After the raiders defeat the Deathsinger, the group needs to descend further down into the Hellmouth, into a system of narrow tunnels and chambers that very much resembles an ant colony. The hive Breeding grounds.
As the player sneaks through the maze of tunnels he get's a glimpse into some of the chambers, filled with known Hive minions and new creatures/structures that shed a little bit of light on their reproductive cycle.
At the entrance to this maze, 3 portable lanterns wait, made from Hive Wizards' heads and the light of some of the guardians from Eris' raiding party.
The way these work is: no melee/primary attack, only super. If you drop it, the flame's extinguished and you need to meet with one of the other lanterns to ignite it again. The super is a powerful burst of local damage wrapped in a radiance like animation, burning everything in it's vicinity, but it is only charged by kills other guardians make in the area illuminated by the lantern.
The maze: at each corner, there'll be markers the lantern-carrier can activate, to leave a trail like Hansel & Gretel did. Once one lantern makes it to the end, the markers will show the way to the guys still in the maze - because in order to make it through the maze fast, the team will have to split up (=three lanterns). It would be necessary due to a timer upon which's end the minions waiting in some of the chambers will swarm out into the tunnels, which also happens as soon as the first lantern reaches the end and the markers start showing the correct path (to run down like hell).
The pattern of empty and occupied chambers will change, so there's no quick route on future attempts.