Byron Bluth
They haven't said anything other than January yet.
It will be Tuesday January 20th. That's 3 weeks after they get back into the office.
They haven't said anything other than January yet.
I have NEVER gotten a single Exotic from any Strikes. Only NF and even then, I think I got two total.
you guys should all take this exotic weapons survey
It will be Tuesday January 20th. That's 3 weeks after they get back into the office.
I have NEVER gotten a single Exotic from any Strikes. Only NF and even then, I think I got two total.
Hahaha the most dominant response is always "I do not own this weapon"
The day Hawkmoon dropped from a Tiger strike I literally lost my damn mind out of excitement.I have NEVER gotten a single Exotic from any Strikes. Only NF and even then, I think I got two total.
i know normal VoG Legendaries do, and the Vex is unique, but even regular Exotics that can drop anywhere else in the game just as well? has to be a glitch then...
Could someone please tell me what we get for breaking down commendations? If anything...
should i upload the game i used no land beyond in?
it's nothing impressive. if anything, you can see me become frustrated with it halfway through.
Same because I am on Xbox and some weapons I didn't buy from Xur due to lack of interest. How is waking up at 4 treating you lol?
Bungie would need to have an army in front of their offices to protect them from all of us.On a scale of 1-Gjallarhorn, how made would you guys be if they nerf the Gjallarhorn?
Gjallarhorn dominating in the PvE category like it should
should i upload the game i used no land beyond in?
it's nothing impressive. if anything, you can see me become frustrated with it halfway through.
I'm surprised Truth is actually beating it in the PvP category. I take Gjallar over Truth any day.
On a scale of 1-Gjallarhorn, how made would you guys be if they nerf the Gjallarhorn?
Exotics from VoG are not 331's. I got the Hawkmoon from the chest.
On a scale of 1-Gjallarhorn, how made would you guys be if they nerf the Gjallarhorn?
I was up for about an hour. Then went back to bed until now.
Ask me on day 8 hahaha
I just want to have all my characters to 32 by the time hard mode CE comes out and Eris is pretty much necessary. My Titan has every CE raid armour piece, Hunter has 3/4 and is using an exotic helmet, while my warlock has 2/4 and will use an exotic helmet but he needs the chest piece.
Hopefully I get the chest piece for my warlock tomorrow and I will just need to focus on Eris and getting all the shards and energy I can. Will worry about upgrading the CE weapons after I get them to 32. I really wanted to fully level Light of the Abyss which I did. That's it for now.
Bungie would need to have an army in front of their offices to protect them from all of us.
Needs to happen. Will never happen. Only thing they could realistically do is make it so it can't be upgraded for House of Wolves.
...and even then it'll still probably be the best rocket launcher haha....
Heh. Bungie may have made some questionable moves in the past, but I'm pretty sure they know that touching the giggidyhorn in any way would effectively push some over the edge and out the door.
I could be wrong but I view that weapon in particular as being somewhat of an almost religious symbol, not to be messed with or people will go insane.
Don't like it? I was in a skirmish game where TWO guys were using it. They got some kills but we still won. It's pretty irritating dying to it lol
pls do
Working as intendedhas to be a glitch, as a Hawkmoon from strikes/engrams would be a 331.
I'm surprised Truth is actually beating it in the PvP category. I take Gjallar over Truth any day.
has to be a glitch, as a Hawkmoon from strikes/engrams would be a 331.
Does an emblem count as an Eris class item?
no. Class item is cloak/towel/bandana.
⁽⁽(੭ꐦ ̀Д́ )੭*⁾⁾ ᑦᵒᔿᵉ ᵒᐢᵎᵎi'd rather shard all my exotics than main this weapon as is. it's bad. badder than pre-patch bad juju bad.
actually this video is kinda embarrassing lol i changed my mind
Bungie hasn't updated the loot table for VoG exotics.
It seems intentional, but who knows. It seems like a serious thing to have just simply missed.
There may be some weird reasoning in play like VoG exotics becoming 'too powerful' in the VoG with new damage buffs. Obviously this would be silly because you can take any weapon you want into VoG. But there has to be a reason that they made it this way.
ftfyno. Class item is potato sack/towel/bandana.
i got
red death from a legendary engram (during a strike i think)
monte carlo from crucible
plan c from tiger strikes
hawkmoon from atheon
suros regime (dupe) from nightfall
mida multi tool from atheon and (dupe) from nightfall
gjallarhorn from iron banner and (dupe) from crucible
the last word (dupe) from nightfall
hard light from nightfall
roughly in that order
tiger strike drop rates aren't that high IME. i think everything else i own was bought from xur or bounties
So what was that promised Christmas gift? Or did Bungie forgot about it?
Whelp. Did 3x Hard Atheon last night. Got another Vex. No other exotics. For the last one we Invited a LFG blueberry who had an offensive username supposedly for five years that nobody notices according to him. It's a scientific term for licking a part of human anatomy.
Weird, i mean i understand the VoG exclusive guns, but just regular exotics you can get from any chest or random drop on enemies too?
Why would they effectively make those drops worse within VoG compared to literally anywhere else in the game?![]()
the Proximity Explosion is the feature that beats Gjallar in PvP. Just shoot in the general direction of enemies or even above and besides walls to get kills.
Weird, i mean i understand the VoG exclusive guns, but just regular exotics you can get from any chest or random drop on enemies too?
Why would they effectively make those drops worse within VoG compared to literally anywhere else in the game?![]()
I expect a snowman's head. A reskinned jackolyte.
I will never get a Vex ugh
Same with me. Also I have never gotten an exotic from crucible or a engram, excluding exotic engrams from Xur since those are a given, as well. Most of my exotics are bought from Xur. I believe 3 from VoG, 2 from CE and 2 from nightfalls.I have NEVER gotten a single Exotic from any Strikes. Only NF and even then, I think I got two total.
Hahaha, I hope this is true.