Anyone up for some ROC strikes? Have to do the Bad juju bounty
Anyone up for some ROC strikes? Have to do the Bad juju bounty
Like ColonelOCorn mention, just call me checkpointasaurus..are you online?
You and your love for cheese.FTFY
1 for atheon on hard PSN: KrugerrandMan
Joining. I need to do it on my Titan alt.
Anyone up for some ROC strikes? Have to do the Bad juju bounty
There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!Everyone is on PS4. I feel so lonely.![]()
Not a problem. If you can't find anyone to help out with your hunter for weekly, just hit me up. I'll be happy to help.Thx for the help on the weekly guys : )
I can join you a couple of roc.
I am rocking the Bad Juju and I love that damn thing. Super fills SO fast and infinite ammo!
It's awesome now.
Hey, you know how I said that I had just abandoned a missive for a 331 Bad Juju, and wondered how long it would be until I saw another? I turned in one bounty last night and got the missive again!
I am rocking the Bad Juju and I love that damn thing. Super fills SO fast and infinite ammo!
It's awesome now.
Yeah I'm actually pretty psyched to get it this time
You gonna do it?
this wouldn't be the first time i've heard about Crota not dropping loot. i believe somebody in our last run (might have been math) didn't get anything from one of the checkpoints. 5 people not getting anything is peculiar, but considering the prevalent bugs in the Vault of Glass, it doesn't necessarily surprise me. this is especially true this week when the online services are acting up.
I hope Bungie starts addressing these bugs soon because they're souring the time investment required for these raids.
So before Xur leaves... No land beyond too shitty to bother? I feel like it will obvious get buffed, but not sure it's worth 17 coins to wait. A sniper in the primary slot seems like it will have a use eventually as long as it's not shitty
So before Xur leaves... No land beyond too shitty to bother? I feel like it will obvious get buffed, but not sure it's worth 17 coins to wait. A sniper in the primary slot seems like it will have a use eventually as long as it's not shitty
I, guessing it's good for PVP if you like to snipe and use other secondaries
Normally I'd agree with this, but not for NLB. Unless you either have a crapton of strange coins to waste, or really really REALLY love sniping, don't bother.My advice, for what it's worth, is don't be one of those:
"Damn, I wish I had bought the: Gjallahorn, Suros, Red Death, etc etc etc when he had it" guys.
If you can afford it, do it. Never pass up a Xur exotic weapon!
Like ColonelOCorn mention, just call me checkpointasaurus..are you online?
Normally I'd agree with this, but not for NLB. Unless you either have a crapton of strange coins to waste, or really really REALLY love sniping, don't bother.
Apparently the game bugged out and didn't recognize that we were in a combat zone, hence why we couldn't use heavy synth...except for the one person that could use them...which was also the only person to get loot on our run.
We didnt cheese Crota, Crota cheesed us...
Looks like he learned a few things from Atheon.
Well with that many coins you might as well just for the novelty lol.I have 183 coins, but i still don't know if i should buy NLB
Normally I'd agree with this, but not for NLB. Unless you either have a crapton of strange coins to waste, or really really REALLY love sniping, don't bother.
Well with that many coins you might as well just for the novelty lol.
I have 183 coins, but i still don't know if i should buy NLB
After your glowing review, how could I NOT do it? Iooks like I'll be running the ROC a whole bunch next week.
You might consider running the nightfall instead (assuming its a fast one), because it is worth 3(I think) strikes for the bounty. I got it all done in under an hour when the nexus was the nightfall.
Apparently the game bugged out and didn't recognize that we were in a combat zone, hence why we couldn't use heavy synth...except for the one person that could use them...which was also the only person to get loot on our run.
We didnt cheese Crota, Crota cheesed us...
Looks like he learned a few things from Atheon.
I don't have quite that many but I bought it for the hell of it.
I bought it for the future buff.
I bought it for the future buff.
damn that's a weird bug. at what point did you guys notice it though? was it too late to start the run over at that point?
We noticed it during the run, but our main gjallerhorn user was the party leader and his worked, so I didn't think it was a problem. Didn't think at the time we might not get drops because of it, since I've never heard of that happening before.
So far have three for VoG Hard Gorgon checkpoint. Anyone else wanna join?
You might consider running the nightfall instead (assuming its a fast one), because it is worth 3(I think) strikes for the bounty. I got it all done in under an hour when the nexus was the nightfall.