He is just an emo tsundere that's all. Give the poor guy his space, he'll probably end up killing himself anyway.
They aren't emo they are scene kids, get it straight.
He is just an emo tsundere that's all. Give the poor guy his space, he'll probably end up killing himself anyway.
No actually it's not really. Having a PS+ subscription covers paying monthly for it.
Which makes it all the more insane you need PS+ to play most of Destiny and pay £/$20 for a weak ass "Expansion Pack", yet all content packs are free in FF14 so far.
No actually it's not really. Having a PS+ subscription covers paying monthly for it.
Which makes it all the more insane you need PS+ to play most of Destiny and pay £/$20 for a weak ass "Expansion Pack", yet all content packs are free in FF14 so far.
Grimoire showing 141 VoG clears. Is that including Hard mode?
No actually it's not really. Having a PS+ subscription covers paying monthly for it.
This doesn't sound accurate at all. All the info I've seen on FF14 is that you don't need PS+ but you do need a subscription.
FFXIV? I think you're completely wrong here.
destinytracker.com will show your normal and hard clears
Oh wow. I didn't know that... Probably will never be able to pull that off with randoms in a ROC strike though. Will have to try it next time I have a full fireteam.
No actually it's not really. Having a PS+ subscription covers paying monthly for it.
Which makes it all the more insane you need PS+ to play most of Destiny and pay £/$20 for a weak ass "Expansion Pack", yet all content packs are free in FF14 so far.
I think so too. Tried googling about this and all I found was that you don't need PS+ to play. Hmm.
With a friend help I finally finished the CE and I got an legendary Shotgun and Armor gear.
Need 1 more for crota! PSN is btkadams (PS4)
do you still want them to patch it?
I need a boatload of ass shards. Best way to get them is raids correct? I feel like I missed the boat for raids as I have no idea what I am doing and only have done the VoG 2x. Is there a support group for raid noobs that I don't know about?
Aww shucks, I think I missed a few CE groups back there.
Any groups still forming up/ need one more? I've got a deathsinger checkpoint.
Yeh think maybe I am wrong, you get a free month then it requires a sub. Sorry guys!
Grimoire showing 141 VoG clears. Is that including Hard mode?
No actually it's not really. Having a PS+ subscription covers paying monthly for it.
Which makes it all the more insane you need PS+ to play most of Destiny and pay £/$20 for a weak ass "Expansion Pack", yet all content packs are free in FF14 so far.
Holy. Crap.
Jito you beautiful person. Somehow I had no idea about this.
if a random comes into your instance when you're trying that glitch, though, the vex will spawn and take the plates.
just wait two minutes, if it worked you'll hear the SHWAAOOOOSHGRRRVROOOOM sound
Hawk has you covered if he's doing any.
Why would anyone not want the CE MVP?
Holy. Crap.
Jito you beautiful person. Somehow I had no idea about this.
Aww shucks, I think I missed a few CE groups back there.
Any groups still forming up/ need one more? I've got a deathsinger checkpoint.
everyone's an MVP
Lol I love shooting Vex.
I assume its also counting my first toon, the old 29-Hunter I had. Had to take him out to the back of the barn and put him down.
If you all do more than one clear may I pop on?everyone's an MVP
If you all do more than one clear may I pop on?
31 Hunter 31 Titan 31 Warlock
331 Gjallarhorn![]()
Made another Warlock yesterday, played all day, got to level 14. Cool. Problem is now I'm fucking BURNT. OUT. There's a reason I didn't want to make another character! I knew having to slog through the story again was going to be zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZzzzzzz
So I started this madness again. Got a PS4, picked up the limited edition so I can travel the stars with Red Robot. What the bloody hell did I get myself into...
Any brand new players since Christmas that want a tag along for adventures in Destiny? I don't want to jump in asking to do things with the hardcore till I get into the late 20's.
Aww shucks, I think I missed a few CE groups back there.
Any groups still forming up/ need one more? I've got a deathsinger checkpoint.
I'm ready! My psn is dhruv_hanom
I guess considering how little raids I actually cleared, my luck with gear drops is actually not bad.
Killing characters? Porque?
Did you play a lot of raids where you didn't clear Atheon? Grimore only counts Atheon clears.
Which category is the VOG grimoire in? Can't find it
NV found it
PvP, it'll go quick. There's a reason I kept a level 14 Shingen-E with stability perk. Shingen-E *still* puts in good work, these days. Amazingly stable, even going back to it all these months later (I played with it yesterday).
Reminds me, was helping a buddy finish his Salvage trophy for Guardian Lord yesterday. We had a Christmas newbie join as our 3rd random, level 12, low grimoire score.
I was cursing our fates until I noticed the opposing team had a level 5 Christmas newbie on their team.
Our newbie, bless his heart, tried hard and actually helped (somewhat) to the win. All hail Xmas newbs.
Have 35 VoG clears and about 20 CE clears.
Running the sword is a demanding task.
Yeh think maybe I am wrong, you get a free month then it requires a sub. Sorry guys!