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Destiny |OT13| How the Grind Stole Christmas

Looking at the thread on b.net...Bungie just can't win.

I don't see how anyone can spin this extension of Xur as a bad move. Some people are just seriously running on negative energy just because.


103 pages of downtime now

Things are getting a bit better at least. Took Bungie that long to do something proactive about the issues.

What are they really supposed to do? They waited for a bit, commented that they were aware, and are keeping Xur for longer.

I'm not around my PS4 - are people still having problems or is if generally ok now?


If anyone has missed the chance to get some coins, I'm doing the Weekly with a buddy - have one spott open -

PSN: RidliMM
What are they really supposed to do? They waited for a bit, commented that they were aware, and are keeping Xur for longer.

I'm not around my PS4 - are people still having problems or is if generally ok now?

Yeesh everyone making it seem like I am being negative. Just stating the facts.

I was able to visit Xur and get everything I needed so I have no hate it took this long or something. Geeeeez

"WOW WOW WOW.... I hate Bungie now. They gotta take care of those paying customers huh?

What really makes me made is that people requested this only a few days. We've been asking for stuff since destiny released and haven't gotten it. Such as various glitches and storage space"



Ugh. Figures that it's with the Crucible. I've put all of my PvP rep into the factions, and spent all of the marks on planetary mats.

I got my crucible marks up through Iron Banner... since then I do a little more PVP but not much. Ill report back after I level it up, but out of the box it feels superb and reminds me of my trusty TDYK. Starts with 11 shots, but Im not sure if it has field scout, but doesnt matter anyway. Precision kills grant ammo directly just like TDYK.
lmao: http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheG...he_six_people_youll_likely_meet_in_a_pick_up/

Due to the impossibility of getting your 5 friends together to schedule a raid, here's a guide to the six people you'll likely meet in a Pick up group.

The Untouchable- For whatever reason, let it be their level or they don't know anyone else in the group, this person's social status is the lowest and their opinion does not matter. Since they can complete the raids at a level disadvantage or with five complete strangers, they know exactly what they're doing and can really step up, but the group won't listen to them until after five or six wipes when they're really desperate.

The Gold Digger- This person only cares about your light level and the weapons you have maxed out. They get frustrated when they aren't six Ghorns in the group and always think the highest level raider should be the leader even if that person doesn't want to be. The other members of the group will most likely stage a mutiny and have this player kicked out some time during the raid.

The Cheese Wiz- This person can cheese every section of the Raid, even parts where people thought you couldn't cheese. Their entire character load out is designed for this and they prefer other party members with cheese friendly characters. They usually win over the group with a suggestion of a cheese and a legit run never happens. They can be found being the most vocal on Reddit when a patch comes out fixing the exploits.

The Good Guy Raider- This person loves the Raid and doesn't care a lot about the frustrating loot system. A major concern for them is that others learn from their mistakes, but are still having fun out there. They can be found in the back of the party helping struggling raiders instead of running off to the bridge in the Latern section. They can run the raid legit and always offer to do the toughest job for the team, but the Cheese Wiz usually wins over the group with offer of cheesing. They can be found being a sherpa to other people in their down time.

The Boss- This person is the loudest one of the group. They're very comfortable giving orders to other peoples and are quick to praise and scold other raiders. When confronted with a wipe, this person will blame the game or other raiders instead of themselves to retain their self-appointed authority.

The Zealot- This person worships RNGesus. When a checkpoint is reached they will shout out their love to RNGesus before they get their loot in hopes of getting what they want. They are usually the most hurt by unfavorable loot awarded to them and question what they have done to upset RNGesus.

Please add others to the list that you've met countless times!

Edit: Here's more from the community

The Asshole -This guy is an asshole. To everyone. About everything. Fuck this guy.

The Know-It-All- This member is quick to fix any beliefs they feel are wrong. They will scream at you to not open the bloom chest because then nobody will get a exotic. They know the only way out of the gorgons, and every time you say a name of a enemy or checkpoint wrong, be ready to be corrected. They also believe everything they read on reddit, and despise cheesers.

The Happy, Drunk guy - I'd have to label myself as this. It doesn't Impact my ability to perform and usually nobody notices until I get way too excited about getting good loot and then everybody's like "dude"

The Purist Prick. He thinks he's a Good Guy but is so anti-cheesing, he... Looks down on anyone who wants to cheese anything. Assumes his way of playing is the way everyone else must. Sabotages or leaves when the rest of the fireteam attempts even the smallest cheese.

:lol Some of them sound familiar.
I don't understand why they are getting shit for it.

They cut it close but it was likely due to them extending him for the first time and making sure it worked before announcing it.

it's not like they knew the services would have trouble for this long either. this is the only day i expected them to say anything.
You know, if Xur could be extended, why not just have him there all the time? So silly.

I think we attribute a lot of design decisions to "lol...Bungie code," where the correct reason is that it was and is being tweaked to keep you playing when and where they want you to play. I have this sneaking suspicion that under the hood, the game is much more dynamic and has many more tools than they let on.

For example, I bet there is a simple in-game ship building tool that could be used at the shipwright, but they pulled it and now use the ships as rewards. Same with a shader tool for weapons, armor and ships. All of the the ships use very basic building blocks that probably take a dev 5 minutes to build a new ship design.

"WOW WOW WOW.... I hate Bungie now. They gotta take care of those paying customers huh?

What really makes me made is that people requested this only a few days. We've been asking for stuff since destiny released and haven't gotten it. Such as various glitches and storage space"


oh it was this that made them hate Bungie?



Yeesh everyone making it seem like I am being negative. Just stating the facts.

I was able to visit Xur and get everything I needed so I have no hate it took this long or something. Geeeeez

Not meaning to get on you just dont understand what they could have done better or faster.


Pretty sure Bungie wanted to see if PSN would be able to recover today but since it's clear that it's not going to happen they went ahead with extending Xur. They weren't exactly silent, they just wanted to see if it'd be up on its own and if it was then they wouldn't have to go and extend Xur's stay. Good move overall by them IMO.

Despite this being the worst Xur Week ever for the have-nots, this is the right thing to do. This is the first proactively good gesture they've made in a long time even if it does seem common sense to do. All the people giving them crap are just hopeless, best to just ignore them since they aren't adding anything constructive.

EDIT: Having said that, Xur should just be there 24/7 with rotating 7 day inventory... No need for the charades.
Not sure why you think 'other devs' are somehow the benchmark against which Bungie should be judged.

Seriously - why?

Devs should be compared to other what then?

They either took their time hoping PSN would come back or had issues getting the Xur extension to work before announcing it. Might be more complex then we think.

I really don't underatand why everyone is on me. I was the most vocal person here for them to do this.
my contributions

The Stranger
- He joined the group but he doesn't have time to finish the raid or explain why he doesn't have time to finish. He just suddenly hops out halfway through.

The Shopper and Dropper - Gets his loot and then drops faster than the morale of a flawless raid party when somebody dies on the jumping puzzle.
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