Ill join if you still have room, psn MoridhinNeed 4 more for a CE run starting from Crota.
1. Striker
2. Dhruv_Hanom
Ill join if you still have room, psn MoridhinNeed 4 more for a CE run starting from Crota.
1. Striker
2. Dhruv_Hanom
Hotel internet and Vita Remote Play for the rest of the week probably means no more Destiny for me but we'll see what happens. Maybe their internet will actually be really fast!No. It won't.
Legendary engram wooooooo!
It certainly shouldn't be the ONLY reward. Happened to me last week, felt like someone just strolled by and flicked me in the balls.Why doesn't this game give me a Gjallarhorn? Seriously, the loot system is fucking ridiculous. I have so many dupes of multiple exotics arggghhh.
Also 5 strange coins shouldn't be a NF reward. So silly, Bungie.
Welcome to Destiny, where Bungie decided that making a "social" game means having the community figure out how the details work.Hold on, you can use more than one glimmer consumable at one time?!!!!
If I can connect tonight I'm game for anything. This morning I actually tried that hiding method you showed me and it was far easier than trying to sword across the bridge and and climb rocks.You still able to join me in doing Bridge part or too hard?
Alright, anyone looking to party up for nightfall/s?
Need 4 more for a CE run starting from Crota.
1. Striker
2. Dhruv_Hanom
If I can connect tonight I'm game for anything. This morning I actually tried that hiding method you showed me and it was far easier than trying to sword across the bridge and and climb rocks.
I need to do two, psn MoridhinAlright, anyone looking to party up for nightfall/s?
Is it possible to solo the bridge with a hunter without having to go to the other side?Gonna solo the first two parts with my Hunter to see what I get.
I need to do two, psn Moridhin
Man I would love a mat exchange for ass mats and rad mats. Someone should, um, make that a thing.
I was able to remote play from my hotel in chicago right after watch dogs came out. was a pretty cool experience.Hotel internet and Vita Remote Play for the rest of the week probably means no more Destiny for me but we'll see what happens. Maybe their internet will actually be really fast!No. It won't.
shards.Legendary engram wooooooo!
Hold on, you can use more than one glimmer consumable at one time?!!!!
Yes, hide in the back and everything but Swordbearer will despawn. Then ignore him and snipe away at everything on the other side.Is it possible to solo the bridge with a hunter without having to go to the other side?
Ok I need to do the sameI'll invite you after a quick visit to the vault for weapons.
Would anybody want to do normal or hard VoG? Done with everything else, hah...
Also, if anyone already has normal and/or hard Gorgons CP and could share, that would be amazing. Really only care about exotic drop chances at this point but happy to run whatever if we can get a group. Got 2 right now for sure.
This week, I can barely think of anything in the entire strike that does Solar damage.
Thanks!Yes, hide in the back and everything but Swordbearer will despawn. Then ignore him and snipe away at everything on the other side.
Fingers crossed. Remote Play has worked fairly well so far with questionable internet but I've never tried at a hotel.I was able to remote play from my hotel in chicago right after watch dogs came out. was a pretty cool experience.
I'll invite you after a quick visit to the vault for weapons.
So odd... How do you start the encounter? I usually just run straight to the bridge sigil and then head straight up the rocks. Do you do anything different?
That's an incredibly accurate representation of what I must have looked like when I realized that. It never dawned on me to try a second one.
P.S. I really want to get the Nightfall out of the way. If anyone wants to do it, add me. PSN: CartmanPat
Last week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
This week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
I refuse to believe this is all random.
Probably don't have any room left now, but if a slot opens, I'm up for it. PSN is same as here.
Ill join if you still have room, psn Moridhin
I got my 5th pair of gloves, no boots from ce yet.Last week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
This week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
I refuse to believe this is all random.
never lose faith in RNGesus
I think I'll try soloing first two sections of CE with my Hunter as well. Should be fun. I wanna try it anyway.
Last week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
This week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
I refuse to believe this is all random.
Forgot one be right there sorryI'll invite you after a quick visit to the vault for weapons.
Thanks for the advice! Your post-20 leveling guides have been very helpful, as well. Potentially dumb question since I'm not at home to check: I remember seeing two different sets of titan gear at the vendor? Is one better than the other, or is it purely aesthetics?
Hey Drizz my son would love to do a normal VoG - if you guys would allow him and could keep it rated G that would be awesome...
He's 31 and raided before with Hawkian
Is it normal to be level 27 and still have only rare primary weapons? I played a Nightfall Strike last night with a 27 and a 29 and both had what looked like Legendary weapons.
Am I not doing something right? Do Legendary drops normally come from raids instead of strikes?
Fingers crossed. Remote Play has worked fairly well so far with questionable internet but I've never tried at a hotel.
Legendaries can drop from any mode. Or you can just buy them. Don't use Blue weapons for PVE. Just making it harder for yourself. You should be using better weapons as soon as you're lvl 20.
Last week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
This week Crota run for hunter - raid gaunts, raid boots, black hammer
I refuse to believe this is all random.
Are people still doing the bakc out method in nightfall? Where everyone switches characters or backsout and then joins again.
I have yet to receive anything. Can't buy them yet as I'm still grinding out enough bounties to reach level 3 and I'm still a long ways away. The grind has been real for about 3 weeks now for me.