Thanks for your help. Feel free to send me an invite for any strikes, raids, etc. you want to run.
No problem! Same goes for you
Thanks for your help. Feel free to send me an invite for any strikes, raids, etc. you want to run.
I'm about to do it again. Shouldn't take too long.
Let's run pass everything until you get near the place where it's all dark.
I'm about to do it again. Shouldn't take too long.
Let's run pass everything until you get near the place where it's all dark.
I almost got a new group to beat Crota. Got close and 2 had to leave. None of them knew any plans how to do it so it was cool helping them out. Just need 1 more kill before reset
Alright. Thanks Cosmos
Okay Rham. Let do the Hive one real quick and then I'll restart the Simiks one again.
that feeling when you encounter 3 public events back to back right after you delete the bounty
that feeling when you encounter 3 public events back to back right after you delete the bounty
I'm sure you know this, but http://destinypublicevents.com/ is your friend.
i only deleted it because it was taking up space. i don't really farm them anymore and was hoping to pick it up while i was doing other world bounties.
just good ol RNGesus trolling me again.
It's alright. I'm almost done everything. Going to call it a morning soon.
I'll probably do some Roc strikes later tonight on my alt.
I have a friend in Michigan. He's doing Mechanical there( I guess ). I'm mostly an AI / CV guy so I hope I get into UCSD or CMU and get a good adviser (too much to ask?)
Also we 5 manned crota and need one more till the deathsinger, anyone game?
rank 4 with eris finally. just need to find 14 black wax idols and then i can exchange the last energies for shards.
i guess the best place for black wax idols is waking the hive, right? or somewhere else with more hive majors. it used to be shrine of oryx until bungie patched it.
I would recommend farming Black Wax Idols in that area with 3 Hive Majors just near the landing zone in the Cosmodrome Patrol. After you kill them go upstairs and kill the Dregs/Vandals/Shanks and the Hive Majors should respawn when you go back. Rinse and repeat.
If the 3 public events bounty isn't up I usually still just pull up destinypublicevents when I'm doing the patrol mission bounty so I can just do at least one for the daily public event package
I'm always down for some Roc strikes, but when you say "later tonight" we're either in different time zones or you're counting the early morning as "night". And I'm usually on at weird times.
Eastern time. This is about the time where I have to get ready for work so until then. I don't really have to do any bounties right now except for the Eris ones. All the gear and weapons I currently have are leveled up.
Looks like I need 1500 to level to 4 on Eris. Even with double bounties, I doubt I'll reach it tomorrow. It's probably going to be either Weds or Thurs. Would be nice if I could get raid helm after the reset so I can level that up instead of my gloves.
Tommorow is the day, watch out Crota we have a full team of 32's coming for dat world record time.
Did bungie specify when xur would be leaving?
yep thanks i was actually about to go do this. seemed like the quickest way to find them.
Ok thanks. Damn not enough time to get the gloves. Only got shitty void weapons atm.i believe it was 10pm pst
Hey, i'm up for sword duty again once you have a group.
You don't need to go up the stairs.
Run back to the entrance to the sloped concrete wall pass the entrance, turn and head back. Their trigger zone is somewhere around the entrance, so they respawn immediately.
Which playlist? Makes all the difference in my abilities.
Welp I have found a mortal enemy that can keep me away from Destiny, Stomach Flu...
You don't need to go up the stairs.
Run back to the entrance to the sloped concrete wall pass the entrance, turn and head back. Their trigger zone is somewhere around the entrance, so they respawn immediately.
Hey, i'm up for sword duty again once you have a group.
your body is sick of all the cheese.
get some rest and you'll feel better soon. Unless it's fucking food-can't-eat-sleep-or-move-poisoning. let us know whether to start writing graverobber's epilogue or not.
Me and friend doing VoG hard, get all 3 characters the gorgon chest and atheon.
add me on PSN: TheCommonDan
if you want to join
Me and friend doing VoG hard, get all 3 characters the gorgon chest and atheon.
add me on PSN: TheCommonDan
if you want to join
PS4 KeRaSh up for Crota kills.
Anyone setting something up?
I'll let you know if I do, thanks Dhruv!
My upgraded ghorn has wolfpack rounds, wohoo
Looking to do CE raid straight after reset at least 2 times in a row on ps4. If anyone is up for it :
Welp I have found a mortal enemy that can keep me away from Destiny, Stomach Flu...
Welp I have found a mortal enemy that can keep me away from Destiny, Stomach Flu...
Xplictone you still there?
I'd be up for some more smooth runs with you!
People would just bail as soon as they had the slightest inkling their team was about to lose. If you're going to give rewards for PvP, what they have is the best setup.Rewarding everyone on the winning team with at least a rare engram would be fair imo, you're guaranteed one in the 26 strike playlist, so I don't see why PvP should be treated any differently. I do agree that losers should still receive some type of reward. However, there should be a substantial gap between winning and losing. That way people would actually try to win and the games would be more competitive, instead of just people just going afk.
Taking it easy is for the weak, DO IT!4 311 rep needed to get to Eris rank 4 =/
I would have to do the double bounty trick for at least 8 more days. Ughhhhh
Taking it easy is for the weak, DO IT!