need 2 more
PSN: ShinigamiFrost
It has tracking, better than most of them out there.
Do you still have requirements?
Level 30 or above. Was 31+, but can't find anybody. 30 should be fine though
Give me a minute to swim gear. Psn same as gaf.
I'm up for a quick HM Atheon kill, if there are any going on.
PSN PikaPuffJust invited you to party chat.
Still Need one more for HM Atheon.
Does Eidelon Ally get better? Just upgraded my Eris Morn rep and it feels like bleh.
PSN PikaPuff
...Servers down?
templar is still the most difficult (and annoying) boss in the game.
Finished two HM Atheon runs - Great job team.
Got another Hawkmoon, anyone want to trade? Hah
(Got one from crucible days ago, still don't know why people prefer it over Thorn.)
Stupid Sapphire Wire, I'd trade all my damn shards and energy for it if I could.
Stupid useless shards and energy.
Edit : It's old Hawkmoon? This damn game.
Anyone want to help me finish the Weekly? I'm at the end. PSN rNilla.
At gatekeepers now on Xbox One. Message Korosenai on xbox one if you want in.
Finally, after like 2 months, finished my thorn bounty. That last phase of it is such a pain in the ass.
It's k. v_vI'm terrible at being the only titan in a vault run <_< sorry
PSN PikaPuff
I did Crota 2x with Dhruv last night really late. It took like ten minute for both kills. Crota in three kneels. Two plus one swipe really. 32 is ridiculous against Crota normal. Even though I wouldn't want to race with your crew.
Please don't. I have OCD and this post triggered it. Along with the double bounty exploit getting people to Eris Rank 4 sooner. It really pushes the wrong buttons in my brain.
How's the general attitude towards noobs in GAF groups?
I'm terrible at being the only titan in a vault run <_< sorry
From Reddit: "Seeing that Gjallarhorn upgrade without having one to trade in is like getting a lap dance from a hologram of Kate Upton..."
I message you Kuro, but if you need another just let me know. I'm just running bounties and just need to throw my ghorn to my alt if you need me
templar is still the most difficult (and annoying) boss in the game.
Iron Banner sucked my will to Crucible out of me. It's so repetitive. The same maps, same bounties. Same bad teams. Blinking around Universal Remoting people to death is the only joy I derive from it. Plus, if I cut Crucible out completely, I can consolidate my efforts solely into PvE and Raiding with friends and GAF. That means I can vault or shard some Exotics or Legendaries and pick up only Vanguard stuff now. I'm getting to the point where I need to slow down my Destiny role to keep it good with myself. I'm trying to become a lot more task oriented. I love playing Destiny, but moderation.If you're going to go .06 in a crucible match, two things should happen
1. You shouldn't get any post game drops, at all. In fact, you should get something called a "losers medallion" - It takes up an inventory slot in your vault and can never be deleted
2. You should be given a 5 minute time out to think about what you've done.
Sorry. I'm so close to hitting the weekly cap for the first time on Xbone... So over Crucible. It's not for me.