So help me out here. I hit 24 last night on my titan. What should I be doing now? Grinding up vanguard rep? I'm not sure what to do for progression, and feel limited without other people to play with.
I want to run the weekly strike, but apparently that doesn't have match making? Why? Should I stick to bounties and the level 24 strike?
Is it correct to assume I should hold off on alts for now? I was going to make a hunter for some pvp fun, but they'll be easier to level with gear from the main is my guess.
If anyone is up for the weekly strike or Nightfall (I think that's the name) later tonight, please give me a PSN invite. My username is Tragicomedy. I usually play at 8:00 PM Mountain time, so that might be late for East coasters.
I'm not looking for free cheese, maybe just a bit of direction here.
Not sure what your vanguard rank is, but you want to get that or crucible rank to 2 (3 for commendations) so you can buy gear with higher light level in order to rank up. Do the strike playlists to start farming marks to prepare for your future purchases.