Hey, I've seen some peope rocking an emblem that's brown with the eris symbol on it... anyone knows where it is from?
Rank 4
Thanks man! Off of the Abyss chest. I couldn't function for about 10min after the drop from joy lol
Thanks man! Off of the Abyss chest. I couldn't function for about 10min after the drop from joy lol
It's really ugly. Why is everything poo brown?
You're full of energy.
That 331 atttack right off the bat.
10 minutes??? That's an understatement, this mofo didn't sleep, riding that Ghorn high. Sleep is cancelled, gotta rank up that monster and wake up the wolf pack!
Think Hawk mentioned before it but does anyone run Dragon's Breath against Crota? Would Pyromancer be useful for a hornless peasant like myself?
Also, finally got an Exotic from CE first chest, was No Land Beyond... my god can anyone justify why this thing exists?
famous quotes from my raid group, in order
everyday math: gjallarhorns away!
nami: dropping weapons of light
afro: ope, that flawless raider though
todd: guys i got the boots!
fig: pay attention, todd
lik: ... *laughing internally*
hehe well thank you for the compliment first of all.
leveling up from 1 to 28 is fairly straightforward, action RPG style. One piece of advice I would give would be to do the story missions that have a laurel wreath icon in order, but leave the ones that are just circles with stars for later- even after 20 depending on how quick you level. The xp from them is very valuable even in the later game.
Also, start doing as many vanguard bounties as you can asap. Getting to vanguard rank 3 quickly on your first character puts you in great position.
other than that, just play around with a little bit of everything and see what you like. Give the Crucible a try once you've unlocked a nice bit of your class skills, try the strikes, explore patrols and do beacon missions, and group up with people any time you can!
I feel you on No Land Beyond, we were discussing this weapon at work yesterday. I think due to it's slow ROF and overall clunkiness, it should deal massive damage or at least something that would make people want to use it. It's sitting in my vault collecting dust, waiting for a buff.
When you figure that out, let us know. I, too, am having a similar issue. A lot of my friends have come from here, but some I've only played with once and never again or they have moved on.
if they are not on destiny and you don't recognize the name.
My idea is to take a screenshot of your active list over the next two days. See who shows up as being on most of the time. I'm just gonna delete those who are rarely on. Out of the 200+ I have, less than a 100 are on playing any game. I'm keeping those still actively playing games, Destiny or not, and delete those not playing.
It takes a bit of time, but I checked each persons play history for Destiny in the last few days. If yes, I kept them. If no, booted, unless I recognized the name from here.
I think that's the best way to go about it.
Mindlog - 32 WarlockHave Crota checkpoint. Anyone want to knock him out real quick?
Have Crota checkpoint. Anyone want to knock him out real quick?
I'm in. Level 32 Hunter: SharkJAWNeed 2 more for atheon hard mode. Should be very fast
I will add FD_Reborn. PSNHave Crota checkpoint. Anyone want to knock him out real quick?
My friend may have found another chest in the raid. Im going to confirm it tonight. This is classified info destinygaf. Don't tell destiny reddit.
Thanks man! Off of the Abyss chest. I couldn't function for about 10min after the drop from joy lol
Which raid?
Need 2 more for atheon hard mode. Should be very fast
Have Crota checkpoint. Anyone want to knock him out real quick?
Reddit now keeping an eye on DestinyGAF for more info.My friend may have found another chest in the raid. Im going to confirm it tonight. This is classified info destinygaf. Don't tell destiny reddit.
Mindlog - 32 Warlock
I would if it comes together- need maybe 5-10 minutes though to gear up. spyder_ur - 31 something (probably Warlock)
My friend may have found another chest in the raid. Im going to confirm it tonight. This is classified info destinygaf. Don't tell destiny reddit.
Thats 3 for 6.
Anyone else for quick Crota kill?
My friend may have found another chest in the raid. Im going to confirm it tonight. This is classified info destinygaf. Don't tell destiny reddit.
My friend may have found another chest in the raid. Im going to confirm it tonight. This is classified info destinygaf. Don't tell destiny reddit.
Well done Cosmos for the Vex! 43 is the lucky number
Congrats! I don't think I got mine till run 80 something. Then again, at the time I was seeking out the raid helmet more than the gun.THE VEX MYTHOCLASTTTTTTT
My friend may have found another chest in the raid. Im going to confirm it tonight. This is classified info destinygaf. Don't tell destiny reddit.
Rank 4
Congrats! I don't think I got mine till run 80 something. Then again, at the time I was seeking out the raid helmet more than the gun.