wanted to put the question out there first and see what you guys thought: TLW or arma?




Pick the weapon.


There are people who have been waiting months for The Last Word.


Nice to see The Last Word for sale along with a few telemetries I can use to level some weapons up. Too bad I won't be able to see how good TLW is until my Horn is finished leveling up. It's sad how much a new weapon pulls me back into this game.

The shooting stuff mechanic is just so good. It's just the lack of content that disappoints.

Anyways, I will be around for most of the day. If anyone is looking to raid on XB1 I have a 29 Hunter / 28 Titan / 28 Warlock. I also have not done any of the heroic strikes and have 1 nightfall remaining if anyone needs help.


Everything Xur is selling this week is good.

I have:
The Last Word (well, on paper)
The Devil You Know
Venation III
A few interesting blues (Sir Isaac, Painted Big Chief, Regulator Mk. 36)

I need:
Fatebringer ahhhhh please.
Lord High Fixer
Red Hand-IX
The Chance
Timur's Lash with explosive rounds.

Then my hand cannon collection will be complete.

Forgot about Timur's Lash. Gonna have to work extra hard come IB. Will suck when I eventually have to delete my blue HCs, there are some really cool ones aren't there!

Need to get on and finish that Thorn bounty too. Never expected that they'd reset the score counter at reset, bah.

I see the overarching sentiment that they're "intentionally withholding the most desired items" which is a pretty goddamn laughable thing to read on the same day that one of the most requested items in this thread, and my single most desired item he can sell, shows up in the Tower for the first time.

Let's look at this a little bit objectively please. Just focusing on weapons for the moment based on what we know he CAN display for sale.

Xur has already sold:
-Gjallarhorn (the second goddamn week of launch, stop being pissed you didn't have the coins or think it was worth them!)
-Ice Breaker
-Patience and Time
-Truth, twice
-Suros Regime, twice
-The Last Word

These are all among the best weapons in the game.

Xur has never sold:
-Hard Light
-Universal Remote
-MIDA Multi-tool

Pretty much universally considered the weakest items he can offer. Those stingy bastards!

Additionally if we're operating under the idea they're picking guns in particular.... they once held a Twitter survey and then seriously just gave the playerbase the #1 thing they asked for. So what are we really talking about here?

Fucking hell. Whatever. Believe what you want. If it makes you feel better to think that Bungie is intentionally screwing you by maliciously selecting the items then so be it.

Gjallarhorn isn't getting nerfed. Xur is random, or as functionally close to it that it's not worth thinking about. May RNGesus strike me down.

I shall hold a grudge until he gives me Gjallahorn and Praxic Fire *shakes fist*


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's so easy to troll Hawkian lol. He loves his Destiny indeed.

happy to be of service
Cømet;138840037 said:
Forgot about Timur's Lash. Gonna have to work extra hard come IB. Will suck when I eventually have to delete my blue HCs, there are some really cool ones aren't there!
True, I want my collection to grow foreverrrr
I shall hold a grudge until he gives me Gjallahorn and Praxic Fire *shakes fist*
...Gjallarhorn was the first weapon I bought from him and Praxic Fire was the result of the first engram I bought from him XD
What if I make a Hawkmoon group? Are you willing to join that?

Wait, you need a Hawkmoon to gain membership. :p
damn a team of 6 Hawkmoons in clash :O :D


First of all, four Ballerhorns killing Atheon in 17 seconds is not a thing that happened. We're getting that from the time the group starts shooting at him, until his death animation. This annoys the shit out of me because every time I see this mentioned it's in conjunction with OMG Bungie is gonna nerf Gjallarhorn OMG broken OMG cheese. Let's take a look at the video, eh? It is plainly, incontrovertibly obvious that they have Time's Vengeance going on while killing him in that video. Unless I am meant to believe that the fight started, they were teleported, grabbed the relic and killed all the Oracles in the 3 seconds before Time's Vengeance kicks in that we are shown, they didn't kill Atheon in 17 seconds. Maybe you see this as a minor point but it does get on my nerves a little bit, because the video is titled "World Record Speed Kill (17seconds)" -_- We just ignore the time since the fight began that came before that 17 seconds?

Second, they're 5 level 30s and one 29, and the 2 people without Gjallarhorns are also shooting at the boss. They just fucking wreck him. They aren't even using Weapons of Light; crazily faster kill times are possible than this. There's nothing wrong with that. They're all max or near max level. They have maxed weapons. They get Time's Vengeance successfully. They are playing the game. The idea that this is somehow comparable to the things Bungie has shown a desire to fix, such as a single player being able to throw grenades at the final boss and cause him to fall off a ledge, going from full health to 0 health instantly and awarding people who didn't even participate in the fucking fight with some of the rarest loot in the game, is absolutely baffling to me.
If this was directed at my comment at all, then I'm well aware that it's not 17 seconds from the start of the fight. The big ol' Time's Vengeance alert on the side tipped me off.

That said, it's still pretty goddamn impressive.

Deku Tree

How do people get five hard Atheon drops? Is it about your grimore score? Or just random. I only ever get three hard Atheon drops without doing normal?


I didn't hop on board Destiny until this month really. I didn't even have enough strange coins to get anything from Zur till last week, and everyone said the stuff he had then was crap so I held off. Looks like he's got some decent stuff this week.

I know everyone is complaining about the Armamentarium again, but I don't have a single exotic piece of armor on my titan and my legendaries are only on my boots and gauntlets, so I'm thinking of picking it up. Handcannons are my favorite weapon in the game, though, so TLW is also tempting, but there's no way I'll have enough for both this weekend. I have a venation III right now and invective in my exotic weapon slot, so the choice seems clear even if I like TLW more. I just wanted to put the question out there first and see what you guys thought: TLW or arma?
First of all: don't listen to the following advice...




Pick the weapon.


There are people who have been waiting months for The Last Word.

Only pick the weapon if this is a weapon you REALLY want to play, and it suits your style.
This week's weapon is a hand cannon (not every people like them) that shines in pvp, not so much in pve.
On the other hand, the armamentarium is probably one of the best pieces of exotic armor of the whole game, if not the best. If you're not a pvp hand cannon fan, pick the arma.


The Cryptarch's Bane
If this was directed at my comment at all, then I'm well aware that it's not 17 seconds from the start of the fight. The big ol' Time's Vengeance alert on the side tipped me off.

That said, it's still pretty goddamn impressive.
Not directed at your comment at all! Sorry if I gave that impression somehow. All you said was "no wonder people rave about it" which is exactly how I feel.



happy to be of service

True, I want my collection to grow foreverrrr

...Gjallarhorn was the first weapon I bought from him and Praxic Fire was the result of the first engram I bought from him XD

damn a team of 6 Hawkmoons in clash :O :D

You too lucky :mad: I shall be ever mad that I was one coin short at the time. Praxic Fire will happen sooner or later (I hope)
I didn't hop on board Destiny until this month really. I didn't even have enough strange coins to get anything from Zur till last week, and everyone said the stuff he had then was crap so I held off. Looks like he's got some decent stuff this week.

I know everyone is complaining about the Armamentarium again, but I don't have a single exotic piece of armor on my titan and my legendaries are only on my boots and gauntlets, so I'm thinking of picking it up. Handcannons are my favorite weapon in the game, though, so TLW is also tempting, but there's no way I'll have enough for both this weekend. I have a venation III right now and invective in my exotic weapon slot, so the choice seems clear even if I like TLW more. I just wanted to put the question out there first and see what you guys thought: TLW or arma?

Do you play PVP? It seems like the consensus is TLW isn't that great outside of the Crucible.

Arma you can make use of in PVP and PVE not to mention that I think once you acquire one armor exotic (aka raise your light level) the game seems to start throwing a few more legendary pieces at you.

So really the question is, do you wanna have fun in PVP or do you want to get a bit closer to 30? Also consider that Xur sells armor every week but only one gun, while the pool he can draw from for armor is much smaller (meaning he repeats items frequently) there's 2-3 exotics per weapon class that could show up on a given week.

TLW, fun for pvp, might not show up again for a long time.
Arma, useful in pvp/pve and raises your light level, a lot more common and likely to be seen again soon.
Yeah, this is your best bet-

1. Collect bounties on your main that you might be able to do while doing Tiger Strikes.
2. Do Tiger Strikes on your main and put every engram in your vault
3. When your vault's full, take them out on the character you need the Sapphwire/Plasteel/Hadronic and decrypt them
4. Put any acquired motes into the vault
5. Repeat until you hit the number of motes you need

You can also complete all of the easy bounties for the day on each 20+ character for a chance to roll over on XP and get an extra mote.

Exactly. I thought that I had enough equipment for my alt to make a huge jump from 20 (if you remember the 1 exotic + 3 legendary equation the other day), but it turns out that even though I had 3 Legendaries and 2 Exotics, I didn't have the right combination and either need a Legendary chest, Legendary arms, or Exotic helm to get my Warlock raid ready.

Edit: And yeah, I need something like 200 Hadronic pieces. Ugh.


Finally..... The Last Word!

Allow me to wield your everlasting light! I'm the wind! Whoosh!

(I've been looking for this dang weapon a loooooong time)


I need to get a raid in this week before Iron Banner pops to see if I should care about it. I'm not big on PVP in this game but it'll be a reliable way to get gloves that hit 30 light so if this week's raid is a bust for loot then I'll be doing my best not to suck in the Banner.
Yeah, this is your best bet-

1. Collect bounties on your main that you might be able to do while doing Tiger Strikes.
2. Do Tiger Strikes on your main and put every engram in your vault
3. When your vault's full, take them out on the character you need the Sapphwire/Plasteel/Hadronic and decrypt them
4. Put any acquired motes into the vault
5. Repeat until you hit the number of motes you need

You can also complete all of the easy bounties for the day on each 20+ character for a chance to roll over on XP and get an extra mote.

What gun did you use in pvp for the thorn bounty? I tried AE and it was not pretty.


I heard MCC MM is broken atm. Play more Crucible with me.

It is :( so disappointing. There are other bugs too besides just the matchmaking. It's gonna be a bit before everything functions properly.

I'll probably get on for a little bit of crucible and nightfall sometime this weekend. I'll send an invite your way if I do and I see you online.


bought the last word, still think fatebringer is the best hand cannon, well its certainly my favorite out of the ones i have

Hey. Thanks for jumping in crucible with us last night. Sorry for the performance. We had some ridiculous lag on our end which is why we backed out a few times. Not sure if you saw the same thing.

We finally got a good connection later in the evening and got back to our winning ways.

Join us anytime you want
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