Need two more for normal deathsinger and Crota. Join on Macello
Need two more for normal deathsinger and Crota. Join on Macello
Does anyone have a normal checkpoint for Crota?
Meteorologists hype snow storms more than GAF does with The Last of Us. I have one planned too but don't believe it till I see it.
Do you guys remember back in the day we were stressed about not getting exotic bounties?
Good times.
Forrest through the woods part VI.
Three hard Crota kills.
1. Moi
2. Forrest
3. Deathjr.
Add yourself and I will start when team is full.
Forrest through the woods part VI.
Three hard Crota kills.
1. Moi
2. Forrest
3. Deathjr.
4. Zocano
Add yourself and I will start when team is full.
Yup I'm down for this.Forrest through the woods part VI.
Three hard Crota kills.
1. Moi
2. Forrest
3. Deathjr.
4. Zocano
5. coy
Add yourself and I will start when team is full.
Yo, this is straight up me, I'm just under 600 hours across both my characters and I still don't have a Ghorn.
It's why I don't even bother trying to maximize my chances at it and put in the time to raid and shit now that I'm 32 on both characters. RNG is just too dumb and getting a group together to do PVE which I don't enjoy as much as PVP, just so I can end up not getting Ghorn for the umpteenth time isn't worth the time investment. I just do my Nightfalls and weeklys, at least then when I get crummy rewards it isn't after potentially 2-3 hours of getting a group together, only to maybe suck.
Honestly, I don't know if I really care or maybe I care too much, I just know I'd rather be wrecking dudes in PVP.
Full by now?Alright. Just join me up in orbit and my party. Waiting on everyone.
Full by now?
Loading into tower. Delamarch in your friend listSend invite to Kadey1up.
How often do these pop up? I've probably played 200ish hours, do at least 2 or 3 bounties a day (usually more) and I've had ONE exotic bounty from Xander. Is that about right?
Does Impact and Damage matter in PVP? I don't understand how these handcannons are killing me in one shot when it takes me 3-4 with near max impact.
Also is the resource bonus just a scam because I'm still just getting 1 per node.
Anyone up for Xyor to make it less painful? I'll be your best friend and/or do something equally unpleasant for you!
PSN: xGrief
I can help, got that bounty sitting on my Titan. We'll call it even if you help me transfer a CP from my Hunter to my Titan then we can bust out Xyor. Sent FR.
Anyone up for Xyor to make it less painful? I'll be your best friend and/or do something equally unpleasant for you!
PSN: xGrief
Very sorry, my VoG team, that I had to bail. Wife enraged much early tonight. I guess it can't be helped since she's pregnant. Our good doctor here can tell you how evil estrogen is. It makes womapen crazier than they already normally are...![]()
Any non busy guardians have the gorgy checkpoint?
Edit Nevermind. stuck on Contacting destiny servers as I almost landed to tower.
Great run guys. Thanks.
Got another Fang and Word and some goodies. Another warlock helm. My 999999999999th and without infusion.
Great run guys. Thanks.
Got another Fang and Word and some goodies. Another warlock helm. My 999999999999th and without infusion.
I finally got one on the 2nd run. Also, thanks for letting me be a spectator for the last run. I won't lie: I thought my dying before leaving the crystal room with y'all still downing him would reward me with a Horn as I was led to believe that's how it works.Good runs, no drama. Got nothing worthwhile though, still hunting for infusion helms for all my characters...
2nd Crux. I'll just keep it around just in case we need them for HoW.
That should have worked.I finally got one on the 2nd run. Also, thanks for letting me be a spectator for the last run. I won't lie: I thought my dying before leaving the crystal room with y'all still downing him would reward me with a Horn as I was led to believe that's how it works.
Yeah I have it.
Anyone up for Xyor to make it less painful? I'll be your best friend and/or do something equally unpleasant for you!
Edit: Thanks Drizzay and Grief, finally have Thorn. Now Bungie just needs to let me play as a Vandal so I can quad wield this, TLW and the two Hawkmoons I got last night![]()
I finally got one on the 2nd run. Also, thanks for letting me be a spectator for the last run. I won't lie: I thought my dying before leaving the crystal room with y'all still downing him would reward me with a Horn as I was led to believe that's how it works.
That should have worked.
Thanks all. Got 2 more fangs *sigh* No Ghorn, no crux.
Anyone wants to run Abyss 2-3 times? I know it sounds like fun, but the pulse is the only weapon that I miss.