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Destiny |OT10| Working as Intended

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A 30 has better defense level than a 29, meaning you can take a couple more shots, which in some Nightfalls can make the difference between carrying on or being sent back to orbit.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You don't take less damage as a 30?
You take much less damage from level 30 mobs.

Beyond that, you do take less damage in general as a side effect of having reached 30- your total Defense rating is higher. In other words, how'd you reach 30? By upgrading the defense on your armor. That causes you to take less damage. But it's not about being level 30, unless facing off against level 30 mobs.
A 30 has better defense than a 29, meaning you can take a couple more shots, which in some Nightfalls can make the difference between carrying on or being sent back to orbit.
That's true and a reasonable point. It's neither a significant nor insignificant difference, but if you're the type that solos Nightfalls it benefits you to have the highest defense possible.

In terms of how much damage you do, however, you are capped at "100%-at-level" damage, no matter how much you outlevel your target.


Beginning Grimoire Hunting:
Okay, so step one is to identify what Dead Ghosts you are missing, as well as what Grimoire score you are missing. This is most easily done at DestinyTracker.com

For instance:

Use the [Missing Only] button at the top and see what I don't have. A quick scan shows that I need to generally play my Warlock and Hunter more and that I need to kill more Hydras and Ogres. Also, avoid Pulse Rifles if I can help it, since I have those maxed out already.

Now, if I Ctrl+F for Fragment, I see I'm missing 2 Dead Ghosts. Darkness 3, and Old Russia.

Now, we're going to compared that to this list here:

It looks like both of my missing cards are on Earth, so I'll use the link at the top of the google doc to find them. Earth 4 and Earth 11 in this video: http://bit.ly/rc_earth

Advanced Grimoire Hunting:
Most of the blocked off content in this game has a Dead Ghost floating around in it somewhere. While this ghost does not unlock any new Grimoire cards, it does add to your overall Grimoire Score. Here is where things get tricky.

You'll have to look up guides on how to break into areas that you shouldn't be in, some of them require teammates, so make note of that. Now, once you find out how to get into places, you're going to have to do some ghost hunting yourself. Thankfully most of the locations are small.

The most bang for your buck can be found in the Terminus. Basically a small jumping puzzle to get into, there are 3 easy to find Dead Ghosts in there.

Seraphim Vault (Part of the RAS-Bunker) has 1 ghost that I've found, but this area requires a second person to access. I've heard of a 2nd ghost here, but never seen one myself.

King's Watch I have never been in, but I've seen 2 ghosts in videos, and have heard of a 3rd. I'm wary to go into this location as apparently one of the dead ghosts actually awarded some players with a new ghost shell. Unfortunately, the Bungie BAN HAMMER scans for this and was banning accounts for obtaining said item. I believe you no longer receive the new Ghost Shell, but I stay away just in case. Not worth it in my Opinion.

Jovian Complex currently has no Ghosts in it.

The Black Garden secret area has no Ghosts in it.

I have not explored any of the Moon areas, as I figure I'll get to those in a couple of weeks anyway, and it's not worth the jumping puzzle headaches.

And that is pretty much everything I know about Grimoire score.

How'd you get Seige Dancers and the Mars Cards?


A 30 has better defense than a 29, meaning you can take a couple more shots, which in some Nightfalls can make the difference between carrying on or being sent back to orbit.
From reddit:
your light levels affect BOTH your damage output and how much damage you take only UP TO the level of the mobs (i.e. if you're lvl 28, you'll do the same damage and take the same amount of damage from lvl 20 mobs as you would from lvl 24 mobs, there is ZERO difference)


FRs are easier. They are worse than the Suros, you're right.

That doesn't change anything I said about the Suros though.

Other than the ADS sound, I don't find the Suros that much of a problem compared to other guns. This is just from personal experience. I just don't die that much to it so I don't get the hate or annoyance by it. That's all.


You don't take less damage as a 30?

If you do take less damage, it's minuscule. Otherwise, you probably take the same.

I just read this...if so, there really is no point in being 29 or 30, if you dont Raid. Unless you play Iron Banner...even then it's negligible

TL:DR your light levels affect BOTH your damage output and how much damage you take only UP TO the level of the mobs (i.e. if you're lvl 28, you'll do the same damage and take the same amount of damage from lvl 20 mobs as you would from lvl 24 mobs, there is ZERO difference)

A 30 has better defense level than a 29, meaning you can take a couple more shots, which in some Nightfalls can make the difference between carrying on or being sent back to orbit.

This was my impression the whole time, as well.
Archive Mission criticism

This is a good point and always brings to mind just how much was truly impacted by everything they had to cut out of the game. Is this a case of laziness or carelessness? or was it just sloppy editing once content was cut out? I figure you must have a lot of things bugging you about this game because you were our Hawkian of Halo 3 and Reach and I expected you to really get into this game haha Do you have an Xbone? I just got mine last night and was setting it up and saw you on my FL but didn't look as though you'd gotten on XBL recently. Granted, I merely glanced at your name and didn't drill into your profile.


The Cryptarch's Bane
From reddit:
He doesn't have research on the "take damage from" aspect, nor would it be particularly easy to do since damage values to you aren't shown. We're talking slivers of your health bar per shot. There is an impact to having a higher defense rating of some kind, but it's small.

The rule to bear in mind is that if you're below the level of your target, you're heavily penalized in both directions (damage to, damage from). If you're not, you're unpenalized (no reduction in damage dealt, no increase in damage taken)- regardless of how MUCH you outlevel your target.

If we can find out how much each point of Defense rating affects how much of your life bar is taken down by one Dreg shot for example, we could figure out how much of an impact on damage taken going from level 28 to 30 has when dealing with level 28 mobs. But it's not worth dwelling much on.

I just read this...if so, there really is no point in being 29 or 30, if you dont Raid. Unless you play Iron Banner...even then it's negligible
Even then, only the Hard raid.
If you do take less damage, it's minuscule. Otherwise, you probably take the same.

Anyone running GK/Atheon? Normal or HM

Edit: why do these ppl insist on taking point A on Shores of Time over and over and over...ugh. Playing IB with randoms is so frustrating.


I have no idea.

Edit: A quick google search shows rumors that you need to be Rank 2 in all Cabal Kills, and that it also might be a PlayStation exclusive card due to Xbox not having access to the Dust Palace.

I'm almost rank 3 in all cabal kills and i'm on PS4... and i have all ghosts from Mars now...


So my new character is playing through the story, and is up to the second mission on Venus. It's the one where we break into an archive for, um, something. I played it this morning and realized how it's a good example of how poorly so many of Destiny's encounters are designed.

The setup is we've broken into an archive just ahead of the Fallen, to gather what we can before they raid and destroy it. There's one large entry door which spills out into a fairly large, two level complex of platforms and catwalks. Upon activating the central computer, Dinklebot informs us that the Fallen have followed us in. Cue the end of level siege battle.

The archive is set up for a pretty good one. The main door is wide and there is a large column in front of part of the entrance, making it an ideal entry way for a large volume of enemies. The open entry combined with a column they can flow around will make it very difficult for one or even a few players to hold down. Eventually we'd be pushed further and further back into the complex, changing levels and areas to manage the battle. It seems a pretty cool battle is on tap.

That's not how it plays out, though. Instead of following us in through the giant entrance we just came though, the Fallen spawn into the area through several of those darkened doorways that we can't pass. Monster closets, in other words. Inside the complex.

From a story standpoint, I wonder if the mission designers were in communication with the writers. The story is we broke in, and were followed, so having guys spawn from other entrances doesn't make any sense. But the impact on the gameplay is worse. Instead of the challenge of the encounter stemming from our efforts to hold down the entrance, it stems from the enemies that spawn in from all directions, many of them cloaked.

In other words, it plays out exactly like every other siege battle in the game, despite having a unique set up and excellent environment for a unique encounter. The way I manage it, since I play on Hard mode solo, is to reverse the battlefield: I hang out near the entrance, and kill the enemies that spawn inside the complex. Which from a story standpoint, makes no sense whatsoever. It's also kind of tedious, as each wave plays out the same as the last (until the final bullet sponge comes into play): kill enemies, working into the complex slowly. Then back out and do it again. And again.

The updates to Destiny have been pretty good - this last one was excellent - but this is the kind of meat and potatoes work I wish would go into refining the game. More than anything, this is the kind of thing that makes the missions much less enjoyable than they could be.

I also noticed that spot as one of the few places in the campaign where the geometry had a lot of potential. The Gate Lord mission is also good on that planet and there the spawn points are a lot better managed, but Destiny at its best is still mediocre relative to Halo.

There are a lot of problems that drown some outstanding design. Cannon fodder everywhere, too many "horde mode" type siege encounters, RPG-ness eating away at quality weapon variability... anyway, back to the IB I go.
Looking to start a fresh normal raid on PS4.

Need 4 more, already have 2

PSN: ShinigamiFrost

I am level 29 warlock Sunsinger with maxed VoC, Icebreaker, Hezen's Vengeance, Gjallarhorn, Found Verdict.

My wife is a level 30 hunter with a slew of maxed weapons.


Looking to start a fresh normal raid on PS4.

Need 4 more, already have 2

PSN: ShinigamiFrost

I am level 29 warlock Sunsinger with maxed VoC, Icebreaker, Hezen's Vengeance, Gjallarhorn, Found Verdict.

My wife is a level 30 hunter with a slew of maxed weapons.

I'll join if your still looking

Djralford 29 titanic with maxxed epilogue and Gjallarhorn


Looking to start a fresh normal raid on PS4.

Need 4 more, already have 2

PSN: ShinigamiFrost

I am level 29 warlock Sunsinger with maxed VoC, Icebreaker, Hezen's Vengeance, Gjallarhorn, Found Verdict.

My wife is a level 30 hunter with a slew of maxed weapons.

I'd be in but I won't be home for about an hour. Feel free to shoot me a pm if you're still looking for someone by then!


I've got it. After the shotgun nerf a while back it became drastically less usable. You end up being stuck with having to use a non-exotic FR to compensate for midrange engagements, and honestly some legendary shotguns (like the comedian) are just as effective.

And imo shotguns don't make a ton of sense in PvE. I use it purely for the stly points in crucible.

Worst exotic in game for PVE focused player like myself... Even after you get the unique upgrade the range has been killed by the shotgun nerf.

The last time I bothered to use it I noticed that any hits outside of normal shotgun range but within universal remote range will register as "immune".
I've been given 4 of these fucking things if I never saw another ever again it would be to soon. Lol

Sadface. That is sort of what I figured. Me? I am a shotgun enthusiast. I almost always have one equipped for patrol missions/dailies and it's usually either Invective or The Comedian (arc version). I'm a Titan, I like playing in close quarters and I like punching things. Shotguns just compliment this type of playstyle very well.

Unfortunately the range nerf on shotguns (or shotFUNS as I like to call them) severaly limits their use outside of easy PVE content and close quarters PVP. That's ok though. I am still going to rock them.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
anyone doing fresh normal VOG? 27 Hunter with decent gear and mic (PS4 name: Beholder-Y) and I'll be on for a while doing bounty and stuff. (only done the first part before, never the full raid since now a days ppl doesn't seem to want to invite low lvl to raid on the LFG site no more T^T)
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