Hows xbl on xbone looking for everyone?
Still need one? ID is Ozone31Anyone want to do the nightfall?
So one of her parents was full blown hive. Guess us guys will fuck anything that walks.
Edit: why did my mind conjure up such an image?! Why?!
What is Xur? And is that a towel around his waist?! I-is Xur a Titan?!
Is Xur secretly Kabr?! I'm a bit drunk and reaching here.
How do we know if she's a girl? *wink wink*Hive? whateva. Shes a girl and that is all that matters. Praise captain spock. Praise him.
I could use it. No clue where it is so you'll have to point me in the right direction, haha. ID is Ozone31.I'm in! I have a gorgon checkpoint on hard mode if anyone needs. PSN is Darknyss.
Me please.I'm in! I have a gorgon checkpoint on hard mode if anyone needs. PSN is Darknyss.
How do we know if she's a girl? *wink wink*
True that. When's the wedding?True love knows no boundary's.
True that. When's the wedding?
So one of her parents was full blown hive. Guess us guys will fuck anything that walks.
Edit: why did my mind conjure up such an image?! Why?!
Finally in. It's a Christmas miracle
Anyone got dat gorgon chest checkpoint?
I'm in! I have a gorgon checkpoint on hard mode if anyone needs. PSN is Darknyss.
Did she really called it off, Todd? Did she? She's been giving out Warlock class bounties lately. Perhaps she wants to see you. Have you been avoiding her or something? Tell the truth, Todd.She called it off. Too much survivors guilt and something about me being worst class.
I'd be up for doing one if anyone else is. I've only run VoG once and haven't attempted Crota, so I may need a little guidance. ID is Ozone31.VoG hard run or Crota run
Any going on?
Hows xbl on xbone looking for everyone?
I just need 275 rep points for Rank 4. Sunsetting will finally be mine tomorrow.
All it takes is 15-20 minutes for me to complete the 3 bounties she has available for my Titan.Nice job...my rep with her is awful as I find those bounties to just be so damn boring
Nice job...my rep with her is awful as I find those bounties to just be so damn boring
Nami jump in chat
I keep forgetting I have notifications off so I don't see invites till several minutes after they're sent due to me checking for messages every now and then.
You get your ass in chat!I'm off after I turn in bounties so no chat for me.
VoG hard run or Crota run
Any going on?
Ps4?I'd be up for doing one if anyone else is. I've only run VoG once and haven't attempted Crota, so I may need a little guidance. ID is Ozone31.
We need you, Lik! We're going to dominate the Crucible!
Attempt 1 to get in failed.
Attempt 2 worked.im in.
Last call for Gorgon checkpoint. PSN: Darknyss