ok so what is MTU? lol
I will grab my 31.5 Titan.
Just assembling gear.
PSN Colonelocorn
Rawr, Kadey, who else we got?
Kadey you didn't accept my FR yet. LOL
I'll join Psn skatelivelearn 31 hunter
ok so what is MTU? lol
I will grab my 31.5 Titan.
Just assembling gear.
PSN Colonelocorn
Rawr, Kadey, who else we got?
Kadey you didn't accept my FR yet. LOL
Definitely getting the PS3 version after work. fuck this shit
Mobile app is up and running, but just tried ps4 and no joy...Ive already upgraded my horns and didca few bounties earlier so if I cant get in I guess I got my fix for the day....
ok so what is MTU? lol
yeah its on my warlock. Let me see if I can even get onHey, you wouldn't happen to still have the Gorgon checkpoint, would you?
Don't pretend that's not you as well.
That's great news!!
btw what is MUT?
I'm fucking in!
Shouldn't you be working. I think the Christmas break is already over.I feel compelled to say I now have a maxed 331 Gjallarhorn.
In case we need one.
Care if I join you ? While I wait for the raid group to get ready?I would ask if anyone wants to group together for Weekly but last time I did, I got kicked out of Destiny so I'm soloing this shit.
Frome Deej's twitter...
"Spending my weekend monitoring all chatter about Destiny. Working with our OpsCtr and the Bungie team behind the scenes to do what we can."
Care if I join you ? While I wait for the raid group to get ready?
Care if I join you ? While I wait for the raid group to get ready?
I have one to do as well - if you guys have a slot
Seems not everyone is able to get on just yet.(to raid)
Xur’s time in the Tower will be extended. Get more details at Bungie.net.
Go ahead, I don't mind. I'm still stuck trying to kill the serviters.keep running out of ammo.
The Purist Prick. He thinks he's a Good Guy but is so anti-cheesing, he... Looks down on anyone who wants to cheese anything. Assumes his way of playing is the way everyone else must. Sabotages or leaves when the rest of the fireteam attempts even the smallest cheese.
Stop being reasonable!!![]()
lmao: http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheG...he_six_people_youll_likely_meet_in_a_pick_up/
Due to the impossibility of getting your 5 friends together to schedule a raid, here's a guide to the six people you'll likely meet in a Pick up group.
The Untouchable- For whatever reason, let it be their level or they don't know anyone else in the group, this person's social status is the lowest and their opinion does not matter. Since they can complete the raids at a level disadvantage or with five complete strangers, they know exactly what they're doing and can really step up, but the group won't listen to them until after five or six wipes when they're really desperate.
The Gold Digger- This person only cares about your light level and the weapons you have maxed out. They get frustrated when they aren't six Ghorns in the group and always think the highest level raider should be the leader even if that person doesn't want to be. The other members of the group will most likely stage a mutiny and have this player kicked out some time during the raid.
The Cheese Wiz- This person can cheese every section of the Raid, even parts where people thought you couldn't cheese. Their entire character load out is designed for this and they prefer other party members with cheese friendly characters. They usually win over the group with a suggestion of a cheese and a legit run never happens. They can be found being the most vocal on Reddit when a patch comes out fixing the exploits.
The Good Guy Raider- This person loves the Raid and doesn't care a lot about the frustrating loot system. A major concern for them is that others learn from their mistakes, but are still having fun out there. They can be found in the back of the party helping struggling raiders instead of running off to the bridge in the Latern section. They can run the raid legit and always offer to do the toughest job for the team, but the Cheese Wiz usually wins over the group with offer of cheesing. They can be found being a sherpa to other people in their down time.
The Boss- This person is the loudest one of the group. They're very comfortable giving orders to other peoples and are quick to praise and scold other raiders. When confronted with a wipe, this person will blame the game or other raiders instead of themselves to retain their self-appointed authority.
The Zealot- This person worships RNGesus. When a checkpoint is reached they will shout out their love to RNGesus before they get their loot in hopes of getting what they want. They are usually the most hurt by unfavorable loot awarded to them and question what they have done to upset RNGesus.
Please add others to the list that you've met countless times!
Edit: Here's more from the community
The Asshole -This guy is an asshole. To everyone. About everything. Fuck this guy.
The Know-It-All- This member is quick to fix any beliefs they feel are wrong. They will scream at you to not open the bloom chest because then nobody will get a exotic. They know the only way out of the gorgons, and every time you say a name of a enemy or checkpoint wrong, be ready to be corrected. They also believe everything they read on reddit, and despise cheesers.
The Happy, Drunk guy - I'd have to label myself as this. It doesn't Impact my ability to perform and usually nobody notices until I get way too excited about getting good loot and then everybody's like "dude"
The Purist Prick. He thinks he's a Good Guy but is so anti-cheesing, he... Looks down on anyone who wants to cheese anything. Assumes his way of playing is the way everyone else must. Sabotages or leaves when the rest of the fireteam attempts even the smallest cheese.
Crucible quartermaster has one with random letters 1969....damn near a clone. Bought it today. Go check it out. 150 marks.
Deku we still killing Atheon later?
I won't be back until 9pm EST or later. Go ahead without me if I'm late. If you could save the Atheon checkpoint for me to grab later that day would be stellar.
Yes I'm still up for that. Now that Xur has been extended the rush is not as big for me. I really just want three more rolls at an exotic and if it's Hawkmoon or ghorn or t-lord then I can get Xur to upgrade it too.
I also need to take down Crota twice still with my 2x 32 Warlocks.
And I have a group that wants to go for flawless raider.
Go ahead, I don't mind. I'm still stuck trying to kill the serviters.keep running out of ammo.
Damn, thanks. Hopefully I don't get any of the things I upgraded when I finally get around to Nightfalls. But at least there are shards/potentially higher gear stats.
Yes I'm still up for that. Now that Xur has been extended the rush is not as big for me. I really just want three more rolls at an exotic and if it's Hawkmoon or ghorn or t-lord then I can get Xur to upgrade it too.
I also need to take down Crota twice still with my 2x 32 Warlocks.
And I have a group that wants to go for flawless raider.
103 pages of downtime now
Things are getting a bit better at least. Took Bungie that long to do something proactive about the issues.
103 pages of downtime now
Things are getting a bit better at least. Took Bungie that long to do something proactive about the issues.
Yes I'm still up for that. Now that Xur has been extended the rush is not as big for me. I really just want three more rolls at an exotic and if it's Hawkmoon or ghorn or t-lord then I can get Xur to upgrade it too.
I also need to take down Crota twice still with my 2x 32 Warlocks.
And I have a group that wants to go for flawless raider.