The Ogres are not hard to deal with, lots of strats work. You can stay by the crystal to pull them down into the center, then when Crota goes middle go outside and put up some blinding WoL bubbles by the sides to prevent thrall creeping up behind you and dump some GHorns onto their faces.
Nothing is hard about HM Crota fight: it's just a tedious bore. Especially once you get the hand cannon and/or scout rifle, just fight Crota on normal for exotic/helmet chances and wait until HoW raises the level cap and makes the fight completely trivial again. There are easy ways to completely avoid every "new mechanic" in HM Crota fight:
(1) Don't ever kill both tower knights on one side (except during Ogre phase if you want) so that the wizard never spawns. Kill one knight, then wait for the second one to respawn and kill another. You can kill them right when the sword approaches then deal with the wizard but you can also just stagger them so they aren't shooting the sword.
(2) Use a blind bubble or just stay up top to avoid the GKeeper. Stand on the ledge in front of the window for Tower Knight and Shield Break teams.
(3) Titans who pop a bubble will regen their health. Warlocks with Apotheosis Veil, Hunters w/ BDancer health regen, use Red Death or Suros, armor with Infusion to regen health from Orbs, etc. etc. Lots of easy ways to regen health w/o chalice.
(4) Play a better game.