Oh yes, those outliers certainly exist and would be expected with an RNG system. The unbunbelievable aspect is that a relatively miniscule community on GAF compared to the millions of players online, that one of those outliers resides here.
a) Depending on how stringent our criteria for "outlier" has to be, I'm sure it's more than one, Nami is DEFINITELY not the only person here to have every Exotic for example, and I'm not even that far off myself. Despite buying both from Xur, I've also found a Gjallarhorn and Ice Breaker RNGwise, got three Hawkmoons each from a different source, and I got the Mythoclast my first time ever beating Atheon on hard

Most people just don't rub it in the faces of the rest of DGAF that much.

Plus think of all the lurkers, or those reading that don't have their accounts registered yet.
b) Relatively miniscule- hehe. This thread which has existed for a whopping 7 days has got 348,770 views right now. This is an enormous subcommunity. I really can't stress it enough. There are a goddamn ton of us. Seriously. It's like a big deal. I'd honestly be more shocked if we
didn't have a single member we could point to as particularly lucky, just as we have someone like Byron running HM VoG 40+ times or whatever without a Vex in sight.
c) Calling attention to the millions of players really is the crux of the whole thing here: in Destiny,
you as an individual player experience one in a million events all the damn time, because there ARE millions of players. In fact, it's no real stretch of the imagination to say that it's possible you are the
only player among millions to have experienced certain very statistically unlikely event sets, especially the more narrow you get about it.
I understand RNG. I have a graduate degree in a technical field and have taken probability courses and even design some RNG systems in CS. I just lose some rational thought when playing this game
You're putting your finger on the trigger with this issue in my mind. It's like people lose all sense of basic rationality because of their individual experiences. Not unique to Destiny at all, mind you- but it's one of the biggest culprits I've ever seen.