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Destiny |OT15| What Cheese May Come


Just getting my son out the door to catch the bus for school. Be good in 10


Got up to Crota yesterday with my team, but then ran out of time and couldn't give it serious attempts. The encounter is hard, no doubt about that. For me, the fun part is figuring out the best strategy to take him down and then learning how to execute on it. I say make the encounter hard Bungie. I don't need to beat it on day 1.

The bugs, however, like the disappearing sword, are inexcusable and should be given more priority than cheese fixes.

Deku Tree

That seems reasonable. It's also reasonable, for people who are, to choose and utilize this thread as an outlet for venting their frustrations.

I imagine that your making this comment means that you endorse Grave's post. Not its content or tone necessarily, but at least its appropriateness for this forum. It's a level of discourse that makes me feel uneasy, but the consensus seems to be that it is appropriate and even commendable.

As such I don't think it would be at all reasonable for him to receive a ban for it, though it is fundamentally identical to the post that previously resulted in one. I think it would send altogether the wrong message, namely:

reinforcing the narrative that this is how it works, that an effective (or even the best) way to effect change in the ongoing development and support of this game is to issue an impassioned tirade every couple of months and then get banned, repeating as necessary the next time, and the next, and so on with the slight nuance of hundreds of hours of gameplay in between.

But if he's merely giving voice to a consensus view, in both sentiment and tone, then it makes sense to just skip the part where he gets banned. And that seems to be the case. For many of you, he was just putting into words what you were thinking, what you wish you could say to Bungie. '"Preach." Indeed, this is a post we want framed and mailed to them so as to understand the true feelings of their playerbase.

I can respect that, and I can embrace the idea that I have a minority viewpoint on the topic. I don't know how else to put my own feelings but to say that it just makes me really uncomfortable.

You guys can be really intense about this game. Like, pretty memorably intense. It amazes me that so many of you are so much more passionate than I am and and take the game so much more seriously than I do, considering how much time I've spent playing it and effort I've spent analyzing and discussing it. You'll... I want to say occasionally, but what I really mean is cyclically, use language I would reserve for a disaster relief coordinator whose incompetence affected the victims of a tornado, the disgust I'd register for a careless driver causing property damage or loss of life, or a corrupt regulator failing to keep lead out of store-bought paint... for a game developer. People who make a videogame that you play. These comments will often be constructed not as critiques, but invective shot into the void as though they're meant to be received by an individual. Fuck off- this encounter uses lazy methods of increasing difficulty. What the fuck is wrong with you?- I don't feel rewarded for completing content. And so on.

The traditional refrain in response to my discomfort is that such comments come from people who actually love the game, and want to see it improve. That their tone is appropriate because Bungie needs to understand how much their decisions frustrate and offend the playerbase- paying customers, of course, who like the product, but also feel passionately about its flaws. These points aren't invalid. But unfortunately, I only find them a compelling justification to a certain degree- one I see eclipsed almost daily- and, sadly, I believe (or have learned from experience) that they aren't principal motivators in bringing about the improvements they describe.

This leaves me largely resigned to understanding that it's going to keep happening, have no effect, die down, flare up again, continuously in a sine wave for as long as the game is popular. There are times when I wish I could relate, because it's so tough for me to imagine the frame of reference in which that kind of thing is the appropriate response.

But I know that ultimately I can't. I've tried before. But I won't ever get it, and more of you agree with and share GraveRobber's frame of reference than mine. I have the utmost respect for that. Truthfully, it makes more sense for him to be the custodian of this subcommunity than me. Times like these, it just scares me how out of touch I am. He will do a better job of representing your interests than I will.

You have absolutely nothing to feel bad about. Destiny isn't a philanthropic enterprise. It's not a charity. It's not a community outreach program. It's just a game. A pretty, complex, communal time-waster. Any decisions you make about it should begin and end with your personal enjoyment, and never venture into guilt or obligation. I don't know how much emphasis one person can put on the word game. Its entire medium exists only to provide an entertaining experience to the user; the moment it does anything else, you have to stop, not just for your own sake but because failing to do so will send the wrong signal.

I had a good time with my raid group tonight. I got energy and shards. We played for hours and managed to complete the pit and the bridge, and neither was easy for us. The undoubtedly tougher remaining half will have to wait, but I like making incremental progress and identifying areas I can improve upon for future attempts. I like rediscovering challenge in facets of content that have become rote, and the prospect of eventually being able to help others complete it is enticing. Artificial, lazy or otherwise, I want to get good at it- so I'll keep running it as long as I can manage to find groups.

But if I can offer one piece of advice: I've seen a lot of posts from people mentioning that until or after or during or before House of Wolves, they're going to quit; the decisions Bungie is making cannot retain them as players. You need to make that real. Actually stop playing Destiny, stop talking about Destiny, absolutely do not buy future DLC releases. Impassioned pleas may be valuable, and they especially might make you and others feel better in the short term, but if you want to bring about real and dramatic change, you need to hit Bungie where it hurts- their activity metrics, and especially their wallets.

I'd advocate a change in perspective first, if at all possible. But failing that: not liking this hard mode raid might be an arbitrary excuse to stop right now, but it's as good as any other.

Otherwise you're tactitly agreeing to wind up right back here, many many times.

Hey Hawkian. I appreciate this post and I wanted to say that IMO you do a very good job representing and articulating the DGAF communities interests. While I understand the feelings and frustrations of the other side of the discussion I basically tend to agree with the tone and message of your post.


The line of thought was probably: "we need one really bad gun we can give Glam instead of the good ones". :/

Yeah, got 1 yesterday. Dont know what the hell to do with it tho. Takes Vault space, sucks badly overall.

What are those?

Tune ups or pulse rifles? :p
If the latter, Ive got them too many as random drops, shitty shitty shittu weapons.

Yeah they do suck.

Tune ups, I dont know o_O


The best thing that happened with Team Husk yesterday aside from beating Crota in hard mode was coming up with Bubble Trouble on the fly like that. We were all desperate to get the fight over with that we basically did random shit.

Thoughts middle platform strat is 100x better than Bubble Trouble. The only problem are those two ogres.


Yeah, as explained in the video. All it takes are 4 Gjallarhorns, one Titan bubble and somebody who is good with the sword.

If everything comes together the Ogres are a non issue since they never spawn.

This is what I can't wrap my head around. There was a Reddit thread about an "easy strategy" and it casually required the group to bring 4+ LOLhorns.
If it requires 4+ of the most OP single target weapon in the game that is still very rare I don't consider it a valid strategy. Bungie simply can't make encounters so hard that it basically requires a setup like that to even have a fighting chance.
They either scale it to a point where Gjallas aren't a requirement or buff other RLs to a point where they deal comparable but still less damage.


So far I'm liking Abyss Defiant. Still not enough impact for my taste, but its still decent. Love the ability to choose between hip fire and focus fire perks. Wish Suros had that.


This is what I can't wrap my head around. There was a Reddit thread about an "easy strategy" and it casually required the group to bring 4+ LOLhorns.
If it requires 4+ of the most OP single target weapon in the game that is still very rare I don't consider it a valid strategy. Bungie simply can't make encounters so hard that it basically requires a setup like that to even have a fighting chance.
They either scale it to a point where Gjallas aren't a requirement or buff other RLs to a point where they deal comparable but still less damage.
Or sell the horn, which I think they'll do. Not tomorrow, but next week. I feel it in my booooones.


Look I'm not here to talk shit on people. But if you are stuck for 6-10 hours on Crota then there is something wrong with your group. And no it's not only bugs. You have weak links in the team. Accept it and eliminate them or go back to normal. I'm watching Streamerhouse right now. They have been at it with this group for like 5 hours now they just said. I think at that point you should accept that it just isn't going to happen with that group.

Usually it's fatigue that sets in that causes all the trouble, imo. Sometimes a break will help immensely.


This is what I can't wrap my head around. There was a Reddit thread about an "easy strategy" and it casually required the group to bring 4+ LOLhorns.
If it requires 4+ of the most OP single target weapon in the game that is still very rare I don't consider it a valid strategy. Bungie simply can't make encounters so hard that it basically requires a setup like that to even have a fighting chance.
They either scale it to a point where Gjallas aren't a requirement or buff other RLs to a point where they deal comparable but still less damage.

I completely agree with you.

This is why Xur will sell the Horn tomorrow!
Maybe :/


I feel like just doing the first two parts on my Warlock and asking for a Crota checkpoint for her. I don't care about possible exotic drop at Deathsinger.
I feel like just doing the first two parts on my Warlock and asking for a Crota checkpoint for her. I don't care about possible exotic drop at Deathsinger.

You can always just do Deathsinger on normal.

PPl have confirmed that drop still works as a chest. You can only get it once between hard and normal. (That's only for Deathsinger btw)


It's funny you have not once provided strategies. Just vague comments on team skill.

That's because we do nothing really different except for ogres.

Alright here goes.

We use the left strategy as we do on normal. We have two people dedicated shooting boomers. Call them out and other guys help. Once the first set is dead everyone helps downing sword bearer. Be it with grenades, supers or heavy. A titan should place his bubble down at the rock that people use to jump up to Crota. This gives the sword carrier the super by just picking up the two orbs. We use a blade dancer Hunter for sword so while waiting for him to get in place and go invis the other five guys should focus on the Wizard. Then call out the rockets. Don't waste any three Ghorn are enough to down him. If you don't have people eith ghorn try experimenting how many rockets you need to down him. This might cost a few synths at first but will help with subsequent runs if you know how much damage you need to drop him.

Then the blade dancer does his thing. Either combo two times and smash or 4x smash, drop sword and turn invis. Wait for the second go and get out of there. Everyone regroups left. Same deal as before once the second sword bearer is out. Pop bubble and go at him.

Now the hardest part is the ogres if you can't kill him before and I reckon most groups won't be able to do it consistently. So after that second sword is gone have everyone haul ass to the right bottom tower room where the right Ogre spawns. Stand on top of the ledges there and wait for him to come out. Then wreck him with snipers and heavy. You can safely stay in that room to snipe the second ogre that is roaming outside too. Depending on how many people have Gjalla you can even split up into two groups of three and spawn kill both Ogres. So once that is done Crota will be middle and almost ready to go right again. Don't panic you need to kill him with the third sword anyway so wait for him to go right and setup on the left again.
Wait for Crota to go middle and burn the sword bearer. Same deal as before and then once he enrages just get him down a second time, don't worry about Oversoul and enjoy the kill.

Most groups I have watched have trouble with Ogres and this just makes them a non issue.


I find myself stuck at home most of this weekend and might finally succumb and pick up the expansion.

I have a lvl 28 Warlock and 27 Titan. I know a lot has changed, especially with gear.Any site that would explain what I need to do now to progress?

Deku Tree

Hoping the same, would love that auto rifle as well. Thankfully I have 3 characters at 32, so getting it should not be too difficult with alts.

In other news, once I collect the 4 weapons, I plan on never stepping foot in the hard mode crota raid ever again. Unless they make some significant changes to it.

Yup it was kind of frustrating that only two of us survived to the end of the Bridge section on my team and I was one of them and then four of us got the AR and I was not one of them. Hopefully that means it is a fairly frequent drop and maybe I can hope to get it soon.
That's because we do nothing really different except for ogres.

Alright here goes.

We use the left strategy as we do on normal. We have two people dedicated shooting boomers. Call them out and other guys help. Once the first set is dead everyone helps downing sword bearer. Be it with grenades, supers or heavy. A titan should place his bubble down at the rock that people use to jump up to Crota. This gives the sword carrier the super by just picking up the two orbs. We use a blade dancer Hunter for sword so while waiting for him to get in place and go invis the other five guys should focus on the Wizard. Then call out the rockets. Don't waste any three Ghorn are enough to down him. If you don't have people eith ghorn try experimenting how many rockets you need to down him. This might cost a few synths at first but will help with subsequent runs if you know how much damage you need to drop him.

Then the blade dancer does his thing. Either combo two times and smash or 4x smash, drop sword and turn invis. Wait for the second go and get out of there. Everyone regroups left. Same deal as before once the second sword bearer is out. Pop bubble and go at him.

Now the hardest part is the ogres if you can't kill him before and I reckon most groups won't be able to do it consistently. So after that second sword is gone have everyone haul ass to the right bottom tower room where the right Ogre spawns. Stand on top of the ledges there and wait for him to come out. Then wreck him with snipers and heavy. You can safely stay in that room to snipe the second ogre that is roaming outside too. Depending on how many people have Gjalla you can even split up into two groups of three and spawn kill both Ogres. So once that is done Crota will be middle and almost ready to go right again. Don't panic you need to kill him with the third sword anyway so wait for him to go right and setup on the left again.
Wait for Crota to go middle and burn the sword bearer. Same deal as before and then once he enrages just get him down a second time, don't worry about Oversoul and enjoy the kill.

Most groups I have watched have trouble with Ogres and this just makes them a non issue.

Does the Swordbearer or the Gatekeeper go inside the bottom of the tower? If not, I will give this a shot. I thought about us hiding there yesterday in our first attempts but I just assumed the GK would follow us there as well.


please don't get burnt out before tonight.
I'm probably just gonna be doing bounties unless there's a spot in some raid group doing the Crota fight on hard. I'll join them with my Hunter and join you guys with my Warlock or Titan. Most likely my Warlock.


Are the Lamps and bridge doable at 31? I want that Auto Rifle but only have 1 character at 32

As long as you have people carrying you yes. We only played the first raid with a full team of 32's. The second and third had one 31 each whole way through. I can't imagine it's much fun though. My buddy said it was like watching a stream because he was dead most of the time.


I'm probably just gonna be doing bounties unless there's a spot in some raid group doing the Crota fight on hard. I'll join them with my Hunter and join you guys with my Warlock or Titan. Most likely my Warlock.

you wanna save the lamp section on HM and do it with me? I still suck doing it solo. I wanna see if I can get a gun drop for my alts there.


I find myself stuck at home most of this weekend and might finally succumb and pick up the expansion.

I have a lvl 28 Warlock and 27 Titan. I know a lot has changed, especially with gear.Any site that would explain what I need to do now to progress?
You basically need to buy an Exotic, which now scales to 36 Light, and change two of your current armor pieces for new Vendor Legendaries.

Once you buy the DLC you'll open the Eris quests, which ultimately reward you with some Legendary Gauntlets. You then spend 75 Marks on a pair of boots. Between your Exotic, the Eris gauntlets and your new vendor boots you can hit level 30 once you upgrade them :)

At level 30 you can run Weekly Heroic, Nighftall, Normal/Heroic VoG and Normal Crota's End. You'll eventually start replacing your gear with CE armor drops which will take you to 31 then 32.


Does the Swordbearer or the Gatekeeper go inside the bottom of the tower? If not, I will give this a shot. I thought about us hiding there yesterday in our first attempts but I just assumed the GK would follow us there as well.

Well sword bearer is not up when Ogres are out and the gatekeeper just chills elsewhere I guess. We never saw him in there.


You basically need to buy an Exotic, which now scales to 36 Light, and change two of your current armor pieces for new Vendor Legendaries.

Once you buy the DLC you'll open the Eris quests, which ultimately reward you with some Legendary Gauntlets. You then spend 75 Marks on a pair of boots. Between your Exotic, the Eris gauntlets and your new vendor boots you can hit level 30 once you upgrade them :)

At level 30 you can run Weekly Heroic, Nighftall, Normal/Heroic VoG and Normal Crota's End. You'll eventually start replacing your gear with CE armor drops which will take you to 31 then 32.
Thank you!


Yup it was kind of frustrating that only two of us survived to the end of the Bridge section on my team and I was one of them and then four of us got the AR and I was not one of them. Hopefully that means it is a fairly frequent drop and maybe I can hope to get it soon.

Seems to be a fairly common drop. I got it at the bridge on all three characters.


Thank you!
You're welcome! This is the cheapest way to do it in terms of marks and shards.

You could also do it by straight up buying all your gear. Helmets are 120 Marks, Chest, Gauntlets and Boots are 75 each. To reach 31 you'd need to max them all out. Not worth it in my opinion.

By purchasing an Exotic helm you get to skip the most expensive marks purchase. Helms are also the rarest raid drop so most level 32 builds use an Exotic helm.

The Eris quest will give you gauntlets, so no need to buy those. 75 Marks saved. Finally, boots don't require a commendation to purchase.

This setup costs 13 Strange Coins and 75 Marks, that's it.

ExoticHelm: 36 Light
Eris Gauntlets: 33 Light
Vendor Boots: 33 Light

That leaves you 18 Light away from level 30. Even a blue will do it, or any old Legendary you have laying around. Then you start playing Crota's End and slowly replacing your stuff with Raid drops. If you get lucky your first raid drop will be a chest, which starts at 30 Light. With the aforementioned setup, adding a 30 Light chest would take you to level 31 even before upgrading it :)
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